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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I experience pain at the injection site 7 months after the vaccine. Does anyone have similar symptoms? Write me! I don't know what to do or when it will end!

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@rosew I’m member of a Facebook Group called Covid vaccine-Long Haul Support Group

RoseW and RoseW reacted
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@glenb Hi Glen delighted to hear you're doing better and close to 100%. Did your hand tremors disappear? I still have internal tremors/vibrations (reduced over 3 months) but the hand tremors (and fingers) still shake and it drives me crazy (both hands).



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Posted by: @cantfindausername776

@abby6 hi ! Also feeling pains in my arms and extreme fatigue . If anyone has any tips or done something to make the pain better … 

it’s weird sometimes radiates to my fingers too , this is a new symptom since I’ve had like 10 others that seem a little better but now this weird pain has arrived 


ugh so sick of this

Hi, sorry for the late reply. A couple of days ago, I had the usual aches, fatigue and heavy leg feeling. I remember I had a heating pad from when my husband hurt his back. That night, when I got in bed, I used the heating pad in my lower back and legs for about an hour. I fell asleep and the next morning my leg muscles felt good. I have been trying this almost every night for about an hour before falling asleep. Give it a try! I hope it gives you some relief. 

Rheumatology appointment is coming up soon. I’ll update when I have some info.

Tabby, KitKat, Justagirl14!! and 7 people reacted
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This an article from an SARS-CoV-2 researcher in the NHS that had a severe reaction to the vaccine.

AliceKate, Andy, Nick P and 11 people reacted
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Posted by: @abby6

This an article from an SARS-CoV-2 researcher in the NHS that had a severe reaction to the vaccine.

Thank you for posting this. Interesting about the possible vaccine-induced vitamin B12 deficiency.

Andy, KitKat, Cary L and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @carym23
Posted by: @plandistry
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @rainyday

@carym23 Providers who "diagnose" our symptoms as anxiety and depression are willfully ignorant, in my opinion, and should not be practicing medicine. They know something is wrong, but they're unwilling to look further into it. It's far simpler to slap a diagnosis of "anxiety and depression" onto a patient and put the blame back on them than to put actual time and effort into figuring why their symptoms began - and how to treat them.

You take an oath when you become a medical professional to do no harm. Well, when they willfully choose not to treat a patient by falsely diagnosing them with something they know a patient doesn't have so they don't have to put any additional effort into their treatment - that's doing harm and going against everything they should stand for. Why not simply admit they don't know what's going on, but they're going to work with you until they do? 

Here is what is going on.  The decision makers are looking at the data (which may be flawed) and they are saying:

This vaccine will save 1 billion people (made up number for comparison sake) but will harm 10,000 people.

They are pulling the lever to save the billion and we are the collateral damage.

Note: Many of us would have been fine with Covid...and yes, some of us would not have been fine with Covid.

This is taught in public policy medical classes.

The number of people impacted negatively by the vaccine is grossly understated. Datamining of the VAERS shows that some batches have much higher reporting of side effects, however VAERS data is widely regarded as having dramatic under reporting so those numbers need to be extrapolated out by perhaps hundreds of thousands. For example if X batch has 2,000 people reporting side effects, given that batch may have had 1,000,000 recipients of it, we could extrapolate out the number of people having issues in the tens of thousands - but never reported.

DMED is a much better database for tracking (DoD), and the preliminary whistleblower results of those show a fairly shocking number of reported vaccine injury cases in the military.

I suspect the numbers of vaccine injured is very very understated based on anecdotal data from my home/work/family. I now know of a half dozen people in my circle that are reporting vaccine injury to me - often unwillingly admitting to it - and feel that the number of people unwilling to accept it as the root cause of their issue is substantially higher. I know of three people in my family/friend circle who have had sudden cardiac arrest or strokes - and all three were considered healthy prior to this. A co-workers friend just died of sudden cardiac arrest at 40 years old with no underlying health conditions.

Another aspect that needs to be studied is there is emerging evidence for Biological Age Acceleration and Telomere Shortening in both Long COVID and Post-Vaccinated. This could have rather 'profound' consequences over the long term.

What baffles me is something very simple - how are the masses not seeing the abnormality with all of this? How are they accepting this as normal? Before the vaccines I was only aware of one person in my family/friend circle to ever have a heart attack or stroke in decades! Now suddenly 3 have had one in a span of 6 months? In a given year we'd hear about only a single athlete or less worldwide having sudden cardiac arrest, and now I hear of them almost daily.

In close - I think the numbers of impacted people may be grossly understated or even widely suppressed with an intimidation campaign. If people are getting shadow banned on social media for even mentioning things like this, then the avenues of voicing concerns/issues becomes very limited, and in fact - people become silenced.

Indeed! I think its under reported because people don't know where to go to report it, healthcare staff are overwhelmed and its a time consuming process, professional and social intimidation and because symptoms show up days to weeks after the shot is received many don't associate their symptom(s) with the vax.  Taking all this into consideration, as well as MD ignorance and/or unwillingness to stir the pot, I would agree completely that the real numbers are exponentially higher. 

I have heard Dr. Malone state that the difficulty they had with the mRNA technology in animals was that they couldn't control the high levels of inflammation. We also know that COVID infection (probably the spike protein) causes a hyperinflammatory state in many people. Therefore, it's pretty clear that is what's  going on but why does it last so long? What triggers the relapses? 

I am also wondering if the prolonged, recurrent high inflammatory state is exacerbating previous conditions.  I hear of people struggling with pain in joints that were injured years ago, simple reflux and gastritis issues turn into severe burning pain and discomfort along the entire GI tract leading to hospitalization, and a return of other conditions that were well controlled. 

The fact that they know something wrong is seriously going on and they push ahead with mandates is unforgivable. 

Under different circumstances, I suppose I could understand the mentality of: "If these vaccines save one billion lives, but injure ten thousand, so be it." The issue I have is that these vaccines aren't effective at preventing infection - and I question whether they're effective at preventing serious outcomes as well. These are nowhere near polio or smallpox vaccines, for example; they simply don't have the capacity to end this disease. I've long suspected that the Pfizer, J&J, and Moderna tax the immune system so greatly that it's unable to fight anything off - including COVID. 

There are people who are on their fourth booster. At what point does society realize that FOUR SHOTS in one year isn't "doing the trick"? At what point do they realize they've been duped? Eric Clapton said the world is under "mass hypnosis" with these vaccines and I couldn't agree more. It's terribly frightening how easily people are convinced that they need shot after shot after shot after shot. . .to be "healthy." What else can they be convinced of if it's on ABC News?

I agree that the vaccines induce a hyper-inflammatory immune response that lasts for months. I work in an outpatient clinic and I recently called for an appointment reminder for an 83-year old woman who had developed vaginal bleeding after her first dose of Pfizer. I have a family member who reported the same condition. What do you want to bet that neither case was reported to VAERS? I assume there are thousands of people who haven't made the connection with health issues that have suddenly appeared post-vaccination - such as tinnitus or joint pain - and most certainly these health issues haven't been reported. I agree with @plandistry that VAERS provides a grossly UNDERstated amount of adverse effects and that the real number is likely three times as high - or higher. 

It's criminal and downright evil that public health authorities are aware of this but allow it to continue for profit and greed. 

vaxdJJ4-21, KitKat, Cary L and 3 people reacted
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@jaydev55 I'm doing well and yes my hand tremors did resolve, Thanks for asking.

LTN, Barb, LTN and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @andy2022

@glenb Hi Glen delighted to hear you're doing better and close to 100%. Did your hand tremors disappear? I still have internal tremors/vibrations (reduced over 3 months) but the hand tremors (and fingers) still shake and it drives me crazy (both hands).



I don't know how long you have been suffering from this but my hand tremors lasted for a long time and were one of the last symptoms to go.

LTN, Barb, Andy and 3 people reacted
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@glenb Thanks for taking the time to respond Glen. About 3 months so far so may have a few to go unfortunately 🙁

It is getting a little better but I thought the hand tremors may be one of the last symptoms to go. Delighted you are 100%, gives us all hope!

Thanks again


Barb, Tabby, KitKat and 7 people reacted
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Posted by: @carym23

Hello again. Wanted to update you.

Summary: Pfizer shot on 4/29 (no 2nd shot), Swelling around both eyes on 5/7 - 5/9. Headache 5/9, Headache and dizziness 5/11. Headache and dizziness continues on/off plus over time have developed tingling on my scalp, head vibration, high pressure around my eyes and head, brain fog and short term memory issues.

MRI -negative, EEG - Negative, Neuropsychiatric (cognitive/memory test) - normal, CT of sinuses - normal. I'm taking Vit D and eating an anti-inflammatory diet which has helped.

Went for follow up to neurologist today and she told me I have "Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood." I was obviously frustrated and upset. If they had answers, there would be no anxiety! I am not depressed at all. I take that diagnosis very seriously because my heart breaks for people who struggle with depression. I get sad when I relapse but I always lift my spirit up quickly by counting my blessings (like the fact that my symptoms are less frequent and less pronounced).

I told her I took a couple of years off of work to be with my kids but plan to go back in the near future and I cant work in direct patient care with brain fog since I can hurt a patient. She told me to get a simple job like working at Target so I don't worry about this anymore 🙁 She said "you didn't have a stroke and you are not having seizures so you need to just move on." I just can't believe it. 

Today, I realized that we are unlikely to figure this out until those in power decide it is ok for us to know. Doctors are not getting the info they need to look into anything unusual that could be happening. They also risk having issues if what they say results in vaccine hesitancy. Hopefully, those few nonconforming doctors (FLCCC) will figure things out. 

Luckily, the pattern seems to be that we all get better slowly but surely. Let's hope/pray that there are no long term consequences.

My plan now is to go see a holistic doctor and see if they can help.  

That's the route I've started too. It was getting very hard hearing the same ludicrous things over and over again from my GP and specialist consultations.

I am fortunate to have found a naturopathic doctor in my area who actually listens. She's part of a larger forum of functional medicine practitioners who are sharing info on long COVID and vaccine injured patients. She is not a denier.

She recommended an OAT (organic acids test). I think others here have mentioned it too. It measures dozens of chemical biomarkers in your urine related to neurotransmitters, immune function and mineral deficiencies. She said it has revealed issues for several of her current patients, even when bloodwork and other standard tests have turned up nothing. I should have results back in a couple weeks and I'll re-post here if there's any big findings. 

Good luck and don't give up!

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Posted by: @christina

Hi Everyone, 

Just wanted express gratitude for the kindness and generosity of people in this forum.

I've been reading it for days, as I'm 3 weeks along in my journey post my first dose of Pfizer.

I'm an otherwise healthy 35yo woman.   The night of my vaccination I started experiencing blocked ears, noise sensitivity, muscle spasms and also paresthesia.   A few days ago I felt as though symptoms were improving, but then I've had 3 worsening days - perhaps coinciding with my period beginning. 

All-in-all things are manageable, but it's my own fear and anxiety that is most deeply affecting me - the fear of things getting worse, the fear that my ability to make music will be affected.

I'm curious if people whose symptoms appears immediately post vaccination have experienced significant worsening over time, and if there's a trend in when things seem to peak for people.

Sending faith and gentleness to all x


Hang in there. I am now almost 12 weeks in and things for me are so much better than they were.

Before this fall I was a super active and healthy person. I started experiencing symptoms within one day of my 2nd Pfizer. It started with weird tingling and numbness in my injection arm that spread to my shoulder and neck. Then the tinnitus, dizziness and chest pain started a few days later. Things for me peaked around weeks 3-4, kind of stayed there for another few weeks and then gradually seemed to subside.

It was so frightening having no idea or control over what was happening. And not knowing how much deeper the hole would go. 

One of the best pieces of advice someone gave me was to keep a daily diary. It was really hard to do that during my worst days but now I can go back and so clearly see how my symptoms came to a huge crescendo, and then - weirdly - started to settle down. I haven't experienced ongoing flares as some people have, but time will tell.

As others have said, it's so important not to lose faith in your body's capacity to heal. I know that can be difficult to remind yourself in the middle of a flare-up, but I am sitting here today so incredibly grateful that my body did manage to find its way through this.

Wishing you good healing x

LTN, Nick P, Tabby and 7 people reacted
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Posted by: @plandistry
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @rainyday

@carym23 Providers who "diagnose" our symptoms as anxiety and depression are willfully ignorant, in my opinion, and should not be practicing medicine. They know something is wrong, but they're unwilling to look further into it. It's far simpler to slap a diagnosis of "anxiety and depression" onto a patient and put the blame back on them than to put actual time and effort into figuring why their symptoms began - and how to treat them.

You take an oath when you become a medical professional to do no harm. Well, when they willfully choose not to treat a patient by falsely diagnosing them with something they know a patient doesn't have so they don't have to put any additional effort into their treatment - that's doing harm and going against everything they should stand for. Why not simply admit they don't know what's going on, but they're going to work with you until they do? 

Here is what is going on.  The decision makers are looking at the data (which may be flawed) and they are saying:

This vaccine will save 1 billion people (made up number for comparison sake) but will harm 10,000 people.

They are pulling the lever to save the billion and we are the collateral damage.

Note: Many of us would have been fine with Covid...and yes, some of us would not have been fine with Covid.

This is taught in public policy medical classes.

The number of people impacted negatively by the vaccine is grossly understated. Datamining of the VAERS shows that some batches have much higher reporting of side effects, however VAERS data is widely regarded as having dramatic under reporting so those numbers need to be extrapolated out by perhaps hundreds of thousands. For example if X batch has 2,000 people reporting side effects, given that batch may have had 1,000,000 recipients of it, we could extrapolate out the number of people having issues in the tens of thousands - but never reported.

DMED is a much better database for tracking (DoD), and the preliminary whistleblower results of those show a fairly shocking number of reported vaccine injury cases in the military.

I suspect the numbers of vaccine injured is very very understated based on anecdotal data from my home/work/family. I now know of a half dozen people in my circle that are reporting vaccine injury to me - often unwillingly admitting to it - and feel that the number of people unwilling to accept it as the root cause of their issue is substantially higher. I know of three people in my family/friend circle who have had sudden cardiac arrest or strokes - and all three were considered healthy prior to this. A co-workers friend just died of sudden cardiac arrest at 40 years old with no underlying health conditions.

Another aspect that needs to be studied is there is emerging evidence for Biological Age Acceleration and Telomere Shortening in both Long COVID and Post-Vaccinated. This could have rather 'profound' consequences over the long term.

What baffles me is something very simple - how are the masses not seeing the abnormality with all of this? How are they accepting this as normal? Before the vaccines I was only aware of one person in my family/friend circle to ever have a heart attack or stroke in decades! Now suddenly 3 have had one in a span of 6 months? In a given year we'd hear about only a single athlete or less worldwide having sudden cardiac arrest, and now I hear of them almost daily.

In close - I think the numbers of impacted people may be grossly understated or even widely suppressed with an intimidation campaign. If people are getting shadow banned on social media for even mentioning things like this, then the avenues of voicing concerns/issues becomes very limited, and in fact - people become silenced.

You are a good person if you do X, Y, Z.  To question the vaccine means you are not a good person anymore.

Cassandbrooke, Cary L, Rainyday and 2 people reacted
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Hello everyone! I have a question for you . Does anyone ever experience brief sharp pins in the chest area ? 
I have been to 3 cardiologist, had all the tests done and also blood work , had a chest X-ray as well …. Luckily there seems to be no evident problem but at the some time I am worried about this feeling 

has anyone experienced something similar ? 

thankyou in advance 

Dee, KitKat, Dee and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @tabby
Posted by: @sunrise
Posted by: @tabby
Posted by: @tabby

Hi, I got my bloods done and my sugar level has risen to 7.8 (7.7 is normal). My cholesterol has also increased to 5.6 which is border line. I had my bloods done exactly a year ago and everything was normal then pre vax. My sugar used to be 5.0 something. I have to have a repeat in a couple of weeks. I believe the vax has done this, I don't drink, smoke, eat sugary foods, drink sugary drinks and I eat lots of veg, hardly any meat. If over the past year my sugar levels were even higher, is it possible my symptoms have been similar to diabetes? My husband is a diabetic and I used to check my sugar levels with his sugar level testing strips and they have always been low. I just hope my next test is normal, I don't want to be labelled as a diabetic if this is a temporary thing caused by the vax.

I had a repeat blood sugar test done this morning but I already know the results because since the above blood tests were done I've been checking my blood sugar levels with my husbands diabetic kit and it hasn't been above 5.5. This morning it was 5.1. After my husband who is diabetic had his jabs, his sugar levels doubled and he had to adjust his meds. So could it be the jabs are having an effect on sugar levels for some of us who are not diabetics and causing spiking from time to time? 

Hi, Tabby,
It seems that some people have had such complications, unfortunately:

Thank you for this link showing three case studies identifying the link between acute onset of hyperglycemia and the covid-19 vaccine. I have since found another site by entitled Needle of Suspicion - Covid-19 Vaccine could lead to surge in blood sugar levels. It makes me wonder whether my symptoms of headaches, dizziness, fatigue, blurry vision, weight loss and sometimes rapid heart rate have been symptoms of acute onset hyperglycemia since the vax and because I have been careful with my diet and drinking more water, my sugar levels are slowly returning to normal. 🤔

Hi, Tabby!

I'm glad that in your case the situation is normalizing!

I have to say I was a little hesitant, to give or not to give the link.

I thought, it was like giving bad news.

We are, however, assailed by information that can make us sad.

But you never know when such information will actually be helpful to someone.

I thought we should learn to open the various links by setting in advance that we will only take the useful part of the article, so the good part that could be.

For example, in this case:

-only a few cases of a rise in blood sugar after vaccination have been identified in diabetics or people at family risk

-this increase occurred in the first days after vax

-with proper treatment the aggravation phase has been resolved

-conclusions, especially for people with diabetes or at risk of diabetes:

       -it may be useful to examine your blood sugar more often in the first few days after vax (for example, those, who             have diabetes controlled only by diet, do not check their blood sugar often, but in this case, it is recommended)

       -it can be useful a better hydration and a reduced consumption of sweets, in the first days after vax

       -if they appear: increased thirst, very high appetite, weight loss despite a richer diet, abundant urination, dry skin             and mucous membranes, it is useful to control blood sugar.

I think we have to somehow look, more than ever, with all our might, for the full side of the glass, in order to be able to bear it …

Tabby, Cary L, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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