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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @trev
Posted by: @gm1988

Just wanted to come back and give some people hope. I'm almost 1 year post-vaccine (JJ). I did NOT get any boosters, for obvious reasons. Like many of you, my symptoms started within days of the vaccine, and although there were many, the main ones were being constantly light-headed, "on-a-boat" feeling while walking, strange weakness/tingling especially on my left side, random burning sensations, left leg felt like it wasn't in sync with the rest of my body, fullness feeling in the head (mostly on the left side, and behind my left eye).

This past year has been hell, but I am happy to report that within the past couple weeks, I'm feeling about 90% back to normal. I used to hate waking up in the morning because the thought of going through another day with those symptoms was horrible. But now I look forward to every morning because I've been feeling a little bit better almost every day. Also like many of you, I was persistent with doctors because I knew something had to be MASSIVELY wrong. 2 ER visits, head scans, heart scan, lots of blood work, all came back normal. My bad days, and "better" days came in waves, but I noticed that the very bad days were less severe and farther apart as time went on. I have had a couple relapses, and its possible i'll have more, but I've been doing pretty well so I wanted to come back and report that progress. My two young children are so happy to be slowly getting their mommy back. 

I think it's mostly time that has healed me, but I will say I notice that I do feel better on days when I take my multi-vitamin (women's one-a-day), in addition to an extra dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Could just be a coincidence, but i'm going to keep that up. After my most recent doctors visit and scan, I decided to stop chasing a diagnosis and try to stop obsessing about it. That has helped too. I know it's so hard to do when you feel like something is very wrong, but keeping my mind off it has definitely helped. 

I hope this helps someone out there! I know how lonely and terrifying this whole ordeal can feel. Try to keep your mind and bodies busy if you can. I'll come back and report any further progress. Stay positive and good luck! 


Yes, time will bring healing. We had pretty much had the same symptoms from the left side of the head and eye pain, also the burning feelings. Well, most of my symptoms have subsided. I am able to get up in the morning not fearing pain and now able to get back to working out. The main thing is to stop googling and staying off WebMD looking up symptoms. It will just bring on anxiety. Once I stopped obsessing, as you put it, I started to slowly feel better. 

I did a detox, started taking NAC, artemisinin(stopped the burning) vitamin c, vitamin d and omega 3 fish oil. Also, a concoction from this metaphysical doctor which got to me to the point of less pain. I am 90-95% right now. 





Your post about the fact that you have used artemisinin successfully and the burning pain has disappeared, is remarkable!

I think it's the first time someone says that, among the supplements taken, it's artemisinin.

I also think the people should reflect, why it was effective, how to explain it? How it was produced the burning pain, since the artemisinin was effective?

Artemsinin is an extract of artemisia annua. Is known efficacy of artemisia and its derivatives in the treatment of viral and parasitic diseases, in some cancers:

"The antiviral activities of artemisinin and artesunate":

"Targeted treatment of cancer with artemisinin and artemisinin-tagged iron-carrying compounds":

In the treatment of Lyme disease artemisia is well known, is included, for example, in the protocols against babesia, which is a parasite similar to malaria.

Personally, I have tried in my posts to suggest about the possible benefit that natural antibiotics can bring, even about artemisia annua I mentioned (on the page 965).

Because there are so many similarities, for example, burning pain is very common in patients with Lyme.

But it is something else when the benefit is confirmed, by people with adverse effects.

I could only list a series of natural products with antibiotic effects, which I used, so I know they had good tolerance (page 904, 943).

And this due to the fact that it seems that there is talk about the possible reactivation of EBV as the cause of the symptoms and, in some cases with side effects, it was observed a decrease in the defense against infections, appearing herpes eruptions, appendicitis, frequent colds.

Personally, I think it should be added, to the list of supplements, a product that helps in defending against infections.

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“An overview of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 properties of Artemisia annua, its antiviral action, protein-associated mechanisms, and repurposing for COVID-19 treatment”:

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Posted by: @nath7

@zerophobia yes 100 percent, sinus also feel slightly inflamed, also normal weird sensations in neck like feels swollen sometimes. 

Had my thyroid bloods taken and an ultrasound on it and came back absolutely fine 🤷‍♂️ If I’m honest when I stopped looking for answers was when I started helping more 🤔  who knows 😂

I hope your feeling better? It gets better that’s for sure 


This is such a relief to hear. Yes sinuses feel like they can go from normal to inflamed in seconds which seems to cause the extreme brain fog and fuzzy head almost or exactly like sinusitis. Also I experienced the neck issues with it. It was like my neck would get super lame and sore if I look up or down for too long. I couldn't sit at my desk looking at a computer for long because my  eckwould hurt and Jim would also cause head pressure.Luckily that's less now and I feel a bit but this sinus and breathing thing is scary. I'm a few days away from 6 months since the 1st symptom.

Thank you for replying and giving me some hope and confidence that everything improves.i miss my beer and coffee 😆 



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@nath7: So glad you are feeling so much better.  Thank you for coming back to tell your recovery story,  Question:  Did you ever have tinnitus as one of your side effects?  That's what I have and it seems to be the only one that either takes a long time to resolve or maybe becomes permanent.  I'm always looking for stories where people resolved their tinnitus.  Thanks.

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@ksharky13 I did but was one of my least severe symptoms, only lasted a month for me thankfully!

The good news is from viral or vaccine, tinnitus seems to have favourable outcomes but I’ve heard it can take up to a year. It seems to be one of the long lasting symptoms in many. 

I can only imagine how tough it is for long period hope you heal soon 🤞 

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@watis I feel at my worst in the morning I guess it’s because of my lack of sleep but also I get the hot flushes at around 3 to 4 am in the morning as well.

how are you feeling today? 

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@kai85 when you get these vibrations are you also cold or hot feeling? Just wondering. How long have you had them?

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@nath7: Thank you for the kind and encouraging words. I am cautiously optimistic about having the tinnitus resolve eventually.  It's tough on a day-to-day basis and having the fear that the damage has been permanent.  I have seen some tinnitus success stories on here that took 6-12 months to resolve.  I'll take that any day. In the meantime I'm going to keep taking Vitamins C, D3 & B12, as well as zinc, turmeric, and magnesium. I may add either some quercetin or liposomal glutathione.  I've read good things about both.  

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@lookingforanswers no I’m necessarily hot or cold when it’s happening. I have had them 24/7 for 4 months, mainly in my head and chest.  It makes my vision feel off too because I feel like my brain is constantly shaking. 

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Hi again guys 

Has anyone else had dizziness so severe it’s affecting day to day life? I’m really struggling, maybe 2 days a week I feel pretty much normal but the rest I’m so dizzy I can’t drive without either stopping and being sick (so I now barely drive) and working is barely possible being sat at a computer on the phone as it makes me feel so dizzy and sick.


The dr signed me off on sick for 2 weeks while I wait for an MRI date but UK sick pay of £96 a week means I have no choice but to try and go back to work as I have bills to pay.


Feeling really low at the moment as the dizziness is just so bad I can’t do anything but lay down all the time, I also have slight tinnitus I think.

Apart from dizziness I don’t really have any other symptoms, have struggled with sleep from time to time but I put that down to how dizzy I am.


Any tips or thoughts would be appreciated.




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@transpro85 Hi Sean. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Sunday April 3rd will be 10 months for me. Last Saturday I woke up to my ears ringing really loud. As I got up, I realized my extreme dizziness had returned like the first day it started. The day before, Friday, I felt mild dizziness and well enough to drive myself to and from work which is a 35 minute drive on a very curvy road. I had some anxiety as this was only the second time I have driven that distance in 10 months. I generally don't drive for safety reasons. Since then every day has been terrible dizziness, nonstop, with the usual fatigue, ears ringing and brain fog. I have cried buckets of tears and am beyond angry and depressed. I don't understand why it has regressed so rapidly. It is NOT anxiety! You know as well as I do that there is much more to it. I filed a report on Moderna's webpage last year and even though I got a response (typical "We received your email" builcrap) it has been silent since then. I am terrified that for me this is permanent and will keep cycling from mild symptoms to debilitating symptoms. The VAERS reporting website is useless and the governments in all countries do not care about the ones like us. I feel hopeless. So many people have raved about supplements and balance therapy but they have proven to be temporary fixes for a much bigger problem. I am happy for the people whose symptoms were short-lived but it's not happening for me. I pray for you, me and all the people who have suffered from vestibular issues since the almighty vaccine. We don't exist to the government, CDC and medical community. God bless us all. 

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@watis I feel at my worst in the morning I guess it’s because of my lack of sleep but also I get the hot flushes at around 3 to 4 am in the morning as well.

how are you feeling today? 

Yeah the mornings are really bad. I took some Zopiclon and could sleep well first time since days. But then I wake up and I am directly reminded I am back in Hell.

Yes my Hot Flashes are always bwétween 3 to 4 am in the morning.

Today I feel mentally bad, becasue i can not shup up my mind being angry with me to get the vacc in a situation where already "only" omnicron was around.

I have to think gain and again about that day where I went to get the vacc (i was in some trans and somehow I could not think clearly that day) this makes me sad and angry about myself

else my Life would be right now very very different.

Since my problems begaun after vacc, I have only fight with family, before vacc, I had fights with family why i am still unvacced.

Such a doomed Situation for me that this drives me insane, I guess I really need soon a psychotherapy else I will alsway think about around and about the days i got vacced.

Well my body feels ok, but somehow very week, I am relentless and no motivation to do anything. The citalopram (i am taking 15 mg now) and since more than 2 weeks has also not helped yet.

my biggest problem is still my anxiety and my zero motivation.


How do you feel?



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@maddix91 had very bad dizziness for 5/6 months unfortunately 👎 very difficult to do things I agree. I’d like to give you some encouragement thought as it did subside just took soooo long. 
 It’s very draining mentally and physically but hold in there it does get better. Would just like to put no medication helped with dizziness. Normally the side affects from the medication is dizziness 😅🤷‍♂️ What I found what helped the most was challenging it trying to walking around  as that helps get you systems back in line and your body starts to learn to compensate. 

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@stargazer57 don’t get so down beat, you have seen improvement which is amazing which will show that you will get past this blip again. What ever is going on in our bodies seems like flare ups meaning it could of been a cold or virus which has set you off again. 

I’ve just had a flare up after being so well last 2 months managed to get back to work. If you can dissect it down are you symptoms as bad as your worse moments? Mine are no where near as severe and I take that as such a positive! Our bodies will heal in there own times could take up to years for them to fully recover who knows 🤷‍♂️ Try keep in a positive mindset like you said you managed to calm it down before. 😊 

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Hi guys,

I have not posted here for a while. I had my 2nd Moderna shot in June and since then tingling, burning sensations, numbness followed up by awful vertigo and vision problems. I was absolutely healthy and very active before this happened. I went on an anti-inflammatory diet, which helped me to ease my symptoms but they have never gone away fully. My MRI brain scan, EEG, etc came back normal as in many of your cases. Anyways, I was ok to work full time, do sports, have couple of drinks, socialize etc.

I went through covid eventually in January, mild symptoms but soon after that I felt almost normal as I used to before I got vaccinated.
Two weeks ago my daughter got covid in a kindergarten and I got positive too - no symptoms at all. However, all my post-vaccination symptoms incl. horrible vertigo, lightheadedness, tingling got back in such a intensive way. It’s super difficult to get through the whole day again.

The thing I want to ask you is, whether any of you went through Lyme disease in the past? I did like 10y ago, was cured by doxycycline, I had no symptoms at all, my GP found out I was Lyme-positive by accident really. The reason why I am asking is that only thing that came back little strange when I was examined last summer was my level of Lyme disease antibodies - they were not positive but marginal all of a sudden (were negative in the past when I had it checked). I am recommended to go through lumbar puncture as my neurologist thinks neurological Lyme disease might cause my problems and was wondering if any one you experienced this disease in the past or went through lumbar puncture once post vaccine symptoms showed up?

Thank you for any comment and wishing you to get well soon ♡


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