Best Practices in Concussion Management

This course provides allied health professionals with an introductory overview of concussion evaluation and management strategies and can be accessed from the comfort of the home or clinic. The course is broken down into short, easily digestible segments, allowing the viewer to work through the content with ease at a manageable pace, stopping and starting as needed. Best Practices in Concussion Management offers concise literature reviews on topics such as acute concussion pathophysiology, post-concussion syndrome, rest and activity post-concussion, cervicogenic contribution to concussion symptomatology and provides strategies for building individualized return to learn and return to work programs. The course offers video demonstration of clinical assessment techniques as well as introductory rehabilitation strategies that can be immediately incorporated into clinical practice.

Our online course provides just over 7 hours of content and is available for $448 +HST = $506.24. VeDA supporters can receive a 5% discount by using the code VEDA2021 at checkout.

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