Last seen: May 31, 2022 3:58 am
What were your symptoms?
@s-m-a Many Thanks for your kind words!!!
Hi All, After my first 2 good days yesterday and the day before I have today an awful day. I feel like I am dying again and all symptoms and an ...
@pfizervictim true!
yeah this: They want me to take maraviroc, pravastatin, and prednisone (5mg) is exactly Patterson protocol. Prednisone i took the last time...
There was a conference last week called the Long Covid Solutions Congress which involved presentations and discussions between the major players invol...
Marburg is using Rosuvastatin 10 mg together with 4mg candesartan, Vitamin D and histaminfree diet Patterson is using Plavastatin 10 mg (because it ...
@nresearcher Has anyone already tested Maraviroc?
@wolasadal Good point with the sodium levels!I have zero checked them! i haveto check my sodium/chloride levels.Howdoyoudothat? And what do you t...
Guys I am today at 2,5 Months and i literally feel worse and wore from day to day and also weaker and weaker from day to day. Is this normal in any ...
Hey guys, indeed every day gets worse. Today was a really bad day. With the body and head warm from 5.30 am (after a hot flush) and unwell feeling til...
Thx Susie! I am again suffering with horrible insomnia, no medicament helps. And also the twitching of muscles at night makes the insomnia far worse...
Guys i took yesterday morning 10mg Cortison (Prednisolon) and I tonight when I went to sleep, my muscle twitches in the legs were relly bad and then...
@lookingforanswers breathing is much better now. They eyes are ok. Not too bad. But the insomnia is horrible and the muscle twiching nights also.
Good question, I always want to know if they can somehow test if the brain is inflammed? This you maybe could ask the Neurologist.