@ksharky13 Yeah it's pretty common. I have a friend who had panic attacks in the past, but none the last 5 years....
They came back after the shots... Surely not coincidental
So I've seen a lot of comments about people having high levels of anxiety post-vaccine. Do we think that's also a side effect? I have also developed a level of anxiety that I've never had before. Simple things like going shopping, or even thinking about having to travel for work, sends my anxiety through the roof. Not sure if it's the vaccine or just post-pandemic stress. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I believe anxiety is related. I have read a couple of things that lead me to believe this, in addition to seeing it in myself and many of you. First, I read a while ago that patients that had a history of anxiety disorders were more likely to have severe COVID, if infected. Then, I read that the spike protein binds to the ACE 2 receptors in the GI tract and this impacts our ability to absorb L-Tryptophan (somehow) impacting our immune response, mood, sleep, and fatigue.
Here is the conclusion of the study and the link to it:
"In conclusion, SARS-CoV-2 infection causes long-term dysregulation of Try (Tryptophan) absorption from the intestines due to an ACE2 imbalance in the gastrointestinal system. Furthermore, Try metabolism is disturbed in favor of the KP. Low serum and muscle tryptophan levels, as well as elevated kynurenine levels, may be to blame for COVID-19’s most common long-term symptoms, such as depression, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and muscle weakness—which are similar to the symptoms of tryptophan deficiency. It is unknown whether the severity of gastrointestinal symptoms during acute infection or tryptophan supplementation have an influence on the long-term health effects of COVID-19.
We propose that COVID-19-related alteration in Try absorption and metabolism could be the underlying pathophysiology of long-COVID symptoms. People who have had COVID-19 should be evaluated for nutritional status and levels of tryptophan and its metabolites in the long term."
I confess it's pretty complex and detailed and more than I can grasp but it looks like if we have decreased absorption of L-Tryptophan then we will have decreased levels of serotonin since L-tryptophan is a precursor. This can potentially lead to decreased serotonin in our brains which impacts depression, anxiety, etc...
If this is wrong, please let me know. Just trying to figure tings out since doctors are of no help 🙁
My Labor values from 29.03.2022
HbA1c IFCC <39 mmol/mol 34
Leukozyten 4,06-11,89 /nl 7,49
Leukozyten 4,06-11,89 /nl 4,82
Hämoglobin (Hb) 12,6-17,4 g/dl 14,6
Hämatokrit 39,4-53,0 % 43,0
MCV (mittl. Zellvolumen) 81,9-95,6 fl 89,2
MCH ("Hb/E") 27,4-32,9 pg 30,3
MCHC 32,7-36,6 g/dl 34,0
Thrombozyten 138-347 /nl 337
Hb-A1c (HPLC) <5,7 % 5,3
C-reaktives Protein (CRP) <5,0 mg/l <0.6
RDW 12,0-14,7 % 12,3
Glucose 60-100 mg/dl 106 (+)
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2-Ak (S) U/ml 625
How do they look like?
Guys I talked now and since days with a very kind woman who has great experience wiht great doctors and also uses the Bruce Patterson Protocols.
She also has a great doctor who helps her.
She said the "reguar Blood test results are of not much use, becasuse they will come in most of time normal.
You need to check most of the Interleukins in the Bloodtest: IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and maybe TNf-alpha
This are the ones who make most of your inflammation!
She also wrote which medikament helps against what interleukin:
Citalopram works on IL-2
Fluvoxamine works on IL-2, 6, 8, 10, TNf
Prednisolon works on them all
Colchicine works on IL-6 mostly and also 2 Statins work on IL-6 plus
Colchicine also reset the immune system when used with prednisone
And Ketotifen helps as an Anhihistaminica and also turns down the cytokine elvations (it also super helpful when you have MCAS)
Hyperbaric oxygen therapie works on them all
That's why even with normal and good looking blood tests you still habe the inflammations which also are responsible for your symptoms.
I will try tomorrow to get the interleukins tested in a labor i know.
And will try to get at least Prednisolon and maybe Ketotifen from my house doctor (who is very difficult when you tell him something or ask for something)
I am not a doctor: This all I wrote I have from a kind person (who herself is a physiotherapist with good knowledge and has luckily a great doctor who helps her all the time.
Most of same stuff you will find anyway i the Bruce Patterson Protocol
What do you guys think about the stuff I wrote here? Maybe someone has tried some of the medicaments and can give up a feedback.
Any more information or recovery or improvement stories ?
I'm with you @tone. I come on here every day looking for people to come back on and tell their story on resolving their side effects, whatever they may be. We're 15 months into this vaccination experiment and certainly enough time has passed to where we should be seeing more and more success stories on here to help give those of us still struggling some sense of hope. I understand that it's easy to just move on if/when your side effects go away, but it is so helpful when people take the time to come back here and share their stories, not of about their side effects being resolved, but what they have done that helped in the process.
@saba I have developed the head jerks as well and I am exactly around 3 months since my second dose. I’m so glad they went away for you, I really hope it goes away for me too. It’s so scary and freaks me out.
btw my name is also sabah 🙂Sabby, did the jerks go away for you?
I still get it ans can't sleep due to this. My neck/head, hands and legs shake badly when I'm asleep.
This is my 6th month. It happens on and off. Somedays I am okay and then all of this come back strong.
Please do reply how you feeling now.
@medee the jerks did go away. I got them in December when I was 3 months post vaccine. they lasted for 7-10 days and were by far my worst kind of symptom. I’m not sure what had triggered it, I had caught a cold and had cold medicine. In order to get rid of them, I had stopped having cold medicines and really made an effort to get my anxiety down.
Currently I don’t get jerks but I have throbbing pulsation all over my body which are not as uncomfortable as the jerks. I’ve also recently been having really bad vertigo when I close my eyes and it’s not letting me sleep. Sorry to hear how you’re feeling. Try to reduce anxiety and stress it’ll definitely help. Hope you feel better
@medee The jerks and vibration came back ( I got a sore throat and allergies which disappeared overnight) and I feel like this triggered it. They lasted for one whole week and made my life miserable 🙁
@carym23 Thanks for the reply and info. This theory is as good as any right about now. The medical community seems to be purposely avoiding this issue. I would assume at some point they will have to come together to figure these things out because they are going to be facing (actually already are facing) thousands of very frustrated and angry patients if they can't start giving us some answers. They should also be putting pressure on the CDC and Pfizer & Moderna to make these risk factors public so people can make informed choices. I'm holding out a sliver of hope that we all recovery from this nightmare at some point. It's hard to shake the thought that these mRNA vaccines could have completely changed our body and could wreak havoc on us for years.
@ksharky13 the long term consequences/prognosis is what concerns me the most. There should be all hands on deck figuring this out and dealing with these issues. Instead we get avoidance and silence.
Still…I remain hopeful that we will recover based on the obvious trend of improvement over time for most.
For those of you into this less than 6 months, don’t despair. Although I have been symptomatic for 11 months now, six months ago I thought I would never be able to work again and that is no longer the case. Not only can I work but I can also handle most activities with my children without relapse. This is a huge improvement from December.
As I’ve mentioned in previous post, the most helpful thing I’ve done has been maintaining an anti-inflammatory diet and not pushing myself physically. I also think St. johns wort and L lysine helped.
Hang in there. We got this.
@carym23 Thanks for the words of encouragement. Very much needed and appreciated. For me, my concern is that I have tinnitus and that seems to be the side effect that either takes the longest to resolve or doesn’t resolve at all. I can’t imagine having this for the rest of my life.
On another note, in reading your posts I saw you had a positive ANA test result. I just had one myself. Whatever happened with that, if I may ask. Thanks and take care.
Just wanted to come back and give some people hope. I'm almost 1 year post-vaccine (JJ). I did NOT get any boosters, for obvious reasons. Like many of you, my symptoms started within days of the vaccine, and although there were many, the main ones were being constantly light-headed, "on-a-boat" feeling while walking, strange weakness/tingling especially on my left side, random burning sensations, left leg felt like it wasn't in sync with the rest of my body, fullness feeling in the head (mostly on the left side, and behind my left eye).
This past year has been hell, but I am happy to report that within the past couple weeks, I'm feeling about 90% back to normal. I used to hate waking up in the morning because the thought of going through another day with those symptoms was horrible. But now I look forward to every morning because I've been feeling a little bit better almost every day. Also like many of you, I was persistent with doctors because I knew something had to be MASSIVELY wrong. 2 ER visits, head scans, heart scan, lots of blood work, all came back normal. My bad days, and "better" days came in waves, but I noticed that the very bad days were less severe and farther apart as time went on. I have had a couple relapses, and its possible i'll have more, but I've been doing pretty well so I wanted to come back and report that progress. My two young children are so happy to be slowly getting their mommy back.
I think it's mostly time that has healed me, but I will say I notice that I do feel better on days when I take my multi-vitamin (women's one-a-day), in addition to an extra dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Could just be a coincidence, but i'm going to keep that up. After my most recent doctors visit and scan, I decided to stop chasing a diagnosis and try to stop obsessing about it. That has helped too. I know it's so hard to do when you feel like something is very wrong, but keeping my mind off it has definitely helped.
I hope this helps someone out there! I know how lonely and terrifying this whole ordeal can feel. Try to keep your mind and bodies busy if you can. I'll come back and report any further progress. Stay positive and good luck!
Yes, time will bring healing. We had pretty much had the same symptoms from the left side of the head and eye pain, also the burning feelings. Well, most of my symptoms have subsided. I am able to get up in the morning not fearing pain and now able to get back to working out. The main thing is to stop googling and staying off WebMD looking up symptoms. It will just bring on anxiety. Once I stopped obsessing, as you put it, I started to slowly feel better.
I did a detox, started taking NAC, artemisinin(stopped the burning) vitamin c, vitamin d and omega 3 fish oil. Also, a concoction from this metaphysical doctor which got to me to the point of less pain. I am 90-95% right now.
May I ask what concoction? What were your symptoms ? And how long has it been for your recovery time line ? Were your symptoms debilitating at all?
I am not sure what the concoction is made of but he called it "the cure." My brother-in-law got it from some African doctor in South Carolina. Worst taste ever but it got my to the starting point of feeling better. I actually talked to the guy on the phone and he cussed me out for taking the vaccine. lol. I only took the vaccine because my wife is a nurse and she was working on the covid floor.
My symptoms were pins and needles, joint pain, burning, eye pain, headaches, stomach problems, electric feelings in body, numbness, anxiety/panic attacks(never had those before). Just loss of energy. And this is from a person who use to be in the gym 7 days a week.
Took about 8 months to get where I am now.
I think it's more time than anything. Hope you feel better.
The medical community seems to be purposely avoiding this issue.
Probably because they're either somehow in on it or too afraid (of job loss or death) to speak up about what's going on with these jabs
It's really no coincidence that so many of the posters in this thread seem to report better results from consulting with "alternative" doctors/specialists as opposed to "traditional" doctors from the system. The "alternative" doctors and specialists seem much more willing to actually look into the vaccine itself as the root cause of all these strange side-effects and don't seem as afraid of the big pharma mafia.
I would assume at some point they will have to come together to figure these things out because they are going to be facing (actually already are facing) thousands of very frustrated and angry patients if they can't start giving us some answers.
You seem awfully optimistic with that assumption, surely at least some of these doctors would've spoken up by now. The jabs have been deployed for over a year now (2021), so where are these doctors in the system that are on our side? Most in the medical community seem to be keeping quiet out of fear. I guess not many doctors want to risk their 6-figure income cushy job to actually bring up the shots causing all these problems.
So far the only doctors that actually DID speak up for the people in this thread are pretty much all banned from social media and most of the internet for that matter. So the media is also complicit in running defense/covering up these vax injuries for big pharma.
I'm guessing the traditional doctors will just keep handing out lazy "anxiety" diagnosis and sending patients on their way rather than risk drawing attention to themselves by bringing up the C19 jab.
They should also be putting pressure on the CDC and Pfizer & Moderna to make these risk factors public so people can make informed choices.
This is like saying a small mom n' pop shop owner should "put pressure" on the mafia that is extorting him and his fellow small business owners for protection money... probably won't end well for him lol
Hi guys just popping back up as I promised I would and I know that seeing some stories where people are getting better really helped give me a push!
well good news last 2 months I’ve been very good getting back to normal life as such managed to get back to work full time 😊 even managed a cheeky night at the pub 🙌
I will say that my body is very easily flared up and last 3 days I’ve had a few spikes with breathing and dizziness 🙄 but no where near enough to stop me in my tracks 💪 it’s been like 8/9 months I think and I starting getting very slowly better at the 5/6 month mark.
there has been no special diet or magic medicine what has helped. It’s literally been trying to drag yourself up when your down. Being active does really help I’ve found in my case as it stops my anxiety going out of control and crazy. Keep in mind I don’t think I’m 100 percent yet no where near and it will probably be a long time of our bodies healing, but when you get to a point where you can have fun again and still enjoy life you can kind of put up with these shitty smaller flare ups.
keep positive everyone I’m so much more happy now 🙌😊 if you look back on my activity you can see the massive amount of problems I’ve dealt with 😅🙄 mostly breathing and chest pains etc…
@nath7 glad you feeling better! I think we've had some similar symptoms especially the wierd breathing thing that comes and goes. Did you have any sinus issue or feel like you continously clearing mucus from sinus or chest?
@zerophobia yes 100 percent, sinus also feel slightly inflamed, also normal weird sensations in neck like feels swollen sometimes.
Had my thyroid bloods taken and an ultrasound on it and came back absolutely fine 🤷♂️ If I’m honest when I stopped looking for answers was when I started helping more 🤔 who knows 😂
I hope your feeling better? It gets better that’s for sure