Luck Has Nothing To Do With It

Many vestibular patients feel unlucky because they have an invisible illness that affects every aspect of their life, but that others don’t see or understand. Vestibular patient, Peggy Artman, considers a different way for patients like her to approach the concept of “luck.”

“Lucky”  is a word that most people with chronic health issues do not relate to. Many have illnesses that are invisible to others. Their loved ones often do not understand how debilitating these types of health issues can be. Also, it can take some time and patience to find a doctor that understands a patient’s health issues and can work toward treatments that may improve their quality of life. It can take a lot of patience and perseverance. It’s essential for the patient to understand that it’s not their fault.

People are often more successful in coping with their health issues if they can focus on the “silver lining” in the situation. It’s possible that a patient may find that they are stronger than they think once they have been challenged by their health. Because having patience is so important, it can be helpful to slow down and find the positive things in their lives rather than focusing on the negative. Enjoying the small things can make a big difference.

The most successful people have found ways to improve the odds of success. They have learned how to put themselves in the right situations at the right time. They accomplish their goals with a lot of hard work and determination. Research has shown that there are ways to make your own luck.

  • It may be hard to do, but getting out of the house and being more social may help. Seek out people that are positive and encouraging. There are also support groups available, either in person or online. The goal is to prevent feelings of being alone and isolated.
  • Along with seeking support from others, people with chronic health issues may be able to find some satisfaction in helping others. While giving to others, patients may realize how “lucky” they really are.
  • For some people, visualizing a goal can help them achieve that goal. It can keep them motivated if they know they are on the right track. Think about long- and short-term goals and how they can be met.
  • One of the worst things to do is to get stuck in a rut where negative thoughts take over. Practicing the above three things can help prevent this. Also, be open to new ideas and experiences. Look for opportunities to explore options from a different perspective.
  • Although some people just seem “lucky,” these people were actively looking for new opportunities and knew where to find them. They worked hard and never gave up. There is so much information available on chronic illnesses on the internet, but it is critical that the information is from a trustworthy source.
  • Setbacks are normal. Sometimes people are just having too many symptoms to be more active. Accept these setbacks as normal and search for ways to get back on the right path when the symptoms subside.
  • Accept the fact that you have a chronic illness, but don’t let it define you as a person. It is only a part of who you are. Try to accept the situation as it is and then focus on the present moment. Look around and find joy in the little things. Finding some “luck” in these moments might be surprising.

Article By Peggy Artman


Reference: Deep Patel, 10 Proven Ways to Make Your Luck,