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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@lynne I’m sorry to hear that you have the teeth issues. I have bleeding gums. Did you ever have that? I’m very worried. Who do I call , the doctor or the dentist?

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Posted by: @gingerjones
Posted by: @sickofthis

I previously asked here about drinking coffee again. Has anyone successfully added it back into your life? I think it would help mask/improve my brain fog symptoms, plus I just really love coffee. 

Those that have tried, did it make your symptoms worse at first and then did your body get use to it?

I never stopped drinking coffee...I don't drink a lot of it, just one cup, sometimes two in the morning...however, they are the k-cups and it only fills 6 effects on me

I am sooooo jealous that you can still have it. Every time I even try to have decaf my head pressure and lightheadedness gets worse. It’s one of the little joys I would like to get back during this frustrating time.

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Those who have been diagnosed with vestibular neuritis have you seen any relief from the dizziness/light headed feeling yet? If so, how long did it take you to see relief? I don’t have that diagnosis yet but am pretty suspicious it may be what I’m dealing with.

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@lynne I’m sorry to hear that you have the teeth issues. I have bleeding gums. Did you ever have that? I’m very worried. Who do I call , the doctor or the dentist?

I just want to add that i too had very intense bleeding gums at first with dry mouth for 3 months. 

I have so many symptoms that i forgot to mention some.

Now the bleeding is much less. 

What helped me was replacing my toothpaste with baking soda.


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@gingerjones have you had it prior to vaccine? 

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@gingerjones have you had it prior to vaccine? 

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Posted by: @someone

i mostly got over the side effects but the eye floaters. the eye floaters are maddening. i feel afraid to look at anything. they are hideous and they make everything i look at disgusting and ugly. they frighten me when they jump out. im afraid to go anywhere, be in any type of light, move my eyes...i dont want to look at anything i used to love, because i know it will be ugly because of the floaters. driving used to be my favorite thing. i haven't been for a single drive since getting the vaccine. yes...most of my symptoms have gone away, but i truly want to commit suicide over these eye floaters. they are the worst thing ive ever dealt with. i have broken my pelvis, and i would literally take living with that pain for the rest of my life over eye floaters. nothing, nothing in the human body is more important than the eyes. the eyes are everything. i look at floaters every waking moment. i think about floaters all the time. im always checking if they are still there, hoping they will be miraculously gone, but they never are. i really cant live the rest of my life with these, and no one understands. and it's even worse, because i know what they are. i know they're a real, physical thing, clumps of collagen that never go away and stay in your eye for life. how disgusting! if it were something in my head i could get over it but i know they are real and they are so disgusting....inside of my eyes......

Hi, Someone!

Your post is very impressive and made me remember that, among the common characters that can be found between the different experiences related, there is one more and it is a special one: the fact that side effects can be particularly debilitating, turning life into a nightmare, is something many people say.

Of course, it would be good to know how the doctors explain the fact that these eye floaters appeared, more precisely why the existing floaters were accentuated, as you said.

It is good to know what causes they have ruled out and what they think of, first, as a possible cause.

Because, if they suspected that there was an in vitro hemorrhage, we might notice that other people on this forum are talking about gingival hemorrhages or prolonged bleeding when blood is being collected, for laboratory analysis.

Maybe some lab tests need to be done.
I think that in your case, the fact that there was once an eye trauma is an important thing, because often the repair of the vessels after blows, in any part of the body, is not perfect. (This can be seen, for example, in trauma to the bones of the limbs. Edema, dilated blood vessels, remain long after the blows.)

Such areas, previously disturbed, are much more fragile to a later disturbing factor.

However, it is good to know that there is a more delicate area there.

For example, especially because ophthalmologists cannot always provide a solution in such cases, and natural methods are used, the idea of ​​trying treatments such as serrapeptase or nattokinase may need to be approached with caution, so as not to favor the recurrence of bleeding in the eyes, if that's the cause. But still they are only assumptions and maybe the ophthalmologist can say more accurately.

I tried to search through the phytotherapy books I have, as well as on the internet, from what people in my country or others tell, to look for eye floaters.

I think the experiences of those who claim to have seen improvements after consuming, in various forms, more time, beetroot, fresh juice or beet juice in a jar are quite credible, or at least it doesn't hurt, so it can be tried.

I found the experience of someone who told that she got relief after drinking dandelion tea for a long time interesting (Taraxacum officinale).

In any case, different products that help the eyes are worth trying, carrot or blueberry extracts, because they help the eyes in general. So not because it would dissolve the floaters, but because it helps the eyes, the vision in general.

I remember that a person who had eye pain because he read a lot on the computer said that he had incredible relief of eye pain after 2 weeks of treatment with blueberry bud extract, a gemotherapeutic product.

So it's worth trying some things with confidence.

I do not advertise anything, of course, the choice is only personal, it is a sharing of experiences.


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Posted by: @plandistry
Posted by: @someone

i mostly got over the side effects but the eye floaters. the eye floaters are maddening. i feel afraid to look at anything. they are hideous and they make everything i look at disgusting and ugly. they frighten me when they jump out. im afraid to go anywhere, be in any type of light, move my eyes...i dont want to look at anything i used to love, because i know it will be ugly because of the floaters. driving used to be my favorite thing. i haven't been for a single drive since getting the vaccine. yes...most of my symptoms have gone away, but i truly want to commit suicide over these eye floaters. they are the worst thing ive ever dealt with. i have broken my pelvis, and i would literally take living with that pain for the rest of my life over eye floaters. nothing, nothing in the human body is more important than the eyes. the eyes are everything. i look at floaters every waking moment. i think about floaters all the time. im always checking if they are still there, hoping they will be miraculously gone, but they never are. i really cant live the rest of my life with these, and no one understands. and it's even worse, because i know what they are. i know they're a real, physical thing, clumps of collagen that never go away and stay in your eye for life. how disgusting! if it were something in my head i could get over it but i know they are real and they are so disgusting....inside of my eyes......

We will get to the bottom of this, and therapies will be found. Please keep a positive frame of mind.

It's starting to come out. Has anyone else noticed Fauci has sort of started to disappear? Much less appearances.. I think he's leaving the sinking ship he sunk.

Also on Tucker Carlson Tonight they brought up top insurance CEO's stating that they are seeing a 40%+ increase in non-COVID deaths in the range of 18-64. As they were discussing possible causes it was mentioned that it could be linked to the mass inoculation program. In addition, they stated that basically we're in a mass casualty event right now, and our government isn't talking about it, or seemingly interested in addressing it.

I'd say at this point - with mandates crumbling across the world - avoidance of this and all subsequent vaccinations may be prudent advice. In addition, any credibility our healthcare industries had will be wiped out by this once the truth comes out as they are also the ones that helped promote these risky vaccines. It may be wise if you do not have any vaccines to reject them, if you already have had them, reject any further ones - and work on your recovery.

Please have faith that we will understand what these vaccines have done, and appropriate therapies will be discovered. It's inevitable, and the downfall of the criminals behind this is assured, and they know it - watch them flee like the rats they are.

(Not medical advice, only your physician is qualified to offer any advice, including your vaccination strategy)

I'd like to add that insurance companies will soon catch on (if they haven't already) to the fact that the amount of testing and procedures they pay for has increased significantly since vaccinations began. They will pull support for the vaccines at that point, as profit isn't even close to the cost of injury. 

I agree that Dr. Fauci has slowly been disappearing from public view. I live in a VERY blue state and I was shocked to read our governor is dropping the mask mandate completely in March. It's starting to crumble. The truth will come out. 

Barb, Jean Grey, Barb and 1 people reacted
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@plandistry Please have faith that we will understand what these vaccines have done, and appropriate therapies will be discovered. It's inevitable, and the downfall of the criminals behind this is assured, and they know it - watch them flee like the rats they are.

I hope so...I just want this nightmare to end.  For all of us

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Posted by: @jeangrey

@gingerjones have you had it prior to vaccine? 


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Check BC007. It's a new therapy developed in Germany that has helped 3 patients with long covid. Maybe there is hope for all of us.

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@ally09 How are you doing now??

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Posted by: @someone

i mostly got over the side effects but the eye floaters. the eye floaters are maddening. i feel afraid to look at anything. they are hideous and they make everything i look at disgusting and ugly. they frighten me when they jump out. im afraid to go anywhere, be in any type of light, move my eyes...i dont want to look at anything i used to love, because i know it will be ugly because of the floaters. driving used to be my favorite thing. i haven't been for a single drive since getting the vaccine. yes...most of my symptoms have gone away, but i truly want to commit suicide over these eye floaters. they are the worst thing ive ever dealt with. i have broken my pelvis, and i would literally take living with that pain for the rest of my life over eye floaters. nothing, nothing in the human body is more important than the eyes. the eyes are everything. i look at floaters every waking moment. i think about floaters all the time. im always checking if they are still there, hoping they will be miraculously gone, but they never are. i really cant live the rest of my life with these, and no one understands. and it's even worse, because i know what they are. i know they're a real, physical thing, clumps of collagen that never go away and stay in your eye for life. how disgusting! if it were something in my head i could get over it but i know they are real and they are so disgusting....inside of my eyes......

I've had floaters for about 25 years. At the beginning they were maddening but I slowly got used to them. Over the years they tend to break up and drop down further into your vision so you don't notice them as much. 

I have read that some people have found that doing eye excersises which involve moving the eyes around in circular motion as if doing a very exaggerated eye roll has helped to move the floaters so that they drop out of sight sooner, I've never tried this myself as it's something I've only recently read about but maybe it's something you could check out, there will probably be videos on YouTube available demonstrating how to do them.

Over the years I have noticed that being tired or ill makes them more noticeable so try to rest as much as possible. 

I've read on this forum someone said they had found some improvement by taking a collagen supplement. 

Hope this can help you feel less distressed.

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@lynne I’m sorry to hear that you have the teeth issues. I have bleeding gums. Did you ever have that? I’m very worried. Who do I call , the doctor or the dentist?

I know of quite a few people who have been experiencing teeth and gum problems since their jabs. Go to the dentist and they can give you a letter for your GP if they feel you need further investigation such as blood tests. Don't stress it's more common after the jabs then you would believe, the inflammation caused by the immune response can cause the delicate gums to bleed with inflammation. A visit to the dentist can put your mind at ease.


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@lmkk thank you so much. I needed to hear that cause it’s really bad. I haven’t seen anyone comment on the teeth and gums bleeding before. 

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