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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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Hi there. I am experiencing some of the same symptoms after my Astra zeneca vaccine which I received on Apr.26 /2021. About a week after my shot I had numbness/tingling in my left foot, leg , across my torso and on my face/head area. I also have a weakness in my left leg and groin area which at time gives out and causes me to fall with no warning. I am weak and have no strength in that keft leg. I had nerve testing,  a MRI and a CT  scan done which was negative in explaining any of these symptoms. This is Jan now and I still have these issues occurring . I still have no answers as to the cause and I find that no one really wants to go down the  road or to even say that it might be from the vaccine. I'm 9 months in  now and have seen very little improvement if any. It was interesting to find people suffering with the same issues after being vaccinated as the more this goes on, I'm thinking my problems must be vaccine related. I too am hoping this goes away soon but I see no lite at the end of the tunnel. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@clea Hello there. I too am experiencing numbness/tingling in my face/head. My nose and lips are tingly and when I touch my head it feels like pins and needles. It isn't all the time but intermittent.  I also have numbness and tingling in my torso area as well as issues with my left leg giving away and causing me to fall without warning. I've had nerve testing done, MRI and CT scans done and nothing showed up to explain these symptoms. My vaccine was Astra zeneca which I received on April 26,  2021 and these issues started shortly after.  I still suffer with this with very little improvement if any.  I have  no answers and no one seems to want to say that it's from the vaccine. I get shut down when I bring up the possibility that it might be vaccine related. I hope things improve for you soon. 

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@windsor would you happen to know what medication people are being given?

I went to a GP yesterday and she instantly told me that it is possible that this reaction comes from the vaccine, she  prescribed me a month of vitamin B + muscle relaxers for a week

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hello all,


I read all the 95 pages of this thread. Ugh. And why did I do that? Because my wife (42yo, Czech Republic, Central Europe) had the same symptoms described here (TINGLING/NUMBNESS, insomnia) after the first Pfizer shot in May 2021. Eight months later and the symptoms are not better. Her hands and legs are still tingling. She also visited doctors and took several neuro tests and blood tests, and everything was clear as many times described here. The doctors do not know how to help, but they do not recommend the next shots.

She is also desperate like most of you, and she tries to find anything that can improve her quality of life again.

Now my questions for women - do you track your symptoms with your period to see a dependency (concurrence) to other symptoms like PMS?

And for all of you, you often write about supplements. So I can understand that natural vitamins like B, D can help.

Many of you also mentioned the NAC supplement, which is not based on vitamins. Is this supplement working to reduce the tingling and numbness?

If yes, do you use 1000mg or 650mg?



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@cedrbal that's a not so easy questions but I will explain why. there is quite a few that can be given but it depends what is being treated. I am not a medical expert in anyways. But I do love this Dr and his videos - example He has a Dr speak about long COVID (which is similar to some of our symptoms - antibodies spike protein mistaking the body in the same way) who says what he gives his patients, someone who had the Vax and had similar side effects and what they have tried and Lastly a hypothesis of why these side effects happen. When you watch them together, you come to understand the different approach a dr could use, if they accept the spike protein mimicking as a cause and effect. 

In this video ( at 28 min on, he states the medications that could help, and why they would be given. As there is different mechanisms a dr could use  Example, steroid is for inflammation versus ivermectin. 

The problem is alot are offlabel use. Drs don't like offlabel. There isn't enough research and case studies - but how could their be at this time - not enough time has lapse for proper medical recommendations. It also varies for each person - example that one guy who has these side effects has tried many of them and is still unwell. I know the large one on this forum is steroids which according to this video is a good one, but it helps the inflammation, not the binding of those spike protein. So technically, there could be better medication then steroids to address that cause. 

on my part, although I read up on this stuff, I need a dr ready to prescribe it which hasn't happened yet. I am doing what is available to me (intermittent fasting, vitamins) however I believe medication does exist to help us, it's just no easy to get..

Here are a few other videos from him I recommend:,,






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@nawpan I'm having the same symptoms.  Sent for the same tests.  Carpal Tunnel of my Right wrist although my left hurts and has numbness as well.  My legs have burning and numbness.  They feel like jelly and these symptoms developed about 72 hours after my booster. They came on suddenly of both arms and legs and I was alarmed.  I attributed it to my other health problem with my spine but the MRI doesn't show that would be the problem for my right arm.  The burning and weakness is awful. I truly hope this will pass.  Any supplement ideas? What has worked for everyone else?

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I originally had numbness on the side of my face and centered around my ear for about 2 weeks about 2 weeks after my 1st Pfizer shot.  It went away for 5 months but is back ( 🙁 ) after a really weird respiratory infection of sorts, I had no infected mucus but for a week I'd get really bad asthma at bedtime and my inhaler barely did anything. Near the end of that, the numbness returned. It's been about a week now. Seems mostly my face still. No apparent weakness, I can move everything properly. Haven't bit my lip yet like I was doing daily the first time.  Hoping it goes away. 

Still glad we have this forum so that I know I'm not the only one. Hopefully it's not Bell's Palsy or Guillain-Barre, but I can only assume it's a really mild version of one of those two... thank goodness it's not an acute version of the latter; but it all makes me extremely hesitant to get a booster, especially if J&J is somehow taken off the market. My 2nd shot was J&J, for obvious reasons, and that went well as far as I know, just achey for a day after. 

It's really a shame that VAERS is being spammed, so there is no real clear picture of how many this is impacting and that many will disregard any spike in VAERS. Hopefully some good data scientists can filter out all the obvious spam so we can get a decent idea. 

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by brucekeller

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@bradleymom12754   I heard that b12 helps, not me, I still have it. It is called Paresthesia.  I thought that it came from metformin, but is a result of the vaccine!!!

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Posted by: @djm-21


I have been posting some things that have helped for me, and I'm pretty much symptom free now:

"Second, and I have already wrote down a few times what I felt helped me out most. But to be clear I will share it again. Most important I felt was the supplement NAC - every 12 hours - for me (there's also many scientific research about NAC and COVID-19 and related vaccines about the effectiveness), technically the literature states that NAC works as spike protein neutralizers, preventing it from causing further damage to cells. But also Omega 3, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Zinc, vitamin B(12), C, D, Selenium, Magnesium were part of my supplement intake. I didn't drink any alcohol, this seemed to really worsen the side effects (tingling & muscle spasms). I also drank a maximum of 1 cup of coffee everyday, no more. Food wise: many greens (freshly cooked) added with some rice / couscous (or whatever), fish and no other meats. I also kept working out throughout, for about 5 days a week, between 1,5h - 3h per session. I understand that that's a bit much for some, but I would definitely try to keep your body moving every day and stay fit. It really feels like the vaccine is a huge shock to your immune-system, and you need to do everything you can to pretty much build that up again. (Again, I am nor a doctor or a scientist, this just feels like that for me). I didn't stop any of this, and will not for a few months."

Also from NL by the way. 


Thank you so much! 

What strikes me is over the last few days is that suddenly I sense a minute improvement - if and when it is the right side, and not the left or jab side - and I feel a tad of hope. But then it's back to the same as before... or even worse. Since this all started I've run a gamut of emotions from despondency to fuming fury and terrible anger. But late this afternoon - TV was on - I saw an older woman walking her lovely white horse on The Farmers' Country Showdown (BBC1) and it hit me so hard... the longing to just walk normally again, to be able to walk again outside, and I just burst into tears.

I've just googled NAC... OK. I can understand its usefulness. I already take Vit B Complex Extra Strength (on the box it says max 1 per day). 
Where do you buy or order your vitamins/supplements from? (Since you too live in NL... unless I am mistaken, I doubt I can find what you recommend online through Kruidvat. Then who?) 
No alcohol is no hardship for me (lol), as I very rarely drink. Had some Rose Wine during the Xmas season, and haven't had any since late Dec. I am a veritable tea-aholic though, and love herbal teas. Two mugs of coffee per day is my absolute max. Drink lots of water, too. I don't smoke either and never have. I am a veritable rabbit though... I LOVE my veggies and salad, and 400 to 500 gr of veg for dinner for me alone is quite normal, and then still have a bowl of salad too. So, I think I'm OK in that regard. Since I cannot take Iron, I need to glean that through my food intake. 

Working out is a bit difficult (lol). I'm speeding towards 75... before this horrid palaver hit me, I was very active in and around the house. Shortly before I got the 1st jab I moved into a new home... and work on the garden, and finishing off the home were all cut short when the side effects started impeding my life from about 13 Nov. Walking up the stairs is a struggle! I need a walking stick to get about and hang onto doors, walls, furniture. But I keep moving, and exercising my limbs.

Really appreciate your help! 

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Dear All,

I will tell you all about my experience but let me first thank each and every one of you who took the time to share their experience and follow up to keep everyone else calm. I have found this forum and it was the only place i would go to every time my anxiety hit the roof. I am a big Pro vax and never ever hesitated to take one, with the covid one i accepted to take it knowing it may have risks but wanted to do my part so we can all get out of the lockdowns etc. Three weeks after my second Pfizer shot i started to feel tingling in my left foot/leg. This is when I really started to feel it clear, not sure if it started before. It felt as if someone is tickling me and i am urged to itch and massage my foot to get rid of the feeling, water crawling under my skin and sometimes like pins and needles feeling that ranged from unpleasant to uncomfortable to painful sometimes. I had very bad days, flare ups etc. I ended up asking my doctor and he said tingling and pins/needles could be early signs for loss of sensation and given that i am a female/38yo, it may be ms so he sent me for an MRI. Let me tell you i had very bad times where i would come here and read your posts and say this could not be ms because i only started to feel this after the vaccine, so thanks for every reassurance you have given me. My MRI came back CLEARRRRR, absolutely normal no ms nothing in the CNS. I still have the feelings 3 months later but let me tell you guys, anxiety makes it much worse, when i knew that it is not ms and my brain is clear, i just topped worrying completely and my symptoms almost disappeared! Not saying my anxiety caused these feelings, because I still have them and but they have improved of about 90% I'd say. Keep the hope guys, if you had them after the vaccine, just remember it is most likely from the vaccine and do not think about it, they will resolve and your body will heal those damaged peripheral nerves. Please let me know if anyone has any questions that you think i can give you some reassurance, anxiety is bad and we all worry about our health. Stay strong and remember, It will pass!

This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by IMTA

Justagirl14!!, KitKat, RoseW and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @rapman

Hello all,


I read all the 95 pages of this thread. Ugh. And why did I do that? Because my wife (42yo, Czech Republic, Central Europe) had the same symptoms described here (TINGLING/NUMBNESS, insomnia) after the first Pfizer shot in May 2021. Eight months later and the symptoms are not better. Her hands and legs are still tingling. She also visited doctors and took several neuro tests and blood tests, and everything was clear as many times described here. The doctors do not know how to help, but they do not recommend the next shots.

She is also desperate like most of you, and she tries to find anything that can improve her quality of life again.

Now my questions for women - do you track your symptoms with your period to see a dependency (concurrence) to other symptoms like PMS?

And for all of you, you often write about supplements. So I can understand that natural vitamins like B, D can help.

Many of you also mentioned the NAC supplement, which is not based on vitamins. Is this supplement working to reduce the tingling and numbness?

If yes, do you use 1000mg or 650mg?



Hi I suggest a good quality all round multivitamin is best which includes the B vitamins, Vitamin D as well as turmeric and omega 3 oil.

I have been suffering from pins and needles and numbness for just over 6 months now since my first jab. I have seen some improvement but it gets worse around menstruation and when I'm ill then it settles brown again.

I haven't had a minute since my jab when I haven't had this pins and needles. Has your wife noticed any improvement at all?

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Posted by: @brucekeller

I originally had numbness on the side of my face and centered around my ear for about 2 weeks about 2 weeks after my 1st Pfizer shot.  It went away for 5 months but is back ( 🙁 ) after a really weird respiratory infection of sorts, I had no infected mucus but for a week I'd get really bad asthma at bedtime and my inhaler barely did anything. Near the end of that, the numbness returned. It's been about a week now. Seems mostly my face still. No apparent weakness, I can move everything properly. Haven't bit my lip yet like I was doing daily the first time.  Hoping it goes away. 

Still glad we have this forum so that I know I'm not the only one. Hopefully it's not Bell's Palsy or Guillain-Barre, but I can only assume it's a really mild version of one of those two... thank goodness it's not an acute version of the latter; but it all makes me extremely hesitant to get a booster, especially if J&J is somehow taken off the market. My 2nd shot was J&J, for obvious reasons, and that went well as far as I know, just achey for a day after. 

It's really a shame that VAERS is being spammed, so there is no real clear picture of how many this is impacting and that many will disregard any spike in VAERS. Hopefully some good data scientists can filter out all the obvious spam so we can get a decent idea. 

Around three months after my first Pfizer vaccine just as my pins and needles started to settle down I got some odd virus. It felt like I was constantly about to come down with full blown cold but each day nothing much happened apart from a mild scratchy throat, runny nose. The same time I developed a low grade headache and trigeminal neuralgia in my face which both lasted for about two months but have since gone away. I was wondering if it was some kind of shingles without the shingles rash? I heard of a few people who have experienced this strange numbness in their face. 

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Posted by: @bradleymom12754

@nawpan I'm having the same symptoms.  Sent for the same tests.  Carpal Tunnel of my Right wrist although my left hurts and has numbness as well.  My legs have burning and numbness.  They feel like jelly and these symptoms developed about 72 hours after my booster. They came on suddenly of both arms and legs and I was alarmed.  I attributed it to my other health problem with my spine but the MRI doesn't show that would be the problem for my right arm.  The burning and weakness is awful. I truly hope this will pass.  Any supplement ideas? What has worked for everyone else?

Turmeric, omega 3 and B 12 help.


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Posted by: @clea

Hi. I am glad that I have come across this page. I got my first Pfizer vaccine September 2021, 8 weeks after the dose I started experiencing tingling/pins and needles in both my hands and feet. I went to my GP they did blood tests to rule out conditions such as low B12 levels and Diabetes - all bloods normal. A couple of weeks after these symptoms I began experiencing right sided facial numbness (intermittently, not there all the time) almost like an altered sensation to my nose, cheek and ear. I returned to my GP who couldn’t explain what was happening and told me to get back into contact with him if I started with any facial drooping or muscle weakness, which I haven’t. I got my second vaccine (hesitant) 8 days ago as my GP advised I should. The pins and needles seem to have settled but I’m still experiencing right sided facial numbness. I’m 25yr old, normally fit and healthy no medical conditions. It may be all coincidence but my only personal explanation is that all these symptoms occurred after having my vaccine. Is anybody else experiencing facial numbness?

Yep.... facial numbness, tingling and pins and needles in face, tongue and throat on and off for the first 6-8 weeks. It went away then I got an odd virus about three months out from my Pfizer and I started having strong stabbing, pins and needles, numbness and electrical shock trigeminal neuralgia in my right face. Took a good few weeks to go. If I pressed on areas around my eye and temple it would set the pain and tingling off.

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Posted by: @tbraziel

I received my pfizer booster on 12/29. Since then, I have been experiencing strange sensations that started in my left hand and moved throughout my body. I have pinching, numbness and tingling. It has seemed to improve since week one but is worse at night and my sleep is very disrupted. It feels as if my circulation is lacking and things are just "wrong". I wake up flushed, fluttering chest, and increased anxiety. My doctor chalked it up to swollen lymph nodes creating "camps" throughout my body to battle the vaccine and that my immune system was doing its job. However, he said it should be resolved in 2 weeks and this is week 2. Has anyone else had this response from your booster only? I had no issues with my first 2 doses last May.

WOW!! I'm experiencing the exact same symptoms after my 1st Pfizer on 1/7. Any more answers?

I just got home from a long day at ER. "Nothing life threatening", but no further answers what is causing the tingling/numbness or disrupted sleep.

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