@j I’m sorry to hear. The waiting game for answers is horrible. I hope everything turns out ok for you and all of us. How is your blood pressure ? Mine has been lower then usual lately. It just never ends. We’re all here for you and please know that we are praying for all of us.
may I ask what your symptoms are each day now??
Hi - today my symptoms are glute twitches, pins and needles in arms legs, heavy arm feeling but less than before, night time torso fast spasms/fasiculations/tremors, bubbles feeling in glutes/thigh muscles
symptoms gone (for now): hand/foot nerve cramping and pain, brain fog, ear fullness, cold feet, extreme fatigue, joint pain, loss of words, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, Limbs fall asleep very easily, migraines, copious burping, loss of appetite (lower than normal now but much better)
another white spot on 2nd MRI recently. Family dr thinks MS, neurologist said it’s not, now sending me to MS neurologist to confirm
I am a mess - but as I list symptoms. You can see improvements. I flared up in July/Aug/sept and again for no reason it seemed in Jan/Feb/March. I think I am coming down from that second flare up now
my blood press is high during flare up (140/?) and back to my low normal now (110/76)