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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@b333. I got my first Pfizer vaccine March 11, 2021 and about a week later I felt dizzy. It started to get better until the second shot on April 1, 2021 and I still have the dizziness today. I have allergies and chronic sinusitis so I thought it was just that but I’ve never had the dizziness with the before. It seems to happen to me when I’m sitting down. When I’m up and moving around I’m fine. 

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I had all sorts of Symptoms after 2nd Pfizer shot- the vertigo was the most disturbing .  I also have an injured , arthritic knee that has been fine, but then flared up.  I started taking alph lipoic acid, resveratrol, Aleve & slowly everything finally subsided & is now gone.  But lots of rest, good food & vitamins & fresh air & mild exercise helped me recover - It’s worth it- I want to travel again & would not do so if I did not get vaccinated . Stay strong with positive thoughts- you will get through this!

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@libbysimon I too experienced vertigo and persistent dizziness for nearly two months. Only within the last week have i felt close to normal. I saw an ENT, a physical therapist and a balance specialist/audiologist. Had Epley maneuver and BBQ roll maneuvers performed. Finally, took 3 ibuprofen three times a day for several days the week before last and that helped with the dizziness and accompanying headaches. It feels so good to feel almost normal!! Please report your side effects to  It is important that this debilitating side effect become known.

This post was modified 4 years ago by anna

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@gordonalipskyYou are nor alone!!  Please report this side effect to


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@tstone Please report these side effects to

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@tstone  Me too!!!  Lasted about two months. Feeling close to normal this past week. Saw ENT, Physical therapist and audiologist. My daughter , a TCM practitioner, researched the vaccine (Moderna) and determined that the vestibular nerve might be inflamed and told me to take ibuprofen three pills, three times a day. I did that week before last and this week, I feel sooo much better. It is nerve wracking to experience this side effect. Please report your experience to They need to know about this!! 

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@hollyd have you joined this one?

it’s been very supportive.

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Why would the ENT not see you? Does that practice specialize in balance disorders? 

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59 yr old very healthy, fit female.    Got 2nd Pfizer shot 9 days ago.   Minor side effects in the two days following.  Felt fine a couple of days after that and then about 3 days ago, started to feel wiggy/dizzy/faint when out walking one of my dogs. Since then, have been experiencing the same sensation on and off.  I'm also getting very slight feeling of chills on and off, as well as relentless freezing cold hands.     Very odd.   I am certain this is all related to the vaccine as it is all new and odd.   For now, I am getting thru it but will def call my PCP or an ENT if it continues indefinitely.  I find it a bit concerning that so many people have mentioned "later" onset of side effects but there is not really any common, published info out there about this.  This definitely would not have changed my mind about getting the vaccine, but there is always comfort in knowing what you are experiencing is not hugely uncommon (and would be nicer to know if its even to be expected vs. being someone with a very rare reaction -- which obviously it's not as its reported by so many in this forum.)

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What did you end up deciding? Each person has a unique situation, so it's always smart to run it by your doctor. 

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If I were you, since you have normally had low blood pressure, I would buy a blood pressure cuff and an oxymeter so you can monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels at home. I also have always had normal blood pressure and heart rate until having Moderna shot. For me though I had high blood pressure while simultaneously having low heart rate OR I would have high heart rate while simultaneously having low blood pressure. For this reason I could not take blood pressure med for fear of dropping whichever value was too low already, even lower. I had equilibrium issues but no room spinning, falling once. I’m obviously not a doctor but just think you should monitor your heart rate and bp at home and should one be extremely low while the other high, contact your doctor who put you on the blood pressure meds and let him know that. By the end of the 3rd week, after my first shot, these issues had stopped for me without medication. I did not get the 2nd shot. 

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Be sure to note all your symptoms and report them to your doctor. I know healthcare professionals and agencies are keeping track of side effects. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether others have reported similar issues. Hopefully your symptoms will subside soon. After my second shot I had a few days of feeling "off" and having a fever. It took a while but I returned to my baseline after about a week. 



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Be sure to document all the side effects you experienced. If and when they recommend a booster, show your notes to your doctor. They may re-evaluate whether it's appropriate for you. Each person with health conditions will have to be evaluated individually. 

I'm sorry you've had such a rough time. I hope things begin to improve soon. 

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@krmizrachgmail-comThanks, Karen.  I just reported it on the VAERS site.   The more concerning thing for me was that I was feeling just fine after the initial two days afterwards, and THEN these mysterious side effects showed up after a few days of feeling totally normal.    I am going to be out of town the next couple of weeks, but will def contact my doc when I return if still experiencing these side effects.   Still 100% glad I got the vaccine.    Nothing I can't handle, assuming it doesn't get any worse!!

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The J & J vaccine was paused due to a few people out of millions having blood clot issues, yet the side effects people are describing here aren't even being acknowledged, much less being looked into.  And the side effects here seem to be much more common than a one-in-a-million thing.  I don't get it.

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