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Balance Awareness Week 2025 Report

Making Vestibular Visible The vestibular community came together September 15-21, 2024 for the 28th annual Balance Awareness Week (BAW), a global event to raise awareness about vertigo, dizziness, imbalance, and conditions caused by damage to


Balance Awareness Week Breaks the Silence

Balance Awareness Week is a cause that is near and  dear to my heart. Until I lost balance my balance, I took my vestibular system for granted. I had heard about people falling as a


Darcy’s Balance Awareness Week inspiration

I think I can confidently say nearly everyone has lost their balance at least one time in their life. How many times have you accidentally tripped over something, got off of a carnival ride a


Balance Awareness Week in France

France Leads International BAW Efforts Dr. Christian Chabbert with GDR Vertige in France has used his network of professional connections across Europe to build an international coalition of vestibular clinicians to raise awareness about these


Why Flamingos are the Balance Awareness Week Mascot?

Why Flamingos are the Balance Awareness Week Mascot? When you think of a flamingo, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s their vibrant pink feathers, their long legs, or the iconic pose of standing gracefully on


A New Support Group for Runners

Run Balanced By Alex Biss The Birth of a Support Group One of the hardest parts about my vestibular illness is the toll it has taken on my capacity for physical activity. In the fluid


Presentando: Encuentro de Salud Vestibular

Encuentro de Salud Vestibular: Experiencias de Médicos y Pacientes Encuentro de Salud Vestibular: Experiencias de Médicos y Pacientes es un evento virtual de dos días que le brinda entrevistas con expertos vestibulares y un panel


Charleston Conference Educates Vestibular Healthcare Professionals

Continuing education for vestibular healthcare professionals is essential to build the competency of people trained to assess and treat vestibular conditions. While there are many short courses available to learn the vestibular system basics, in


David’s Story of Finding Community Through Advocacy

Meet David, Vestibular Patient and VeDA Ambassador Vestibular patients like David Morrill may look normal on the outside, but inside they are struggling to maintain their balance, and their sanity. In August 2013, David experienced


Steps-2-Balance Ambassasdor

15-year old Alex Shaddock is VeDA's 2019 Steps-2-Balance Ambassador.  The Vestibular Disorder Association (VeDA) today announced their annual call to all those living with a vestibular condition, to challenge themselves in taking a step forward


A Global Giving Movement

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday,


Finding a Life Rebalanced

Vicki Appel, a pediatric nurse, went for a relaxing massage and ended up leaving in an ambulance, experiencing severe vertigo and vomiting.  Little did she know that 10 years later she would be living her
