After having dizziness, ear ringing, nausea,hyperreflexia( my body jerking with usually noise stimulation), painful muscles and joints, extreme fatigue. Had a very sorry neck, but it turned out it was mostly a muscle knot behind my right ear..I think I had neuritis off my vestibular never. My spinal tap was negative, I did have some elevated gamna globulins. One night in the hospital, someone made a loud noise with metal trays, my heart rate went up to almost 200. They checked me for a cardiac event but there was none. I did have a positive test that drunk be people get for balance, but I do not remember the name.Looking back...sweating helped, water helped, trying to use pressure point release on the muscle behind my ear helped, steam and sauna helped. Quietness helped. (Had 3 children under 5), acoustic nerve stimulation hurt. As for medicines..atarax,Benadryl,Prednisone helped. Gabapentin,Baclofen helped with muscle tightness and hyperreflexia. Duloxetine helped the depression(if I had gotten results sooner, I might not have needed this) Sunshine,fresh air helped. Lots of Vitamin C,Asparagus,(for diuretic helped) massage therapy helped. Massage therapy still helps. Pressure point release still helps.
It's been 30 years, I am 85%better. I have a good internist who listens to me. My acoustic nerve is better, noise still bothers me at times. The vaccine for COVID-19 turned it back on but it was brief(few weeks). My blood vessels were irritated, I had vascular spasms( migraines, hypertensive crises, blood clots, Raynaud's with cold), fatigue still plagues me;a short walk helps., Naps help, anytime I have prolonged bed rest I have to build my activities up again.I still have chest pain, chotochondritis in ribs,joint pain, hypothyroid,IBS.. Thinking this is left over autoimmunity I have a rheumatologist who gives me CellCept and Hydroxychloroquine.. Helps calm autoimmunity. Been a long journey..