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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@lmkk I would love to form a video chat group. I think it will help us find solutions. 

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@lmkk I would love to form a video chat group. I think it will help us find solutions. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@brianar77 how long before your symptoms went away

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Posted by: @gingerjones
Posted by: @meljg


I’m having some crazy itching on my chest and some weird stuff going on with my stomach.

Is anyone experiencing itching especially on the chest and if you’re having GI issues, what are they?

I had GI issues for the first 3 or 4 months...lost over 50lbs...they tried to tell me it was acid reflux and or gastritis...don't worry, it will eventually resolve...

I have GI issues, acid reflux for 4 months now. Have you been able to gain weight back?

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@meljg I had that a few weeks back but its gone on its own. I think the symptoms are fading by its own due to the vaccine. if you can read the earlier posts here, most of them get better by 3mos or earlier or max 6mos or as others longer than that. It depends on the body, I will observe my lumpy feeling as sometimes it disappears though. The cases where I am is quite high so I'm trying to stay away from any clinics/hospital and here's to praying, we don't have any long term effects from it. 

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Hi, tried betahistine but took only about 2 days as it made me extremely nauseous.

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I believe there are just not that many great options on the table. I have seen what Covid (the delta and alpha strains) can do and how dangerous it can be, myself, up close.. I know people who have long covid and wish they had had their vaccine. And then there are us, who have these complications. So I mean, not getting vaccinated itsnt a great option too.. its a predicament.. best wishes

Kristin, Covid vaccine, DrL and 3 people reacted
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thanks for sharing, resveratrol looks like something that could indeed be useful.. best

Rainyday and Rainyday reacted
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Posted by: @s-m-a
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @s-m-a

@medee yes. For sure. I had a lot of head pain, headaches, head pressure. It felt like a head cold all the time but without the mucus. It was constant. In the temples, in the nose, in the ears. I really feel like my head was severely inflamed. There were two times in my life that I remember having the worst headaches I have ever had. First, after I caught Covid, and they lasted for a few months and were excruciating. The second was after the second Pfizer shot, and they were just as bad but had a whole slew of other symptoms at the same time that I didn't have with Covid, like the dizziness and head fullness. I found that my muscles in my neck and shoulders and all the way up my neck were very badly swollen and bulging. This was terrifying because they were noticeably larger. And I got a neck massager and started with the cold compresses and daily massages. It really helped all around. It made them sore, but looser and I think some oxygen finally started to get to my brain. Also, I had only one day of not being dizzy in the middle of all of this before the last time. The last time I had a very severe migraine. The worst, barr none, of my life. It hurt for two days and my temple was actually sore. And sore to the touch. But I didn't get dizzy after it like I expected to be and I haven't been dizzy since. As far as stomach issues, it maybe the supplements. I did have a stomach infection right after my symptoms stopped. Like a few weeks and it was an infection. I had a scan and everything. High WBC count, the whole nine. I ended up getting my yearly colonoscopy and some strong antibiotics and steroids. The MRI showed inflammation from start to finish through my whole digestive tract. I don't relate it to the vaccine, but possibly the supplements or medications I was taking could have made it happen. Or a random infection that coincided with the end of all those symptoms. I really don't know, but it was awful and you should get up a GI appointment if you are worried. I can't say it was the vaccine, but it did happen and I figured I would mention it given your symptoms. Go to the doctor. THAT symptom can usually be solved with some steroids. I was at the point where I hadn't eaten anything and I couldn't eat anything and I was in pain and all of that because I refused to go to the GI doctor until I couldn't stand it anymore. It would have been much more manageable if I had just gone when it started. At least have some blood work done to see if you have a gut infection. All of this is terrible. It seems never ending, and I felt like giving up so many times, but a lot of it, like 90 percent, is the anxiety caused by the shot. It's involuntary and it's real. You have to get control over it. Call your doctor and ask for some anti anxiety pills if you have to, but you will heal faster when you can breath through it. You aren't dead yet and neither are we. I know how you feel. I thought it over and over that this shot was going to kill me. I had it set in my mind so that any new thing or recurrence of an old thing would set me off on days on end of how I was dying. It is a symptom. I am convinced of it. Take it one day at a time. You are still here. You can get better. You have to tell yourself until you believe it. When the anxiety breaks some, it really helps other stuff too. Breath. Neck massager. Cold compresses on the head and neck. Call your doctor. It takes time. 

Thank you! I am trying my best to take it one day at a time. But it wears on you most of the times, especially when you continue getting new symptoms every now and then.

Unlike you, I cannot take any medication as all the tablets I took in these 2 months only made my condition worse. It didn't work on me. Maybe I would've been at a better place both mentally and physically had I not gulped all the tablets prescribed. But who knew how this all works.

Unfortunately I do not have any medical help here in India. They just snap at you and laugh it out or ignore your injury. Things have been difficult for me. You won't believe but the Cardiologist I last saw didn't want to believe me and asked for a Psychiatric advise.

He told my mom to wait back and spoke to her separately telling her that I am all scared and this is anxiety. When she told him it isn't and how messed up my condition has been post vaccine, he asked both of us to see a Psychiatrist. How inhumane and unprofessional is that!!! And these are well reputated specialists with the highest ratings! 

I am still trying to look for a doctor who could help me with some blood works and prescribe some supplements accordingly. Even for that I have to struggle coz they just don't want to speak or hear anything about it. We don't have any Naturopaths here nor Functional doctors. Have a couple but don't seem legitimate and would charge a lumpsum amount for a 2-3 months diet plan which you have to pay in one go.

I tried to speak with the Neurologist about inflammation and he said it could be or cannot be but there's no test to rule that out. I didn't know if what he said was true. I knew he doesn’t want to speak about it. This is how things are out here.

I just wonder how many people must be there in my overly populated country who have no where to go, no help, no resource. Don't see anyone here talking about it but have heard there any many in every locality suffering in silence coz if they speak in the open, maybe they will be attacked and nobody has the strength when we're already down with so many symptoms. Moreover the crowd is poor ir earn minimal wage or salaried people. They cannot do much. We will be easily suppressed.

I just hope something works out for me. Hope I come back soon and update a recovery post. Not sure when but I hope the day comes soon.

So do I. We have doctors here in the States that also won't hear of it being related to the vaccine. The first doctor I went to told me I had no sign of an ear infection but it must be an ear infection because it couldn't be the vaccine. She said any effects of the vaccine would be completely gone in two weeks or so. I was sick for three months ths and two weeks. It was absolutely the vaccine. I think they can't say because there's nothing anyone can do about it. The manufacturers are protected. And now they can mandate a shot where there is no recourse if it injures you. That isn't right. If it's safe enough to be mandated, then why can't you sue if it hurts you? Now they're sticking this stuff into children. 

Are you still well? Did you have any relapses?


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just wanting to see if anyone has had similar or the same side effects as me. 

- dizziness

- chest pain, sometimes dull and like pressure. Sometime very sharp and radiates to my shoulder

- headaches

- racing heart rate, especially when I move or exert myself.

-  shortness of breath.

I have had these symptoms for 4-5 weeks on and off

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Posted by: @pcmn


Hi, tried betahistine but took only about 2 days as it made me extremely nauseous.

Thanks for replying and sorry they didn't work for you. That's the trouble with trying new meds, you never know if you're going to get side effects, especially if you're like me, susceptible to them. 😊🙏

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@centralx 100 percent agree with you on that, most my friends and family are double vexed or with booster aswell. I only managed the one then this shit all happened 😅 feels like I have no immune system now never got a cold really before this. Hopefully I get over this viral thing what ever it is soon. 
must crazy but it’s caused like a lot of weakness In my muscles especially neck. Feels like some sort of nervous system problem 👎 hope your feeling ok 👍

for everyone out there which is worrying that dizziness will not go. Mine went about month 5. I’ve had a few flare ups after Christmas with dizziness but it’s nowhere near as bad. Neck and back pain  and head pressure has come on in month 6 but I’m putting it down to stress and a virus as in December I felt so much better with only minimal symptoms then after Christmas get togethers I’ve picked something up so been hit back a couple steps. But in all I hope it’s good news for people out there that improvements will show just try keep healthy as possible and stay away from colds and stuff 😂 

Josephine and Josephine reacted
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So I phoned my doctors again today as I’m still suffering symptoms of dizziness, ear pain and pressure and hearing loss. The only thing they could do is refer me onto to ENT I’ve tried all the medication they can give me. Trying to live with these symptoms is making me very down. Before I had none of these issues. Don’t know what else to do. Doctor thinks it’s Ménière's disease. Has anyone got any advice what other treatment I can try? Thanks

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @s-m-a
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @s-m-a

@medee yes. For sure. I had a lot of head pain, headaches, head pressure. It felt like a head cold all the time but without the mucus. It was constant. In the temples, in the nose, in the ears. I really feel like my head was severely inflamed. There were two times in my life that I remember having the worst headaches I have ever had. First, after I caught Covid, and they lasted for a few months and were excruciating. The second was after the second Pfizer shot, and they were just as bad but had a whole slew of other symptoms at the same time that I didn't have with Covid, like the dizziness and head fullness. I found that my muscles in my neck and shoulders and all the way up my neck were very badly swollen and bulging. This was terrifying because they were noticeably larger. And I got a neck massager and started with the cold compresses and daily massages. It really helped all around. It made them sore, but looser and I think some oxygen finally started to get to my brain. Also, I had only one day of not being dizzy in the middle of all of this before the last time. The last time I had a very severe migraine. The worst, barr none, of my life. It hurt for two days and my temple was actually sore. And sore to the touch. But I didn't get dizzy after it like I expected to be and I haven't been dizzy since. As far as stomach issues, it maybe the supplements. I did have a stomach infection right after my symptoms stopped. Like a few weeks and it was an infection. I had a scan and everything. High WBC count, the whole nine. I ended up getting my yearly colonoscopy and some strong antibiotics and steroids. The MRI showed inflammation from start to finish through my whole digestive tract. I don't relate it to the vaccine, but possibly the supplements or medications I was taking could have made it happen. Or a random infection that coincided with the end of all those symptoms. I really don't know, but it was awful and you should get up a GI appointment if you are worried. I can't say it was the vaccine, but it did happen and I figured I would mention it given your symptoms. Go to the doctor. THAT symptom can usually be solved with some steroids. I was at the point where I hadn't eaten anything and I couldn't eat anything and I was in pain and all of that because I refused to go to the GI doctor until I couldn't stand it anymore. It would have been much more manageable if I had just gone when it started. At least have some blood work done to see if you have a gut infection. All of this is terrible. It seems never ending, and I felt like giving up so many times, but a lot of it, like 90 percent, is the anxiety caused by the shot. It's involuntary and it's real. You have to get control over it. Call your doctor and ask for some anti anxiety pills if you have to, but you will heal faster when you can breath through it. You aren't dead yet and neither are we. I know how you feel. I thought it over and over that this shot was going to kill me. I had it set in my mind so that any new thing or recurrence of an old thing would set me off on days on end of how I was dying. It is a symptom. I am convinced of it. Take it one day at a time. You are still here. You can get better. You have to tell yourself until you believe it. When the anxiety breaks some, it really helps other stuff too. Breath. Neck massager. Cold compresses on the head and neck. Call your doctor. It takes time. 

Thank you! I am trying my best to take it one day at a time. But it wears on you most of the times, especially when you continue getting new symptoms every now and then.

Unlike you, I cannot take any medication as all the tablets I took in these 2 months only made my condition worse. It didn't work on me. Maybe I would've been at a better place both mentally and physically had I not gulped all the tablets prescribed. But who knew how this all works.

Unfortunately I do not have any medical help here in India. They just snap at you and laugh it out or ignore your injury. Things have been difficult for me. You won't believe but the Cardiologist I last saw didn't want to believe me and asked for a Psychiatric advise.

He told my mom to wait back and spoke to her separately telling her that I am all scared and this is anxiety. When she told him it isn't and how messed up my condition has been post vaccine, he asked both of us to see a Psychiatrist. How inhumane and unprofessional is that!!! And these are well reputated specialists with the highest ratings! 

I am still trying to look for a doctor who could help me with some blood works and prescribe some supplements accordingly. Even for that I have to struggle coz they just don't want to speak or hear anything about it. We don't have any Naturopaths here nor Functional doctors. Have a couple but don't seem legitimate and would charge a lumpsum amount for a 2-3 months diet plan which you have to pay in one go.

I tried to speak with the Neurologist about inflammation and he said it could be or cannot be but there's no test to rule that out. I didn't know if what he said was true. I knew he doesn’t want to speak about it. This is how things are out here.

I just wonder how many people must be there in my overly populated country who have no where to go, no help, no resource. Don't see anyone here talking about it but have heard there any many in every locality suffering in silence coz if they speak in the open, maybe they will be attacked and nobody has the strength when we're already down with so many symptoms. Moreover the crowd is poor ir earn minimal wage or salaried people. They cannot do much. We will be easily suppressed.

I just hope something works out for me. Hope I come back soon and update a recovery post. Not sure when but I hope the day comes soon.

So do I. We have doctors here in the States that also won't hear of it being related to the vaccine. The first doctor I went to told me I had no sign of an ear infection but it must be an ear infection because it couldn't be the vaccine. She said any effects of the vaccine would be completely gone in two weeks or so. I was sick for three months ths and two weeks. It was absolutely the vaccine. I think they can't say because there's nothing anyone can do about it. The manufacturers are protected. And now they can mandate a shot where there is no recourse if it injures you. That isn't right. If it's safe enough to be mandated, then why can't you sue if it hurts you? Now they're sticking this stuff into children. 

Are you still well? Did you have any relapses?


Hi Dee. I hope this new year is treating you well. I am in a bit of a situation at the moment. I don't have dizzy spells, but every person I work with except for me and one other is out with Covid. I do believe I am coming down with it. I will have to have a test, when I can find one, but at the moment, I have a very sore throat, astuffy nose, and sweats periodically. A lot of stomach issues the last two days. The only thing I am worried about is the headaches. They have begun in the last few days and they are severe, like after the vaccine, but haven't escalated to that very level as of yet. If it does get there, it is because of this Omicron variant that is absolutely everywhere in the US right now. But if I don't test positive, then maybe it is a relapse. I don't think so right now, but I will update if it gets any worse and if I can find a test. No high fever so far. I hope you are doing at least a little bit better. I am constantly thinking of all of you guys and praying someone with some sort of platform will see how we are being effected and advocate for us so some doctor who wants to get published can do something to help us. On YouTube, Dr. Syed Mobeen has a channel. In the last few weeks, he has set forth a few videos that explain somewhat how this could have happened to us all. His wife has our symptoms after the vaccine and he believes we are all vaccine injured. I think so too. You should watch them. They are a bit technical, but if I pay attention, I can follow along so I think anyone could get the just of what he is saying. Basically our bodies are making antibodies to the antibodies that we created with the vaccine. Those antibodies also bind to our ace 2 receptors, like the virus spike protein does, and causes an inflammatory autoimmune type effect. Scary stuff. Is so, this is possibly a new autoimmune condition that has never really been seen before, so doctors will naturally try and treat for conditions they know about, if they will even try to treat you, and that won't work because this isn't any of the things that have come before. Just like Covid is not like anything before it. But doctors aren't thinking that way right now. I thought the videos were interesting and helpful. Maybe give them a watch. Have a blessed day. 

DrL, Dee, DrL and 1 people reacted
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@tabby I've been on betahistine for past 3mths. It takes the edge off the dizziness but seems not work consistently. I now 13weeks 2nd jab. Im unable to work and basically live in my room due to nausea once I stand, heaviness in the head and ears, eye tremors, blurred vision and chest pain. I have heart racing and at times very low blood pressure adding to my nausea. I too have anxiety and fear this is our new normal. I am a mother of six and use to running around doing everything. I am now useless!!! I hope you get better soon.

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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