ok never mind my last post. i got over covid and now my old symptoms from the shot are back again. what is going ON with us??? why would i feel better while having covid than without it?
Sorry to hear... Would you say your vaccine symptom severity is worse, the same, or maybe better ??
@nresearcher Hello, I see that you haven't listed the most important one here, in a list of very illustrious persons. It is Dr Bruce Patterson, who has founded IncelDX and covidlonghaulers.com. Check it out.
Thank you. Have read mixed reviews about this group and am not sure why they may have used the controversial drug ivermectin which doesn't seem to have supporting data. Do find Dr. Been's interviews with him and his team interesting though and hope they will continue to figure out what is going on.
Hi I have read a ton of these posts and share and fight many of the same issues as you from the jab. Whatever faith you are this prayer/meditation helps and should not be forget to use it in your tool belt.. I hop it can bring you comfort and peace and good health:
1. Am I carrying trouble in my mind from the worries of this day?
Breathing in slowly, I receive God’s peace.
2. Am I carrying tension in my body from the strains of this day?
Breathing out slowly, I relax and release my stress to the Lord.
@yjjy it has gotten slightly better over the year since getting the vaccine but it comes and goes. i just had a realization, though. I got my injury (vision and balance issues) after the first vaccine. When I got the second vaccine and developed muscles aches, I briefly thought it had fixed me, but as soon as the muscle aches went away, my symptoms came back. Then when I got covid, again I thought I might be fixed, but as soon as the muscle aches went away, the dizziness and eye problems came back. This makes me think that maybe what was making me feel better in those two situations was the endorphins I got from having full-body muscle aches. I wonder if a treatment that uses painful methods--something like acupuncture or dry needling--might be able to help...
@jennifergrnd This sounds like most of our symptoms. Don't know how many posts you have read but most of us have the symptoms for months and none of us have gotten any real answers for what is happening. I would recommend you print a few posts from here that sound similar to your situation and take it with you to your neuro appt. Early on, all doctors were rejecting the idea that theses random, weird symptoms were caused by the vaccine but hopefully your neuro has seen a few cases and will accept the possibility of vaccine injury.
The good news is that most people have symptoms diminish significantly over time and many get back to normal. Go through the posts if you have time because these symptoms are random, they come and go and change over time. I often think I'm losing my mind then I come to this forum and find many are having the same symptoms and realize the symptoms are crazy and I'm not as crazy as I thought.
Take care.
Hi, Everyone!
It is a very good idea to print some stories presented on the forum, to show them to different doctors, especially when they say they have not heard of similar manifestations and attribute them, rather, to anxiety.
I would like, starting from this idea, to make the following proposal to everyone, in order to show doctors, but also thinking about those who are recently in similar situations and look for urgently needed answers on the internet: thus, they could be presented, from time to time, posts with the name: "Summary".
Although each one is overworked, and due to the difficulty of the symptoms, we must note that what you have achieved here, through this forum, is useful for others.
These summaries are, however, useful to everyone, because, I think, when going for a medical consultation, it is better to present, for example, the whole list of symptoms that have occurred, not just those that are more severe.
With quite a few symptoms, some forget them over time, especially if they go away, so it's a good idea to put them together.
If a doctor is informed of all the details, he may be able to better understand what it may be about, what mechanisms may be involved.
Also, in this way, the doctors themselves will be able to become more aware of this subject, through the complexity of the side effects.
It is good to write a complete list of symptoms and not to exclude some, for which you can find explanations such as: "maybe night sweats are because it is too hot or maybe from menopause", in the context in which other people noticed that they were also sweating.
So, if you make a comparison with the symptoms that others have, you can have a confirmation that that symptom can be part of this complex of post-vax reactions.
Sometimes it is a symptom that, on an individual level, they no longer considered, they considered it a minor. But it can be a significant detail.
Subsequently, it is useful for each to identify objective aspects, which can be confirmed by the family, by doctors. These are essential, taken into account, in order not to be rejected, with a diagnosis of a mental nature and thus not to be given any treatment.
Sometimes pain is a credible element, because the attitude and face of the sufferer obviously expresses suffering.
Sometimes, the fact that the family confirms that the person affected does not have an anxious personality, can be an argument that is believed, taken into account.
Then, the summary must include the investigations carried out and what showed changes. There will probably be a very short list here.
Then the list of proven treatments: diet, supplements, medications, procedures.
And what helped, which is what interests everyone most.
Also, a very important thing: the fact that, despite the great diversity of symptoms, so many people notice some similar elements, some common characters, it is good to be specified by each one, which they found in their case.
The fact that there are these common features is, moreover, a special argument that these symptoms can have organic causes.
These common elements are especially relevant for physicians when trying to understand what the disorder may be.
So, everyone could write down, on his summary, what are the characters of his suffering.
A list of common elements, summarizing experiences related to this forum or others, is as follows:
-one feature is that a large number of symptoms occur, including in previously healthy people
-in some cases, they are aggravated in character and intensity symptoms that previously existed, for example, in some people who have vestibular disorders, diabetes, hypertension, MS and so on
-symptoms are on all body, from head to toe
-they are especially symptoms of the nervous system, of the sense organs, of the heart, of the joints
-the symptoms are constantly changing, they are moving from one place to another, they are migratory
-symptoms worsen in the evening or at night
-the symptoms come and go, in some days they are not present, then they reappear
-symptoms flared up by various triggers:
-various foods: alcohol, sugar, coffee, gluten, foods rich in histamine
-physical activity
-menstruation in women
-cloudy skies, wind, changes in atmospheric pressure
-computer screens, LED bulbs
-an intercurrent infection
-there are periods of remission, when all symptoms subside almost completely, followed by relapses. Sometimes relapses are less intense than before, but not always.
-despite a treatment started, sometimes there is an evolutionary character of the disease, ie new symptoms appear
-one type of particular pain that is often mentioned is pain as a burn
-fatigue is a common occurrence
-there are worrying symptoms, affecting the nervous system, mental capacity, ability to work
-routine laboratory tests, EKG, MRI scans are often normal
-the list of things that help:
-anti-inflammatory foods and so on
-anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidant, immune stimulating remedies and so on.
In this forum, you access the complete posts of each one when you click on the name and the activity appears as a list of posts.
If the first word of a post is "summary", it will be easier to find, which is very helpful for those who have great suffering and are looking for urgent answers, by accessing the "activity" button.
The hope may be that, in this great world, there must be a group of doctors, immunologists, neurologists, rheumatologists, infectivologists and so on, who will give credence to the symptoms that many people talk about and who want to help them and who would study this pattern of disorder.
@plandistry Tip ---- I have found, through 58 years (uuuhhgg right?) of having IBS that Align DualBiotic Prebiotic & Probiotic is amazing on getting my gut back on track. I buy mine on Amazon. Happy to hear you are feeling better!
@bander56 Thanks for your reply! and you are very fortunate that they went away. I still have them 8 months later and probably stuck with them forever.
@lookingforanswers Hi Susie, sorry about the late reply! I am so sorry about what you are going through. I have been there! I went from no sleep at all. Absolutely none, for nights in a row. To waking up every hour, then every 2 hours. Struggle falling asleep each time. Nightmares. First 3-4 months were the worst! Gradually the stretches of time I could sleep got better and struggle falling asleep too. But very slow. Wasn't until 7-8 months before I really felt I was somewhat back to normal. 11 months out, I am mostly better with insomnia. Hang in there! It will get better. You are not alone! There are so many of us that ended up with this horrible insomnia. Most everyone I know that suffered it has slowly but eventually gotten better. And I have connected with a lot of people going through this especially in the first few months. I hope you recover soon! take care.
@rosew Here are some other pages with peoples stories…
i found these just by google search tingling Pfizer lol
@rosew Here are some other pages with peoples stories…
i found these just by google search tingling Pfizer lol
It continues to BLOW my mind that these adverse effects haven't made it to the general public. We're going on fourteen MONTHS since vaccines began and it's still touted as "safe and effective." Wow.
i mostly got over the side effects but the eye floaters. the eye floaters are maddening. i feel afraid to look at anything. they are hideous and they make everything i look at disgusting and ugly. they frighten me when they jump out. im afraid to go anywhere, be in any type of light, move my eyes...i dont want to look at anything i used to love, because i know it will be ugly because of the floaters. driving used to be my favorite thing. i haven't been for a single drive since getting the vaccine. yes...most of my symptoms have gone away, but i truly want to commit suicide over these eye floaters. they are the worst thing ive ever dealt with. i have broken my pelvis, and i would literally take living with that pain for the rest of my life over eye floaters. nothing, nothing in the human body is more important than the eyes. the eyes are everything. i look at floaters every waking moment. i think about floaters all the time. im always checking if they are still there, hoping they will be miraculously gone, but they never are. i really cant live the rest of my life with these, and no one understands. and it's even worse, because i know what they are. i know they're a real, physical thing, clumps of collagen that never go away and stay in your eye for life. how disgusting! if it were something in my head i could get over it but i know they are real and they are so disgusting....inside of my eyes......
I previously asked here about drinking coffee again. Has anyone successfully added it back into your life? I think it would help mask/improve my brain fog symptoms, plus I just really love coffee.
Those that have tried, did it make your symptoms worse at first and then did your body get use to it?
I never stopped drinking coffee...I don't drink a lot of it, just one cup, sometimes two in the morning...however, they are the k-cups and it only fills 6 oz...no effects on me
@gingerjones did you have a gastroscope at all?
I had an upper GI...An upper gastrointestinal series (UGI) is a radiographic (X-ray) examination of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (first part of the small intestine) are made visible on X-ray film by a liquid suspension. This liquid suspension may be barium or a water-soluble contrast. They discovered I had gastritis...
@someone I know that I’m so sorry that you are going through this is not enough, but please know that I sincerely mean it. I too suffer each day but not that. I haven’t been able to sleep right in 3 months, some nights I wouldn’t sleep at all. I have dry eyes and dry mouth and my teeth bleed I’m so scared I’m gonna lose my teeth and I’ve lost a lot of weight which scares me. We are all afraid and scared but please keep reading and see others have recovered and I believe with time you will also. Some I’ve read has said that they become less noticeable. I know how you feel, I can’t even watch tv sometimes because I’m upset that I can’t do anything anymore. Please know that their is people who care and hope for the best for you. Please keep in touch.