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Hello all,

Happy to join although site is hard to navigate and search.    I got the Pfizer vaccine (first shot) Apr 30.  On May 10th, OMG, everything started.  Dizziness, nausea, walking to the left, headache, stiff neck, shooting pains up my left jaw to my skull.....I ended up going to hospital and after battery of tests (blood, EKG, and CT Scan of my brain) I was diagnosed with vertigo BPPV.....but my d dimer levels in my bloodwork were significantly high, everything else negative.  In speaking to my doc about all of this before I went to hospital, she was more concerned with filling out a form for our government, who, since this all occurred, I've had calls with a public health nurse and the public health doctor wants me to see a neurologist BEFORE taking the 2nd vaccine.....Like you, my evenings are the worst and last night I had catastrophic thoughts, restless legs and I ended up trying (yes trying) to sleep upright in a zero gravity chair.  Additionally, I have pain in my upper left jaw, 2nd molar which has a massive crown on it from 2009.  I've been to the endodontist who is telling me I have a failed root canal and I need to get a retreatment on that this Tuesday.  My ears are ringing as I write this.  I am also seeing a vestibular physiotherapist who is helping a little.  Honestly I don't know what to rule in or out at this point.  It's all so weird.  I am not a neurotic person.  I am quite logical and this is all driving me to some madness.  What on earth are we to do.....wait for 5 years before they say the vaccine was all wrong?    PS  This site is difficult to navigate.  

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I had severe vertigo about 5 days after 1st vax for a week. After the 2nd vax I had another 2 days of episodes. Dr. Didn't find any issues. Now 5+ months later I am getting intermittent dizzy spells. Waiting to see doctor next week. Found this site and just posted to see if anyone else is having long term effects. Yes, this site is hard to navigate.

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I am having same issues from past 2 months and I am not sure how long this is going to last. I wish doctors have some answers for people like us.

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@silkowcy I had my second shot of moderna on April 1st on April 20 I woke up to dizziness which still has not went away along with severe anxiety which i never felt before. I went to an ear nose and throat doctor twice since April and he found nothing. I have been to the hospital 3 times since april and they did nothing. I will go going to my primary care doctor tomorrow for a physical, EKG, and blood work. This is crushing my active lifestyle and its hard to leave the house now. Has anyone found a solution to this?

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@silkowcy I had severe vertigo after my 2nd shot of Moderna (ended up at Urgent Care, miserable, off work for a week) in March 2021. Unfortunately, I also get intermittent BPPV, but that resolves using the Epley maneuver.

Just had my first Shingles vaccine and the vertigo returned — vestibular neuritis. Saw a physical therapist who said both bouts could possibly be linked to my vaccines (yep, it’s listed as a possible side effect of both vaccines). She gave me some exercises to rehab my vestibular nerve and taught me how to resolve my recurring ear crystal BPPV problem too. 

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@silkowcy hello I just had Pfizer I. June 2021 I am 71 female I was I. Good health til got Pfizer shot 2 weeks later I got vertigo dizziness off balance has ekg txt neurologist 

test being treated for vertigo I not taking 2 shot drs tried to dismiss it 

saying not true but I know my body and it is true

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Did you get rid of dizziness

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@silkowcy @dconte I had my first dose of Moderna while unknowingly being positive with covid. I’ve been suffering from terrible vertigo for 2.5 months. Found out last week it’s from vestibular neuritis. Getting a referral for physical therapy. Terrified to get my second dose. Hoping this all clears up soon.

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Did any of you get to tintinitus and did it go away ?

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I have such extreme ringing in my ears that I have to have some kind of "white noise" in the background  at all times. Never experienced anything like it,before! Received my second Pfizer vaccine in May.   Also am experiencing extreme fatigue,and racing heart.(has improved a little)



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@rob51489 I am having the same issues 4weeks post 2nd vaccine. Vertigo like symptoms, anxiety, low BP, nausea, vomiting, heart fluttering, heart thumping, loss of appetite, diarrohea. Comes and goes in waves. Its affecting my day to day now.

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@peggy  So has anything helped? Please say something helps!!!
