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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@tone at the beginning it would make all kinds of weird noises. I took lots of supplements and watch what i eat. The noises stopped after a couple months then the belching started. That just stopped a couple weeks ago. I  have no problem eating, have never thrown up or constpated. Sorry tmi once in a blue moon I’ll get a small pain in the stomach but it goes away . CRAZY.  I haven’t taken probiotics cause it’s hard to find those that will agree with me as I can’t have any dairy what so ever. 

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@tone at the beginning it would make all kinds of weird noises. I took lots of supplements and watch what i eat. The noises stopped after a couple months then the belching started. That just stopped a couple weeks ago. I  have no problem eating, have never thrown up or constpated. Sorry tmi once in a blue moon I’ll get a small pain in the stomach but it goes away . CRAZY.  I haven’t taken probiotics cause it’s hard to find those that will agree with me as I can’t have any dairy what so ever. 

If you don't  mind me asking how long from the noise phase to when no longer having symptoms  ? What supplements  I'd you take? Was there any pain or discomfort  early on ? Have had the noises for close to a month now . Recently  started  a little discomfort and slight burn. 

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@alexabramian my heart goes out to you.


Suffice it to say, I have been in a terrible way physically for months now. My appetite also has been hit hard and I've lost over 20 lbs.

I had both Pfizer shots in April of 2021. Non stop vertigo since then, extreme difficulty walking, housebound now. Can't drive. Was diagnosed with gastritis and reflux esophagitis in December.


Never had any issues with health before.


I was also diagnosed with malignant tumors of the bladder and had two surgeries to remove them but I can't do anymore as I don't want to be taking nasty chemo or radiation and have my bladder removed!!

The only reason I haven't gone completely insane is due to my faith in God and dear friends, but I don't want to live this way, there's so much suffering.


I am seeing a functional/naturopathic doctor and praying he can help. I think one thing he'll do is put me on IVC therapy to boost the immune system with high doses of vitamin C.


I hope you can find relief soon, and trust me, I feel your pain. Please keep us posted and I look forward to hearing about you healing!!

Josephine and Josephine reacted
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@tone the noises probably for a couple months. I lost a lot of weight during the first 4 months and I ate the same and still eat. The belching started about the same time, I would belch even drinking water like others have said. Others have said that probiotics help, but I did t take those. I just continued to eat good and drink lots of water ,I really didn’t take anything for the burping. But I just happened to notice that a couple weeks ago it was gone. I write in a journal,each day so I know when side effects happen and when they come and go. The belching was constant at the beginning but then I noticed that it would come and go. I had loss of appetite in the beginning too, but continued to eat and and drink lots of water anyway. It was hard but I made myself eat . I never had any problems swallowing, some of my friends on here do and I feel for them. Sorry for the ramble, I feel for you and we are all in this together. It is scared but I believe we will get through this. 

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Posted by: @asanders
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @asanders
Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@centralx I was recently diagnosed with a high Ana level , Rheumatologist didn’t say which one just out me on anti inflammatory medicine which I’ve only taken 4 . When the pain is so bad. Please let me know what your results are and what’s the doctor said. Thanks . Hope we all recover soon. 

My ANA test results come positive too. Now my doctor tells me I probably have Systemic Lupus. And I tell him I probably have systemic mastocytosis. There is a good information here about high ANA test results and MCAS relation and why high ANA test results does not automatically mean lupus or rhemoid Arthiritis.

I strongly suggest everyone to check for antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in their blood. Probably for many of us this test result will come back positive. 


I got my test reports today. ANA was positive!

yep....join the club. My prediction is that every one us here has positive ANA.

Lets see what your diagnosis will be with positive ANA.

My ANA w/ reflex test was negative FYI.

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@tone the noises probably for a couple months. I lost a lot of weight during the first 4 months and I ate the same and still eat. The belching started about the same time, I would belch even drinking water like others have said. Others have said that probiotics help, but I did t take those. I just continued to eat good and drink lots of water ,I really didn’t take anything for the burping. But I just happened to notice that a couple weeks ago it was gone. I write in a journal,each day so I know when side effects happen and when they come and go. The belching was constant at the beginning but then I noticed that it would come and go. I had loss of appetite in the beginning too, but continued to eat and and drink lots of water anyway. It was hard but I made myself eat . I never had any problems swallowing, some of my friends on here do and I feel for them. Sorry for the ramble, I feel for you and we are all in this together. It is scared but I believe we will get through this. 

Ya I don't have problems  swallowing  either or problems eating . Bowel movements  vary from diarrhea  to  normal . More normal ? Hope we all get through  this .. will try probiotics,  maybe activa yogurt or possible supplement. Not sure what yet ? 

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@tone the noises probably for a couple months. I lost a lot of weight during the first 4 months and I ate the same and still eat. The belching started about the same time, I would belch even drinking water like others have said. Others have said that probiotics help, but I did t take those. I just continued to eat good and drink lots of water ,I really didn’t take anything for the burping. But I just happened to notice that a couple weeks ago it was gone. I write in a journal,each day so I know when side effects happen and when they come and go. The belching was constant at the beginning but then I noticed that it would come and go. I had loss of appetite in the beginning too, but continued to eat and and drink lots of water anyway. It was hard but I made myself eat . I never had any problems swallowing, some of my friends on here do and I feel for them. Sorry for the ramble, I feel for you and we are all in this together. It is scared but I believe we will get through this. 

How long have you been having symptoms  ? From initial  vaccine till today ? What were some of your other symptoms  and time line ?

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Hi all, 

Not 100% convinced this is vaccine related because I had zero side effects from the first two shots. However, Within a couple of days of the booster shot I experienced occasional, quick and mild bouts of lightheadedness. Sometimes a week apart sometimes three days and always brief followed by nothing for days. However, by mid January I was feeling generally off and lightheaded all the time. I rarely have actual dizzy spells but they do happen occasionally. Mostly I feel kind of lightheaded and like I might feel dizzy if I move too fast. Along with this is a general sort of overall tiredness that varies in degrees from hour to hour. Nothing in particular seems to make it worse or better. I've been seeing my ND regularly since late January, had every blood test you can imagine done and have experienced no other symptoms such as congestion runny nose etc. The only thing the doc could point to was some fluid behind my eardrums that we've treated with natural products and has now subsided after a few weeks yet this daily feeling of unease and lightheadedness remains. I discovered some writings and videos about BPPV and the vaccine which has me starting down the path of exploring vestibular therapy as a solution. I've seen a number of articles of people having vertigo or dizziness shortly after the vaccine but nothing that started periodically and then became constant like mine has. I'm curious if anyone else has experienced or heard of someone experiencing a slow onset of symptoms like I describe.



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@jamesallmandsmith do you have Lyme disease? 

This post was modified 3 years ago by TC

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Posted by: @alexa

Some light at the end of the tunnel. I read today, in the covid vaccine long haul autoimmune support  in facebook, 4 stories of people that had recovered almost a 100% after a year or so of suffering. They were just doing the detox that we all are talking about but they said mainly was time that healed them. I am 5 months into this now but I continue to feel dizzy, have tinnitus, brain fog,memory loss. I feel a little better from the time I had the first vertigo attack and ended up like many of you in the er. I continue taking zeolite (1 month now) and charcoal along with the other vitamins suggested.The truth about all this will come out one day. All I am thinking now is stay away from 5G and the 5G phones. Radiation to your head and it might not help with all the problems we already have.

What is the detox?

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@thamollusk If your ANA was negative...two question comes to my mind!

1. When did you have your ANA test? At what month after the vaccine was it?

2. Perhaps your symtoms are milder compared to us. Du you have strange feelings in your veins? GI tract/ bone / neuro / POTS like  problems?

If you only have insomnia / dizziness as you mentioned, it may  explain your negative but our postitive ANA levels. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hi, Everyone!
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE) cannot be diagnosed on the basis of one test result.
The diagnosis of lupus is difficult to establish and is based on a list of criteria:

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I am following it about tree weeks. Celery juice in the morning, no eggs, dairy, gluten, pork or foods that are feeding viruses. I eat more fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, fresh juices... Taking supplements vitamin c, b12, zinc, selenium. Planing on adding more supplements. I definitely see progress but I don't wont to say it to early.

Dee and Dee reacted
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@tennyson77 I was interested in your experience with steroids. As I've posted, my problems over the past year have been purely inner ear-related (dizziness/light-headedness and tinnitus in the left ear). I've seen an ENT privately in the UK given long NHS waiting lists and he recommended against steroids and/or other drugs, all of which delay recovery and compensation.

He thinks I have vestibular neuritis as an inflammatory reaction to the vaccine. His view is that inflammation causes vestibular damage in the first place and that reduced inflammation doesn't suddenly repair the vestibular system. His view - echoed independently by 2 vestibular physiotherapists, each with over 30 years experience - is that you always have inner ear dysfunction when damage has occurred, but not necessarily imbalance symptoms as the brain gradually compensates over time. 

The idea, they say, is for vestibular rehabilitation to help that process by forcing the brain to adapt and the body to compensate for the "wrong signals" coming from the damaged inner ear. I've had some gradual improvement over the months and think that balance retraining has helped, although the problem has not yet been "cured" and I still have "good days" and "bad days" with the mornings being better than when I get tired later in the day. I can also have a few "almost normal" days followed by worse days. My understanding is that brain plasticity can have an impact on compensation and that some people can improve in a few months with others taking quite a bit longer.

Because I'm self-funding, my ENT has not pushed VNG/ENG testing, which costs a lot in the UK unless you have insurance. Besides, I don't get the impression that quantification of the degree of vestibular hypofunction would lead to any different treatment options and it doesn't seem that steroids are a viable long-term option.


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@adelaide I've been left with these very symptoms 5months post 2nd jab. You have explained a day to day, perfectly. 

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