Last seen: June 25, 2021 2:38 pm
About Me
Hi when I was young I had many ear problems. I had tubes put in and my adenoids removed I was 7yrs old. When I was 15 I was diagnosed with cholesteatoma. I had a modified radical canal wall down mastoidectomy with tymnoplasty. The surgeon done awesome job. That was in 1982. In 2016 I lost my hearing a ENT put tubes in my ears and its been hell ever since. After many different ENT visits they say everything is fine. My balance is bad I have pain my eyes have hard stuff in them all the time my ears bleed and the tinnitus has given me thoughts of ending my life. The ENT who put the tubes in called me on a Saturday night and said he made a mistake. He doesn't respond to my calls. If the barometer changes I lay in bed praying for GOD to take my life because I get severe pain too. Its cover up for this ENT what has this country gone to. Its all about money. I hope the people complaining about having to stay home all the time because of this virus can realize they get to go out again I don't because of our health system.