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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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@it-melbau hi ! Currently going through some weird symptoms. I have achy arms that feel heavy and also some small twitches that happen in random spots . My symptoms luckily are not unbearable but very annoying and are making my anxiety crazy bad . I have nightmares and I am scared to be alone , think about my body all day every day . I am only 20 so I am terrified this won’t get better . I wanted to ask you if you ever experienced pulsing/pins feeling under your heel. I have been feeling this some days in the morning , lasts a few minutes the goes away . I have been to so many doctors already and now doing MRI’s wich luckily all seem fine . Also scheduled an EMG because I’m just so scared . 
many advice will help . I know anxiety for sure is making things worse but it’s a cycle … how can I not be anxious with these weird sensations 

thanks a lot for listening to my rant 

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@cantfindausername776 oh dear! Really really the best advice I can give you is, do not be anxious, I’d say if there’s anything scary in your case given your young age, it would be the same as me, multiple sclerosis, but luckily your MRI is clear so this isn’t the case. The tingling you feel in your heel or any other parts of your body is most likely caused by the effect of the vaccine causing some damage to your peripheral nerves which is the same as my case I assume, this does go away slowly as your body tries to recover and restore the damage. The twitches in the muscles will go too, I had it so bad and I feel it fit much better and still improving by the days, Please allow sometime for your body to heal and since MRI is clear live your life, you’re too young to be too anxious. It’s good that you did MRI as this is what I would have advised you to so anyway to rule out ms. I still have this pins and needles until now but once I was reassured it isn’t ms I completely ignored them and magically their intensity feel a lot less already! Anxiety is very bad and being so alert of our body is absolutely terrible. What I found helped me when I get this is put my foot under running tap water and massage my foot with some soap, really alleviated the symptoms quite a lot for me. But please, anxiety is your enemy, your body will heal itself just help it by not being too alert about the symptoms, whenever you feel them tell yourself your CNS is fine, the rest will restore its normal state just with time. Get well soon and remember, life is way too short to waste it being anxious! Sometimes being scared of sickness is our actual sickness, so you’re good trust me, your symptoms are those that will disappear on their own hopefully very soon ☺️

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@it-melbau honestly I can’t thank you enough for this message . 
it’s really nice of you and your words are so appreciated. 
I know being stressed is not going to help but it’s really hard to break this cycle I have put myself in now . Bit you are right , anxiety in these cases is the enemy and mine has been so bad it made me have nightmares and sense of impending doom and panico attacks yet I still tell myself my anxiety can’t be so bad to cause these symptoms . Truth is it could , being on high alert for sure is not helping my body by any means . 
I will follow your advice and try to sooth the sensations I have in the moment , I am so mad I am wasting this time of my life worrying , it’s been like this from the start of the pandemic already so since I was 18 … basically two years of fear first for covid then my family now the vaccines I tend to always fear the worst of every situation . 
I really hope things will get better with time like many have said and should stop fearing they will get worse . 
thankyou again so much for your message , you have no idea how much these words can change my day 

have a good one 

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Hi everyone, 


I have been following this forum for a few months now and honestly want to thank everyone for sharing their experience with the vaccine, I think it's the only thing that kept me sane. I have been dealing with a host of symptoms since November and wanted to write about them, and share what I have done to help them get better, which they have! I would say at this point I am 75% better than I was in the beginning of all of this. I am 35, very healthy and into fitness until this happened, mom of 2.

My symptoms started with tingling in my arms and hands along with chest pain and tightness. From there it progressed, and I had basically every part of my body affected in some way shape or form

-braing fog (HORRIBLE!!)

-weakness in my hands and legs

-head pain

-back and neck aches that were debilitating at times (deep tissue massage helped)

-muscle twitching that made it hard to sleep at times

-night sweats


-muscle aches (I feared at this point that I had ALS or MS) 

-awful anxiety

-GI issues

-Blurry vision (things looked wavy or moving slightly)

-tremors in my hands, or muscles shaking when I would use them in my arms and legs as well

-shooting nerve pain (even in my mouth/teeth sometimes)

-internal vibrations especially in my feet (heel), burning sensation

-ringing in my ears

-Pulsing in my body (sometimes i felt like the bed was shaking but it was just my pulse throbbing throughout my whole body)


-Joint pain that would come and go


I went to the cardiologist, rheumatologist, ophthalmologist, functional medicine dr and neurologist as well as my primary. My MRI was normal, my Echo was normal but they did say I had some inflammation in my heart which they are saying is from the VX. My Drs have been very open about the VX saying they are starting to see a influx of patients with our symptoms. My rheumatologist actually said, "one day we will have a name to put on this, but right now it's too new to know much"


My bloodwork came back I have no auto immune diseases, but I did have some flags (EBV, IGG, C4A) which they believe are also to do with the VX disrupting my immune system, it's basically in overdrive. The functional Dr explained to me what the spike proteins in this VX can do, and even showed me a slide of my blood and how damaged my RBC's were. 


I KNOW how debilitating this all can be. I really thought I was dying in the middle of all this. I can't even imagine the medical bills that will start rolling in from all of it, but the good news is, it does get better. 


I am now two weeks out of having most of my symptoms go away or become very mild.  I get mild tingling, a headache here and there, minor GI symptoms and my hands are still funny, I can't explain it just stiff and arthritic almost, and my vision is about 50% better. Everything else has pretty much disappeared. My cardiologist today told me they are going to have me take an anti-inflammatory to get my heart back to 100% but it's almost there. He also said they are starting to treat ppl with the VX reaction with the antibody treatment they are giving to covid patients. 

Other things that helped me that I continue to take, most referred to me by the functional medicine dr:

Body Bio Balance Oil 

Body Bio PC Liposomal Phospholipid (expensive but amazing, I swear it got rid of my brain fog in a matter of a few days. It also helps rebuild cells, mitochondria etc)

NAC (I believe this helps detox the body, as it is used in the ER for tylenol overdoses)

Body Bio TUDCA

Vitamin D


Zinc/ Vitamin C (NOT ascorbic acid)



Green Vibrance (this stuff is amazing I have taken this for years)

Collagen protein immune powder (whole foods had a great one)

Immune shot (this was done at the functional med dr., gave me instant energy I am going to get them weekly for a while to help boost my system

I haven't done it yet but there is a machine that can actually take your blood, remove toxins (kind of like dialysis), oxidize it and put it back into you. I have heard this can really help so I may be doing this in the near future as well.

This is obviously what has helped me, I know it may not be for everyone but some of these things I actually found on this forum from other folks so I wanted to do the same for anyone looking for suggestions. 

I am really hoping this gets better for everyone. Don't lose hope. I know I was for a while. I am finally back to feeling like myself, working out, doing fun things with my family. Actually LEAVING the house! If anyone wants to talk or has any other questions, I would be glad to try and help!


Kristin G




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@biancax08 I started having numbness and tingling all over my body a couple weeks after my 2nd Moderna shot. It’s made my life hell. No one can tell me what’s happening and I’m going to be paralyzed soon I fear. I’ve seen neurologists cancer doctors etc. No one can say. I feel like I can’t live like this anymore

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@davidl I’ve had bad numbness, tingling in my whole body especially at night since 2nd Moderna shot. Now I’m extremely fatigued all the time. It’s weird but it’s burning numbness AND pain. When asked to describe it it feels like a million ants crawling under my skin.

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@grissyr If your neurologist wasn’t concerned with numbness and tingling you need to get another Neurologist. Numbness and tingling are their MAJOR reason for being.

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Hi I'm the same, 35, 2 kids and other than the blurry vision everything else was / is the same for me. Thanks for sharing your experience. It's horrible isn't it. 😭

I'm improving too but it's still here. It makes me really sad to keep feeling it despite telling my body that nothing is wrong, it's just a hiccup, carry on like all is normal.

I haven't had as many tests, still waiting for mri results but I don't think it will show anything. 

You are the second person saying NAC helped so I will give it a go thanks. Can you tell me which one you used please? Thx x


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Posted by: @ryedog32

@biancax08 I started having numbness and tingling all over my body a couple weeks after my 2nd Moderna shot. It’s made my life hell. No one can tell me what’s happening and I’m going to be paralyzed soon I fear. I’ve seen neurologists cancer doctors etc. No one can say. I feel like I can’t live like this anymore

I also thought I'd be paralysed for 2 months straight. Hang in there. It's not only a shock to your entire body but also your emotional and mental health.

It's a traumatising experience (drs don't get it) and both the jab complications and the experience need healing from. I'm sorry you had to join the club but so far it seems we should be ok in the long run...

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@helenn Yes its weird the vision came much later and has kind of stuck around although I think it's definitely improving, it's not constant just when I look at certain things..odd...this whole thing is just odd!

The NAC I use is "Wholesome Story" brand. Also if you can invest in the Bio products, I swear by them. They taste horrible but everything just took a turn for the better after starting them. I was told nerve inflammation/damage can take a long time to resolve, that may explain why this seems to linger. It seems like we are all having an inflammatory reaction that is affecting every system one by one.

I really hope that once this resolves and my body heals it's a thing of the past..even today out of nowhere my right foot its tingling and burning...every time a little symptom flares up, I get so scared it's all going to start again..but fingers crossed everything is bearable and I think once the brain fog and anxiety subsided it really helped. I hope you continue to feel better! It's hard being a mom when you felt like we did! My two year old tells everyone I'm at the Dr's all the time because I basically lived there every day for weeks and weeks!


Wishing you the best!



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Thank you for your responses. Feel better that I’m not experiencing these symptoms on my own! I feel like now I’m getting new symptoms every few days, if it’s not one thing it’s another! This past week I’ve also started with random tingling in my fingers/hands and almost a weakness in both my arms, not together but on separate occasions effecting either arm, along with feeling more tired than usual. It makes me so anxious and paranoid thinking there may be something more seriously wrong with me e.g. stroke, GBS, MS etc.. then the symptoms settle and I feel back to normal. I just hope this isn’t a long term effect! I feel like I don’t want to contact my doctor again as I feel as though I’m being ‘annoying’ or acting like I’m over reacting. But I’ve noticed on here some of you have had MRI’s so maybe that’s something I may mention to my doctor just for piece of mind.

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I'm from The Hague myself, and haven't found any shop that actually sells it. But you can get it from the supplier's website (, or Google 'Vitakruid NAC' and you'll probably be able to get it a bit cheaper somewhere else and order in. 

Hope you're doing well. 

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@helenn I also had a spike in my blood that you get if you have multiple myeloma cancer after the shots. It turns out it’s called MGUS and is pre cancer. My Hemotologist/Oncologist said it was low and could be from the Vaccines

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Posted by: @djm-21


I'm from The Hague myself, and haven't found any shop that actually sells it. But you can get it from the supplier's website (, or Google 'Vitakruid NAC' and you'll probably be able to get it a bit cheaper somewhere else and order in. 

Hope you're doing well. 


Thank you so much for your answer and recommendation. Really appreciate it. I will look into it tomorrow, and order online. I am now much too knackered... unfortunately not doing well at all today. Can barely get about, an absolute struggle, and everything takes so exceedingly long, and so tiring. All being well, it'll then be delivered Tuesday... fingers crossed. 
Take care. 🙂 

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Posted by: @ryedog32

@davidl I’ve had bad numbness, tingling in my whole body especially at night since 2nd Moderna shot. Now I’m extremely fatigued all the time. It’s weird but it’s burning numbness AND pain. When asked to describe it it feels like a million ants crawling under my skin.

I've had the same thing I'm on month six of it. It is slowly getting better. One of the many doctors I have seen about it said it was a mild variant of Guillian Barre syndrome.

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