Hallo everybody,
this is my first post here and first of all I would like to say, that my heart goes out to all of you who experienced adverse and damaging effects from the Covid-19 vaccines.
I got one J&J shoot last october and am now due to get at least one more shoot otherwise I will not be able to continue in the career of my choice and will suffer a lot of restrictions in my daily life due to the 2G measures in place here in Germany. Even so I do not see the need to get additional (or any at all) vaccination, as I am a healthy young man and fear vaccine damage, I have to take the risk to not risk my career
Now I just wanted to ask for everybodies advice on which vaccination scheme is most advisable to avoid serious sideeffects? I am recommended to continue with one of the mRNA vaccines, but apparently I could also get a second J&J shot, even so it is not recommened. A third option would be to wait for a month and get Novavax as a second shot. 3 month later I have to get a third booster vaccination.
Are there any numbers on which vaccination schema creates the most problems? Is it better to stick with one technology or is mix & match safer to avoid an overreaction of the immune system and systemic inflammatory response?
Also is there any consensus on recommendable supplements regimes to mitigate or prevent adverse effects of the vaccines?
I was thinking about anti-inflammation supplements like curcumine, reservatol, vitamine c + d and also proteolytic enzymes like nattokinase to clean up spike proteines.
Any other recommendations on mitigating adverse vaccination effects if somebody has to get vaccinated with the Covid19 vaccines 3 times to avoid losing his livelihood?
I would really appriciate your advice and wish everybody who suffered from adverse effects / damage a quick recovery!
@sunrise Thanks, I was grateful for the link to be honest. I know my husband's sugar levels increased following his three vaccinations and I have read others saying the same on diabetic forums. I'm so glad that the problem has been identified because it will help others understand what is going on. Of course, there will be some who are will not make the connection. I have looked at some anxiety forums recently and I've noticed some people have reported weird symptoms over the past year, such as those reported on this forum, but they haven't made the connection to the vax. It sounded all too familiar to me. Who knows what else will be revealed in the future. Regards.
I typically do not post (and hopefully I posted this correctly!) but when I was experiencing fear, anxiety and a desperation to understand what was happening to me, this website had helped me to find that I was not alone with my symptoms and that I did not have a terminal disease but was instead experiencing a side effect of the COVID vaccine, so I felt obligated to share my experience and eventual recovery. I too experienced the debilitating and frightening episodes of dizziness but the good news is that I have recovered, so there is hope! About a month after my 2nd Pfizer vaccine shot, I started experiencing indigestion and then shortly after experienced my first dizzy spell while getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and bumping into the walls from loss of balance. From then on, my head felt constant pressure and I had episodes of dizziness 24/7. Symptoms felt worse when trying to get out of bed in the morning, laying my head on the pillow, or turning my head…every little movement seemed to cause the room to spin. I had never experienced this type of feeling and needless to say, I was scared that this feeling would never go away. Because the symptoms seemed stronger when laying on my right side, I thought I had BPPV or some sort of inner ear issue. I went to therapy but that did not help. Long story short, after 8 months of trial and research, I eventually found that my symptoms were actually caused by INFLAMMATION. The good news: what HELPED to decrease these symptoms was ADVIL (when the symptoms were strong), drinking plenty of WATER, a VITAMIN B COMPLEX (this seemed to help the most!), TURMERIC, and ELIMINATING alcohol and fast food. After much hesitation, I bit the bullet and got my booster shot. I continued my anti-inflammation regime and I am happy to say that my symptoms of dizziness this time around have been prevented by about 98%! In some ways, I think the vaccine had helped me to discover that my body may have been lacking in some nutrients (Vitamin B) and I am now healthier for it. I’m not a doctor, so I’m not sure that my input will help you, but I truly hope it can help ease some of your pain and fear because I had been there for months and would not wish this on anyone! Which is why those of you who think our stories are false or we are anti-vaxxers, you couldn’t be more wrong and mislead and in fact very lucky that you did not have to experience this side effect! Until you have walked in our shoes, please do not judge out of ignorance. That being said, I hope everyone going through this right now will feel better soon!
@glenb Thanks for taking the time to respond Glen. About 3 months so far so may have a few to go unfortunately 🙁
It is getting a little better but I thought the hand tremors may be one of the last symptoms to go. Delighted you are 100%, gives us all hope!
Thanks again
Has anyone's hypnic jerks vanished and never came back?
Mine comes back every now and then, it's too scary. I can't sleep coz of this, my body parts just move involuntarily.
Can someone let me know if this has vanished for them completely? It'll give me hope that one day it'll pass forever.
I got my shot in august and have had those sharp pains ever since. They come and go, and it seems my resting heart rate is higher than it used to be. My doctor did chest X-ray and ekg 2 times and everything seems to be fine. So I’m just hoping and praying that it will go away for good. Some of my other symptoms have seemed to go away and I hope they stay gone.
Hi everyone!
First I wanted to thank you for all the responses and bits of info that is shared here, you're amazing and each injured person here deserve a medal for what they has been through.
Long time lurker, first time poster here, I have signed up to share with you my story and potential remedies that worked for me. Hopefully they may work for you too to make this bizarre condition little more bearable.
Short story:
Received first 2 shots in the beginning of 2021 (January/Feb.) It was Sinopharm (Inactivated Vacc.) with no side effects.
Took Pfizer booster shot on September 16th, and in course of 4 days I've developed difficulty breathing, chest tightness and experienced major panic attack like nothing before. Went to ER/Cardiologist, everything came back normal and symptoms subdued withing a few days.
Everything back to normal and I didn't looked back, until 5 weeks later (October 20th), where I took major neurological hit with extreme dizziness, nausea, fatigue and weakness. MR and blood tests all came back normal, eventually diagnosed with Vestibular neuritis, but that was only the tip of the Iceberg.
Since then, over course of 3+ months I had literary all the symptoms described in this thread here come and go. Neurological, Cardio-Vascular and Metabolic. Went to numerous doctors and spend thousands on worthless medical appointments which didn't do much. The only thing that came back was slightly elevated D-Dimer and low-ish Vitamin D levels.
I had 3 re-lapses, and each one was shorter then previous one. The last one lasted only day and half.
Today, I'm feeling good!! God-bless!
I'm still having some bad days, but they are manageable and not so miserable that they used to be.
Slowly I have begin to re-take my life back, and I'm certain that you can/will do that too!
The single thing that help me the most were medical mushrooms. They had profound impact on my injured immune system. Purely by chance/luck I started to took LION'S MANE (1000mg once a day), in the matter of days terrible brain-fog was gone, and cognitive degradation has improved ten-fold. I have regained my mind!
I've started to look more into mushrooms and REISHI seems like a worth-a-try candidate.
This one took a while to work, but it has been amazing! It helped to calm down anxiety almost instantly, but the most powerful effects it's immuno-modulating and adaptogenic capabilities need a week or two to fully kick in, but once it starts working it's a blessing!
My daily regime is LION'S MANE (1000mg once a day in the morning) and REISHI (400mg x 3 times a day).
Other supplements I take: Vitamin C (500 mg / 2 x day) ; Vitamin D3+K2 (2000 IU) ; B12 (1000qg) ; Vitamin B complex ; CoQ10 (50mg)+Acetyl-L-Carnitine (500mg) and Fish Oil (1000mg)
Also, I turned my life upside-down, quit smoking/drinking coffee, eating only healthy anti-inflammatory foods, having a lots of rest, trying to catch as much sunshine as possible, going early to bed, cut screen-time, do meditations, self-reflecting and pray!
I'm sending you all my love and best wishes and prayers for your triumphant recovery!
This an article from an SARS-CoV-2 researcher in the NHS that had a severe reaction to the vaccine.
Thank you Abby for posting this article. Her low vitamin B-12 and some of the symptoms associated with it prompted me to look into getting myself checked out. I wanted to let you know you can get B-12 and folate checked at Quest diagnostics without a doctors order. You can just buy the test online and schedule an appt. The test was $79.00. Not cheap but I'll be getting it checked on Monday and don't need to wait to see my GP and convince him to order the test. BTW symptoms of B12 deficiency include: fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating and mental impairment, gastrointestinal issues, impaired coordination, visual disturbance and paresthesia (pins and needles).
Have a great evening and stay strong 🙂
Hello again. Wanted to update you.
Summary: Pfizer shot on 4/29 (no 2nd shot), Swelling around both eyes on 5/7 - 5/9. Headache 5/9, Headache and dizziness 5/11. Headache and dizziness continues on/off plus over time have developed tingling on my scalp, head vibration, high pressure around my eyes and head, brain fog and short term memory issues.
MRI -negative, EEG - Negative, Neuropsychiatric (cognitive/memory test) - normal, CT of sinuses - normal. I'm taking Vit D and eating an anti-inflammatory diet which has helped.
Went for follow up to neurologist today and she told me I have "Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood." I was obviously frustrated and upset. If they had answers, there would be no anxiety! I am not depressed at all. I take that diagnosis very seriously because my heart breaks for people who struggle with depression. I get sad when I relapse but I always lift my spirit up quickly by counting my blessings (like the fact that my symptoms are less frequent and less pronounced).
I told her I took a couple of years off of work to be with my kids but plan to go back in the near future and I cant work in direct patient care with brain fog since I can hurt a patient. She told me to get a simple job like working at Target so I don't worry about this anymore 🙁 She said "you didn't have a stroke and you are not having seizures so you need to just move on." I just can't believe it.
Today, I realized that we are unlikely to figure this out until those in power decide it is ok for us to know. Doctors are not getting the info they need to look into anything unusual that could be happening. They also risk having issues if what they say results in vaccine hesitancy. Hopefully, those few nonconforming doctors (FLCCC) will figure things out.
Luckily, the pattern seems to be that we all get better slowly but surely. Let's hope/pray that there are no long term consequences.
My plan now is to go see a holistic doctor and see if they can help.
Hi, Cary!
It is very understandable that your disappointment is that the neurologist considered it to be anxiety.
I would like to make the following observation, for example: headaches can have dozens of causes, dizziness, and it has so many possible causes, and so on.
But when there are several symptoms at once, obviously related to each other, we look for something that could explain them all.
Headache, dizziness, head vibration, blurred vision, brain fog, short term memory, pressure around the eyes and head, pins and needles on the scalp, tingling on the scalp: the suffering of nerve cells can explain them all.
Unfortunately, they are subjective symptoms, and neurological investigations have not shown an organic reason to explain them.
The exclusion of an organic cause of theirs, however, is not correct, because the investigations all have their limits, they cannot identify absolutely all kinds of problems.
But increased heart rate is an objective sign.
It is true that here too, there are so many causes for increased heart rate.
Among them is anxiety.
But, for example, the heart rate is also influenced by nerve fibers, which can also be disturbed, just like those in the head.
And the edema around the eyes was an objective element.
Even if they are just theoretical assumptions, I want to say that I agree with you: the diagnosis of the neurologist is disappointing.
If it hurts you a lot, the first idea is to ask for a second opinion. Although some neurologists have dual training, they are neuro-psychiatrists, however, doctors who work only as psychiatrists, as well as the psychologists, dedicate themselves only to assessing mental state, they can assess best.
If a doctor is just a neurologist, then, in theory, he should send the patient to a psychiatrist for a psychiatric diagnosis, which he suspects or considers.
However, a important thing, from my point of view: the pulse must be monitored, it is an objective sign that something is happening and it must be seen how significant the change is here.
A couple of years ago I suffered unilateral Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss. It caused imbalance that resolved on its own within a few weeks. Afterwards, illness or allergy would cause a flare up. The weather, too! I could tell when a storm was coming by the level of pressure in my head and how dizzy I got.
In March last year I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. There was a little fatigue afterwards and a little arm pain. No big deal. A couple of days later I started getting nauseous and dizzy when using my laptop. Thinking my glasses prescription was old, I got a new pair for computer use. That seemed to help. After the second dose in April, however, I had a more unpleasant reaction and felt flu like symptoms for around 36 hours. As those resolved my balance got really bad and I had to use a hiking pole again to get around. Several doctors, an MRI and failed Vestibular Therapy later, a neurologist diagnosed me with chronic Vestibular Neuritis. We're trying a few prescription vestibular suppressants that so far aren't helping.
My life has changed dramatically. I can't handle busy environments. I can only drive short distances (although I'm grateful I can now drive at all). Loud sounds are very stressful. My brain gets fatigued quickly processing sensory input, which makes it hard-to-impossible to retrieve words when in a conversation. Then there's the depression.
Fortunately my family and most of my healthcare team are very supportive. I did get the Pfizer booster. My symptoms did get a little flared, but settled back to what is my new normal pretty quickly.
@sunrise You bring up great points to consider. My neurologist did send me to a neuropsychiatrist for the cognitive evaluation. The evaluation was done on "one of the good days." I explained to her the symptoms come and go and that I was feeling very clearheaded that day. My processing ability and short term memory are impaired during a relapse which I had just struggled through the previous week. In her assessment she states "It appears patient overall cognitive function is intact, and is exceptional in the superior range. Given current circumstances, she likely experiences periods of low mood and anxiety or stress related to her health and physical difficulties which is a current stressor." Diagnostic opinion: Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood.
Based on this, the neurologist told me there is nothing else she could do. Therefore, get a job and don't focus on your symptoms.
I really feel for our healthcare professionals that are overburdened and exhausted. The neurologist took a call during my appt regarding a patient in the ER having a stroke. When you compare the acute stroke patient to someone like me, who was able to drive themselves to an appt, they are going to reserve their energy for the more acute patient they feel they can help immediately. I get it. But its tough not to worry and stress when you don't know the long term ramifications of whatever is causing these odd symptoms.
Not giving up...heading to a kinesiologist on Feb 8.
Take care everyone.
@yjjy Hey Lena! Thank you for checking up.
I’ve been doing great. I did get Covid the very end of December and a lot of the brain fog came back. I’ve since then been recovering slowly (took fluvox and LDN) I currently am not on any medication. im able to go work out, spend time with family and friends. Pretty much live normally. The only thing I still experience and it’s a really weird issue to have but alcohol has really started to affect me weird. I don’t get drunk at all, no matter how much I drink. It’s like I can’t feel the sensation of being drunk anymore. I’m hoping it goes away but it’s been like that for a while now. Or anything I take that stimulates your mind some way, I’m just not able to feel it.
how are you holding up?
Anyone who is suffering from visual snow/static this is an article from today's news.
@good-kitty thank you. I’m literally crying tears of gratitude to her your words. Thank you for reaching across the distance to offer me this.
I’ve been off social media for sometime feeling so disillusioned by humanity - so much pro-vax/anti-vax sledging and unkindness (i live in a very anti vax area of Australia).
This Forum seems like such a compassionate, safe space.
Thank you ❤️