Patient-Centered Vestibular Conference

On Saturday, October 27th, 2018 the University of Minnesota will host a half-day patient centered conference on vestibular disorders.

This event grew out of VeDA member, Jim Hainlen, believing that vestibular patients needed an opportunity to talk to and listen to experts in the field of vestibular disorders. The conference was planned over two summers of section hiking the Appalachian Trail in New England. The conference will feature a keynote address, a psychiatrist talking about the mental health aspects of chronic, unseen diseases, vestibular rehabilitation experts explaining what is possible with rehab therapy, a life-coach who will talk about setting realistic goals as you deal with new realities, a fitness specialist discussing gentle exercise, and a distinguished medical researcher talking about the need for basic research in the field.

People who are interested in attending need to register on-line at Space is limited so early registration is encouraged.

Lodging: The Graduate Hotel (1 block from the conference location).