I am not certain as to what the future holds, however, today I am focusing on living life and re-wiring my brain.

Hi, my name is Kim. I am an adventurer, a world traveler, a craft brew enthusiast and I have a vestibular disorder. I was humming along in life with a full career, family events and travel plans when on March 6, 2014 my life took a major detour, starting with vertigo.
After months of comprehensive testing and evaluation I was assured by my medical team that I did not have a brain tumor, a stroke or MS, however, what was my diagnosis?? What is a vestibular disorder, what is vestibulopathy? How is it that it is so difficult to navigate around my own home safely with my balance, vision and my ability to process compromised? Returning to work as an emergency department nurse was not an option. I needed to focus on daily living activities and safety in my environment.
Following chaos, uncertainty and loss I started to see the beauty, caring and kindness in my world. I stopped focusing on my diagnosis and started to address the symptoms that were so limiting.
Vestibular therapy and vision therapy have been key to my success to move forward with my symptoms in my new reality. The best vestibular/vision therapy for me has been walking first with assistance and now with trek poles. Trekking has opened up my life to activities, fresh air, and time with my friends and family.
I am not certain as to what the future holds, however, today I am focusing on living life and re-wiring my brain. I am hoping that as a VeDA ambassador I am able to promote awareness of this life altering disorder.
I invite you to join me as I pick up my trek poles and continue my pathway to vertical and life balance at www.trektobalance.com.