Just starting this journey…

Don't wait, get help now. Keep strong and keep faith and make sure you have an amazing support system.

Age: 36

Diagnosis: Undiagnosed

Hey everyone.

I was just recently was released from my 2nd hospital stay. I am currently undiagnosed, but the doctors and neurologists think I have some sort of vestibular balance issue. All my tests (CT, MRI, heart, etc.) came back normal. No medication I’ve been given has helped or lessened my symptoms.

I have been living daily for about 6 months with pressure in my head and dizziness, along with being lightheaded 24/7. Nothing I have tried takes those away. More rest or better foods, more fluids, laying or sitting, absolutely nothing.

I have fallen twice, hence my hospital stays, and currently am not allowed to go back to work.

ENT see’s nothing wrong with my ears, inner ears, etc.

I know there is a solution out there somewhere and I have hope that solution comes fast. As a father of a 2.5yr old daughter, it’s terrible not being able to even play with her or pick her up, no driving her anywhere in fear of wrecking the car, can’t cook her dinner, can’t do laundry, literally nothing.

I wish I had done something months ago to try to get in front of this, but I didn’t for whatever reason.

For anyone who is reading this and where I was months ago, do not wait! Go get help now. Do not wait until it’s too late like it appears I may have done. I thought I’d be “okay” as I’ve never had a single medical issue in my 36 years. Boy, was I sooooooo wrong.

Keep strong and keep faith and make sure you have an amazing support system at home or through friends and just like I know I will be okay, you will be too! We got this!!!!!
