Navigating the Dizziness: Vestibular Chronicles

Hard times will always reveal true friends.

Age: 21

Diagnosis: Undiagnosed

At first they said it was BPPV, then vestibular migraines, been to an ENT, seen an audiologist, blood work, ct scans. My dizziness comes and goes every day of my life, and I was then told about what tests to take to see if my inner ears were functioning properly. I was then 20 years old when my entire life changed. I had just been in an extreme car accident and within a few months my symptoms started to affect me. I was working late shifts as a waitress, my body just didn’t feel right. I knew something was wrong. Sometimes I feel as if I’m walking on a boat. I started to experience more symptoms and my anxiety just makes it worse. I was getting dismissed left and right many times and also advised to see a shrink. It was a 3 month wait to complete an in-person inner ear testing at my local hospital. I was scared and felt alone, I was living in constant fear, I fought hard each day to figure out what was wrong with me. I met up with my ENT after testing was completed, who is familiar with vestibular disorders and recently got diagnosed with right saccular vestibular dysfunction. I am still continuing this fight. Living life with my symptoms daily is really hard but I’ve learned to just push through. You don’t realise how much balance gets taken for granted, once it is affected. Those who suffer from vestibular disorders I am here to tell you that we must continue this fight. This illness does not own us.