Last seen: September 24, 2021 11:25 am
@grissyr exact same but neck pain, it's awful. I was told to do stretches by physio, it helps a bit actually but also taking ibuprofen.
@grissyr exact same but neck pain, it's awful. I was told to do stretches by physio, it helps a bit actually but also taking ibuprofen.
Hi Sandra! Yes very slow and gradually better, but it's frustrating isn't it?! My symptoms started 6 days after my second vacine. What about you? My n...
@sandrasp my numbness tingling has gone, though I now have this electric buzz jumping around my body. My neck is sore too, is yours? The good thing it...
Update on my symptoms from previous, maybe some of you might relate. I'm in week 7 since my second pfeizer vaccination. Numbness and tingling gone (ho...
@larag oh it's so reassuring to know you are not alone. Thus is causing me such anxiety. My appetite is gone and I'm trying so hard to feel positive. ...
Hi, I wanted to share my story if others have any similarly experience. 6 days after my 2nd dose of pfizer vaccine I started experiencing tingling and...