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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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For those of you that had the Pfi. v. Please check youtube video by Dr. John Campbell and the pfiz. documents. You will be terrified of all the lies they told us and all the injuries and deaths they concealed before having their vaccine approved. If I have had the right then to read all that information, I would have NEVER gotten the stupid v. The truth will come out one day sooner that the 75 years they were hoping to get when all of us would have been  death then and none of their evil  actions punished. 

Patboe, KitKat, Patboe and 1 people reacted
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@watis my symptoms have ruined my life. I’m not doing treatments apart from:




Omega 3 





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@djmatera What is the dosing of your clonazepam and propranolol.  Did you have any ear aches or blockage ?  Also out of all the supplements which ones stand out ?  I know you said Lions mane.  I am basically verbatim symptoms of what you have except my left ear is blocked and hurts as well.

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@jkro Hey there... stumbled uppon your post as I have lipomas too after the second moderna shot (among other mostly neurological issues)!!!

So did you find out anything more?

Were they just lipomas?


So tired of all this and just looking for some answers! 🙁



KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Just wanted to come back and give some people hope. I'm almost 1 year post-vaccine (JJ). I did NOT get any boosters, for obvious reasons. Like many of you, my symptoms started within days of the vaccine, and although there were many, the main ones were being constantly light-headed, "on-a-boat" feeling while walking, strange weakness/tingling especially on my left side, random burning sensations, left leg felt like it wasn't in sync with the rest of my body, fullness feeling in the head (mostly on the left side, and behind my left eye).

This past year has been hell, but I am happy to report that within the past couple weeks, I'm feeling about 90% back to normal. I used to hate waking up in the morning because the thought of going through another day with those symptoms was horrible. But now I look forward to every morning because I've been feeling a little bit better almost every day. Also like many of you, I was persistent with doctors because I knew something had to be MASSIVELY wrong. 2 ER visits, head scans, heart scan, lots of blood work, all came back normal. My bad days, and "better" days came in waves, but I noticed that the very bad days were less severe and farther apart as time went on. I have had a couple relapses, and its possible i'll have more, but I've been doing pretty well so I wanted to come back and report that progress. My two young children are so happy to be slowly getting their mommy back. 

I think it's mostly time that has healed me, but I will say I notice that I do feel better on days when I take my multi-vitamin (women's one-a-day), in addition to an extra dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Could just be a coincidence, but i'm going to keep that up. After my most recent doctors visit and scan, I decided to stop chasing a diagnosis and try to stop obsessing about it. That has helped too. I know it's so hard to do when you feel like something is very wrong, but keeping my mind off it has definitely helped. 

I hope this helps someone out there! I know how lonely and terrifying this whole ordeal can feel. Try to keep your mind and bodies busy if you can. I'll come back and report any further progress. Stay positive and good luck! 


Callie, Andy, Kata and 13 people reacted
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@simonbollen I had more or less the same symptoms...

When I said about the lump in the throat to my doctor, she said it was psychological!


It's been 8 months since my second moderna shot and I am a lot better now, though not even close to 100% and worry about the future to be honest.


What I hadn't noticed at the beggining and did not corellate at first is 2 lipomas (never had any before and I am 40 years old)!

Also I noticed that when I caught a cold the tingling on my feet was more intense, though it had subsided a lot...

KitKat, DrL, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@gm1988 : Thank you so much for coming back and telling your recovery story.  There are so many of us that are in need of some glimmer of hope that we too will recovery.  So glad that your are feeling so much better. 

gingerj and gingerj reacted
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Someone on MCAS Reddit kindly explained my results:


Sooo, your histamine levels are actually quite good. Your histamine/creatinine ratio is way off. Creatinine gets used as a marker for metabolism. So you've got a lot more histamine than your metabolic rate would suggest that you have. Even though your histamine is otherwise normal.

Last but not least, the diamine oxidase activity test is measuring how fast you are breaking down histamine. It's way too low. Which suggests your body isn't making enough of the enzyme that breaks down histamine, rather than your mast cells releasing too much. Which would fall into histamine intolerance, not MCAS or mastocytosis. If it were much lower, your diamine oxidase activity would strongly suggest histamine intolerance. You're more or less right between "yep that's histamine intolerance" and "well, it's almost certainly histamine intolerance."

gingerj, PoorKitty, DrL and 3 people reacted
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@kai85 My goodness this must be so difficult to deal with. I've had vibrations but they come and go definitely not persistent. My chiropractor/kinesiologist told me my body goes into a freeze mode which worsens with stress. He explained we get stuck in fight or flight mode and we cant get out of it. He is able to get me out of it. I was pretty amazed by the difference in strength in my arms and legs after his sessions. May want to consider a kinesiologist. Good luck and stay strong.

KitKat, DrL, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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@axteller Can you please give an update from your status after starting your supplement cocktail from August?  Felt normal ever since?  Do you take supplements periodically since then? 

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Posted by: @watis

Guys anyone have already done the Hyperbaric Therapy?


I want to start doing it next week.


So please give me some answers if it did help you.


Many thanks!

Check Sara90's update.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @gm1988

Just wanted to come back and give some people hope. I'm almost 1 year post-vaccine (JJ). I did NOT get any boosters, for obvious reasons. Like many of you, my symptoms started within days of the vaccine, and although there were many, the main ones were being constantly light-headed, "on-a-boat" feeling while walking, strange weakness/tingling especially on my left side, random burning sensations, left leg felt like it wasn't in sync with the rest of my body, fullness feeling in the head (mostly on the left side, and behind my left eye).

This past year has been hell, but I am happy to report that within the past couple weeks, I'm feeling about 90% back to normal. I used to hate waking up in the morning because the thought of going through another day with those symptoms was horrible. But now I look forward to every morning because I've been feeling a little bit better almost every day. Also like many of you, I was persistent with doctors because I knew something had to be MASSIVELY wrong. 2 ER visits, head scans, heart scan, lots of blood work, all came back normal. My bad days, and "better" days came in waves, but I noticed that the very bad days were less severe and farther apart as time went on. I have had a couple relapses, and its possible i'll have more, but I've been doing pretty well so I wanted to come back and report that progress. My two young children are so happy to be slowly getting their mommy back. 

I think it's mostly time that has healed me, but I will say I notice that I do feel better on days when I take my multi-vitamin (women's one-a-day), in addition to an extra dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Could just be a coincidence, but i'm going to keep that up. After my most recent doctors visit and scan, I decided to stop chasing a diagnosis and try to stop obsessing about it. That has helped too. I know it's so hard to do when you feel like something is very wrong, but keeping my mind off it has definitely helped. 

I hope this helps someone out there! I know how lonely and terrifying this whole ordeal can feel. Try to keep your mind and bodies busy if you can. I'll come back and report any further progress. Stay positive and good luck! 




"After my most recent doctors visit and scan, I decided to stop chasing a diagnosis and try to stop obsessing about it. That has helped too. I know it's so hard to do when you feel like something is very wrong, but keeping my mind off it has definitely helped."

Cary L and Cary L reacted
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Posted by: @tone

Anybody know what the best supplements  would be for pins and needles or nerve or inflammation? Wanna stay as natural  as possible ...what are the best supplements  to take in general post vax injury.

Tone, Vitamin B12 and D and the best ones. You could also try taking multi-vitamins.

There are few more that one can try taking. I only took Vitamin B12 and D3 for the 1st 1 months or so.

If you Google or look for it on YT, there are quite a few Neurologists who share what supplements are best for nerves.

I've seen a couple of them but didn't really try any yet.

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Posted by: @gm1988

Just wanted to come back and give some people hope. I'm almost 1 year post-vaccine (JJ). I did NOT get any boosters, for obvious reasons. Like many of you, my symptoms started within days of the vaccine, and although there were many, the main ones were being constantly light-headed, "on-a-boat" feeling while walking, strange weakness/tingling especially on my left side, random burning sensations, left leg felt like it wasn't in sync with the rest of my body, fullness feeling in the head (mostly on the left side, and behind my left eye).

This past year has been hell, but I am happy to report that within the past couple weeks, I'm feeling about 90% back to normal. I used to hate waking up in the morning because the thought of going through another day with those symptoms was horrible. But now I look forward to every morning because I've been feeling a little bit better almost every day. Also like many of you, I was persistent with doctors because I knew something had to be MASSIVELY wrong. 2 ER visits, head scans, heart scan, lots of blood work, all came back normal. My bad days, and "better" days came in waves, but I noticed that the very bad days were less severe and farther apart as time went on. I have had a couple relapses, and its possible i'll have more, but I've been doing pretty well so I wanted to come back and report that progress. My two young children are so happy to be slowly getting their mommy back. 

I think it's mostly time that has healed me, but I will say I notice that I do feel better on days when I take my multi-vitamin (women's one-a-day), in addition to an extra dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Could just be a coincidence, but i'm going to keep that up. After my most recent doctors visit and scan, I decided to stop chasing a diagnosis and try to stop obsessing about it. That has helped too. I know it's so hard to do when you feel like something is very wrong, but keeping my mind off it has definitely helped. 

I hope this helps someone out there! I know how lonely and terrifying this whole ordeal can feel. Try to keep your mind and bodies busy if you can. I'll come back and report any further progress. Stay positive and good luck! 


Yes, time will bring healing. We had pretty much had the same symptoms from the left side of the head and eye pain, also the burning feelings. Well, most of my symptoms have subsided. I am able to get up in the morning not fearing pain and now able to get back to working out. The main thing is to stop googling and staying off WebMD looking up symptoms. It will just bring on anxiety. Once I stopped obsessing, as you put it, I started to slowly feel better. 

I did a detox, started taking NAC, artemisinin(stopped the burning) vitamin c, vitamin d and omega 3 fish oil. Also, a concoction from this metaphysical doctor which got to me to the point of less pain. I am 90-95% right now. 




PoorKitty, DrL, PoorKitty and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @trev
Posted by: @gm1988

Just wanted to come back and give some people hope. I'm almost 1 year post-vaccine (JJ). I did NOT get any boosters, for obvious reasons. Like many of you, my symptoms started within days of the vaccine, and although there were many, the main ones were being constantly light-headed, "on-a-boat" feeling while walking, strange weakness/tingling especially on my left side, random burning sensations, left leg felt like it wasn't in sync with the rest of my body, fullness feeling in the head (mostly on the left side, and behind my left eye).

This past year has been hell, but I am happy to report that within the past couple weeks, I'm feeling about 90% back to normal. I used to hate waking up in the morning because the thought of going through another day with those symptoms was horrible. But now I look forward to every morning because I've been feeling a little bit better almost every day. Also like many of you, I was persistent with doctors because I knew something had to be MASSIVELY wrong. 2 ER visits, head scans, heart scan, lots of blood work, all came back normal. My bad days, and "better" days came in waves, but I noticed that the very bad days were less severe and farther apart as time went on. I have had a couple relapses, and its possible i'll have more, but I've been doing pretty well so I wanted to come back and report that progress. My two young children are so happy to be slowly getting their mommy back. 

I think it's mostly time that has healed me, but I will say I notice that I do feel better on days when I take my multi-vitamin (women's one-a-day), in addition to an extra dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Could just be a coincidence, but i'm going to keep that up. After my most recent doctors visit and scan, I decided to stop chasing a diagnosis and try to stop obsessing about it. That has helped too. I know it's so hard to do when you feel like something is very wrong, but keeping my mind off it has definitely helped. 

I hope this helps someone out there! I know how lonely and terrifying this whole ordeal can feel. Try to keep your mind and bodies busy if you can. I'll come back and report any further progress. Stay positive and good luck! 


Yes, time will bring healing. We had pretty much had the same symptoms from the left side of the head and eye pain, also the burning feelings. Well, most of my symptoms have subsided. I am able to get up in the morning not fearing pain and now able to get back to working out. The main thing is to stop googling and staying off WebMD looking up symptoms. It will just bring on anxiety. Once I stopped obsessing, as you put it, I started to slowly feel better. 

I did a detox, started taking NAC, artemisinin(stopped the burning) vitamin c, vitamin d and omega 3 fish oil. Also, a concoction from this metaphysical doctor which got to me to the point of less pain. I am 90-95% right now. 




May I ask what concoction? What were your symptoms  ? And how long has it been  for your recovery  time line ? Were your symptoms debilitating at all?

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