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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Hi this is my first post on here.I have been looking for some answers and I hope someone can help.

I am in the UK I had covid Nov 2020 when it was all still new so no vaccines at that time. I had my 2 Pfizer jabs with no side effects at all...then Nov 2021 I had my Pfizer booster and 2 days after my problems started.

I have epilepsy for 15yrs controlled with medication..the day after my booster I had an MRI as a follow up for my epilepsy changes reported so that was all ok, but the next day my off balance started and we're now in January and if still hasn't gone away...I saw my GP who prescribed Betahistine for the dizziness but it's not really doing anything...I get these attacks most days mainly afternoon time and it only eases if I go to lie down for it to pass.It feels like I just go in a ears feel really fuzzy and they occasionly pop...I had them checked and they are clear....this is ruling my life and I getting very irritable managing it all.

I am also starting to get a fear of being around people and I panic in public places because I get the dizzy sensation just come on...everything was fine until my booster this is the only thing I can pin it down to...please can anhone help,any help will be much appreciated.


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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @kimausti

@lmkk I would love to form a video chat group. I think it will help us find solutions. 

I believe there is already a zoom group that has been set up by someone on this forum and several members here are participants. Im Not sure how it works as we are all in different times zones. I will see if I can pull up the link for the zoom  group for you. 👍




I copied and pasted the details of the last zoom meeting hosted by  @courtneymchale2288
Keep an eye out as they may be having another meeting. 



We’ve decided a date and time for a zoom chat! 

Dec 2 2021 at 4:00pm PST 

here is the link if your wanting to join! 


Courtney Dobson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: VEDA Forum Group Zoom
Time: Dec 2, 2021 04:00 PM Vancouver
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 3754 4746
Passcode: xtX3n8
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,84137544746#,,,,*442522# US (San Jose)
+19292056099,,84137544746#,,,,*442522# US (New York)

@kimausti @courtneymchale2288 @lmkk


Could I be involved in this Zoom (VEDA Forum) meeting group? Long-term sufferer (adverse Pfizer 1st shot effects - vertigo, hyperacusis 9 months; tinnitus from getting long Covid 16 months ago). 


Has anyone created a WhatsApp group ? 

This post was modified 3 years ago by Jo England

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@plandistry Thanks for sharing this. My batch was listed amongst the toxic doses with over 1400 adverse reactions.

KitKat, Rainyday, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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My update:

Good news #1: I'm now out from the horrible 2.5 week relapse that started on Christmas.

Good news #2: Since my ears have been clogged the whole time, I have been trying to pop them. It was impossible before, but has become easier and easier during the past month. I also went to have microsuction couple of days ago and afterwards my ears are not clogged anymore at all and my tinnitus dropped significantly (from ~50% to 10-15% of severity). It has been like that for the past few days - still there, but much less noticeable and I can live like that. Maybe that last bit will go away too which would be really awesome. Soo.... might be a good idea to let a specialist check your ears too and clean, if necessary (unless you have done this). There should be "clinics" everywhere and you don't need a referral. My GP was useless and managed to clean only one ear months ago and then just sent me off without any suggestions. Good that I started to look for other options now...

Good news #3: I also had an episode few days ago when I felt 100% fine (which lasted for like an hour) - but it was a good reminder how it was back then and gave me some hope.

Bad news: I still have some GI issues and even worse, I started to feel some sharp and stabbing pain on the right side, just below ribcage, slightly on back... has happened 3 days in a row and lasting around 5 minutes straight... Woke me up today in the middle of night.. Uhh, what now, kidneys?? That hope I just got is being crushed again, very saddening 😞 But fingers crossed it will go away.

KitKat, Sara, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@ichi I have had tinnitus for 50 years now and not sure I could survive without it.  After a while you just get used to it as if it is normal for you.  Mine was from a rock concert and the speakers too close to my head.  😁

I do hope your tinnitus resolves on its own.  And given how it started I would think there is a very good chance of that happening for you.  Mine can't be fixed since it is caused by noise damage. 

Good Luck!  👍🙏

This post was modified 3 years ago by GreenMonster

KitKat, ichi, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@dianesingh Good luck on the spat of good news for the last month.  Maybe it has run its course in you.  Of course you can only hope and pray that is the case. 

Have you tried Ivermectin?  My understanding is it keeps the spike proteins of the vaccine from binding with your cells. It might be too late for that 6 months after taking the first dose.  But so little is known about any positive effects that these so called VACCINES are actually doing if any.

Good luck and will be praying for you. 🙏🙏🙏👍

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hi everyone,

Ive experienced alll of the symptoms in many different body systems that most have mentioned since the vax in June/July last year with a myriad of tests and exams performed many many MANY supplements and natural treatments including physical therapy, complete non-inflammatory diet change, acupuncture, chiropractor etc etc all with minimal improvement  primarily over the last 6 months 

My new naturopathic doctor recommended I look into DNRS, “Dynamic Neural Retraining System” and I can say this has been the most helpful treatment for me compared to any supplement or treatment I’ve tried to date

Basically the Limbic System of the body is affected either over time or with certain triggers that can be due to either physical, emotional or mental trauma aka the vaccine, which was a tip off point for me. This results in a host of symptoms as the Limbic system is impaired and views many different things internal and external as threats and this can cause many symptoms and conditions that can affect multiple bodily systems. Once you address the Limbic system with healing the brain with neuro plasticity, as this is considered a brain injury, all symptoms subside and healing is achieved

This program has been eye opening and a game changer for me, I highly recommend anyone on here look into it as it explains the many many mystery symptoms we experience! You can find many YouTube testimonials of people who have completely healed from various illnesses and conditions including long hauler conditions which is similar to what we’re experiencing

DNRS, “Retraining the Brain” by Annie Hopper. Hope this helps! ❤️


Buzzgirl, PoorKitty, Madelynn and 7 people reacted
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@joengland Hello there! we should be create a group or create another meet!

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Just needing to vent:

After a physically exhausting week at work, I had a bad relapse of head pressure and weakness. I resorted to using 400mg of ibuprofen every six hours to reduce inflammation and spent the weekend sitting in a recliner. 

I'm going to speak with my supervisor this morning about being placed back into my old position (which was less physically demanding.) I am terribly anxious about it, but I can't endure another week like the last one. 

I was also perusing our employee handbook and found that I can request a leave of absence up to 12 weeks for serious illness. I could use my paid time off and extended sick leave to pay for the first 4 weeks. I am now seriously considering this and will ask my provider if she could write a note excusing me from work for at least 4 weeks. 

I also discovered that all employees have disability insurance, so I am considering using that, too. I can't believe this, but I now consider myself too disabled to work. I will never heal if I continue to push myself to the extreme each and every week. I've done this for 3.5 months and I feel I can't do it anymore.

Has anyone else requested a leave of absence or tried to get on disability insurance through their workplace? How does one go about doing that? Do I need a doctor's note, or can I personally vouch that I can't physically handle the job at this time? Will they fire me if I reveal how sick I am? 

I've become so discouraged. I was doing better, little by very little, until I tried to push myself with a new position last week. Now I am back to square one. I'm beginning to think this will never end. 

Jo England, DrL, KitKat and 3 people reacted
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Hello, I am very sorry for what you are going through, my situation is something similar, I have to pay the rent, I have a mother who cannot work and a pet, everyone depends on me, I do the shopping, pay bills and debts, in my case my bosses understood my point and I am working from home sometimes with many difficulties but it depends on me if hunger is going to kill me, if you have family try to support them and if you have the possibility to quit your job, do it, it will help you a lot in the recovery, be calm, sleep and have zero anxiety


DrL, Rainyday, DrL and 1 people reacted
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I’m so sorry to hear about your life and you are in my heart to get better quickly.  You are an amazing person and I applaud you. Yes you have to take care of yourself or all those you care for will suffer. Do what you have to do and the rest will fall into place and reach out on this forum for the support you need and deserve. That’s what we are all about.

You go girl!!! The Universe is here for you. 

Rainyday, gingerj, Rainyday and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @gloriam


I’m so sorry to hear about your life and you are in my heart to get better quickly.  You are an amazing person and I applaud you. Yes you have to take care of yourself or all those you care for will suffer. Do what you have to do and the rest will fall into place and reach out on this forum for the support you need and deserve. That’s what we are all about.

You go girl!!! The Universe is here for you. 

I must take care of yourself first....and yes, reach out to this forum any time!!

Rainyday, KitKat, Rainyday and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @rainyday

Just needing to vent:

After a physically exhausting week at work, I had a bad relapse of head pressure and weakness. I resorted to using 400mg of ibuprofen every six hours to reduce inflammation and spent the weekend sitting in a recliner. 

I'm going to speak with my supervisor this morning about being placed back into my old position (which was less physically demanding.) I am terribly anxious about it, but I can't endure another week like the last one. 

I was also perusing our employee handbook and found that I can request a leave of absence up to 12 weeks for serious illness. I could use my paid time off and extended sick leave to pay for the first 4 weeks. I am now seriously considering this and will ask my provider if she could write a note excusing me from work for at least 4 weeks. 

I also discovered that all employees have disability insurance, so I am considering using that, too. I can't believe this, but I now consider myself too disabled to work. I will never heal if I continue to push myself to the extreme each and every week. I've done this for 3.5 months and I feel I can't do it anymore.

Has anyone else requested a leave of absence or tried to get on disability insurance through their workplace? How does one go about doing that? Do I need a doctor's note, or can I personally vouch that I can't physically handle the job at this time? Will they fire me if I reveal how sick I am? 

I've become so discouraged. I was doing better, little by very little, until I tried to push myself with a new position last week. Now I am back to square one. I'm beginning to think this will never end. 

Good luck with your request I hope you get what you want we are all rooting for you.

You sound exhausted you must get some rest and have some you time. Best wishes. 🙂

DrL, Rainyday, DrL and 1 people reacted
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Wow - I wanted to thank everyone for your kind and thoughtful responses. I almost started crying. It means more than you'll ever know. I am so thankful I found this forum. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hi everyone, not sure how to post here, but since there are 898 pages of replies here, I guess everyone just keeps adding. I received my second dose in April of 2021. About a month after, I started feeling what I describe as "Spatial Awareness" issues. I just felt like I couldn't exactly determine where my head was in relation to my actual position, I've had dizziness and weird vision issues. I ended up going to the ER to rule out any acute brain issues and all tests came out negative and I subsequently visited neurologist, had brain MRI, to further rule out MS symptoms, everything negative. I had numbness in my left foot as well. I also visited ophthalmologist. It's now January 2022 and I still have these same symptoms. I recently visited ENT and he said everything was fine, he did those "maneuvers" in the office to test my ears. So, I really do not know what to do now. I just live with it. No booster for me. Thanks for the opportunity to post my experience.

DrL, KitKat, DrL and 1 people reacted
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