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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I had those. Burning sensation over my right side of the body. They are gone now or very mild. I had them for about two months. Most horible were during night just before dawn.

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Posted by: @tone

Anyone  here have burning  sensations over body that has resolved or recovered  from ? If so how long ? And anything  to relieve  in meantime  besides prescribed medication.  Supplements,  diet , fasting  ? Or just time? 

I belong to a couple of Facebook Groups below...Lots of folks on there are finding relief from the burning sensations and the pins and needles by taking vitamin B12 and or magnesium...You should join them for support...Great people with great ideas... - Neuro V Long-Haulers - Burning V Injury


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Posted by: @gingerjones
Posted by: @tone

Anyone  here have burning  sensations over body that has resolved or recovered  from ? If so how long ? And anything  to relieve  in meantime  besides prescribed medication.  Supplements,  diet , fasting  ? Or just time? 

I belong to a couple of Facebook Groups below...Lots of folks on there are finding relief from the burning sensations and the pins and needles by taking vitamin B12 and or magnesium...You should join them for support...Great people with great ideas... - Neuro V Long-Haulers - Burning V Injury


Thank you am with those as well . 

How are you doing ? Any positive  news  on your recovery  journey  ? 

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Seeing neurologist  in a couple days 

 What should I  be asking  him ? Tests ? Etc... 

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@cscelfoda how are you now it’s been a year

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@laurens how are you doing now it’s been a year?

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Posted by: @tone

Seeing neurologist  in a couple days 

 What should I  be asking  him ? Tests ? Etc... 

You should ask to have an EEG. An EEG is a test that detects abnormalities in your brain waves, or in the electrical activity of your brain. During the procedure, electrodes consisting of small metal discs with thin wires are pasted onto your scalp. The electrodes detect tiny electrical charges that result from the activity of your brain cells. You should ask for an EMG. Electromyography (EMG) measures muscle response or electrical activity in response to a nerve's stimulation of the muscle. The test is used to help detect neuromuscular abnormalities. During the test, one or more small needles (also called electrodes) are inserted through the skin into the muscle.  

I had an EEG, having an EMG next week and my neurologist is scheduling an MRI of the brain...Also, she believes the vaccine caused the pins and needles and will go away...

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@tone How are you doing ? Any positive  news  on your recovery  journey  ? 

Slow and steady...

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Posted by: @gingerjones

@tone How are you doing ? Any positive  news  on your recovery  journey  ? 

Slow and steady...

Hi I am doing  OK....couple days will be 3 months  post vax. 1 J and J . Symptoms  to date are alot ...blurry vision,  minor heart palpitations  , and some chest pain ( minor)  numbness  and tingling  in different  areas,burning sensations in some parts ,twitching  here and there, back pain( persistent) and some joint pain (minor) Some gut issues( get pains and discomfort) , slight ear pain ( minor) . Insomnia  ( 3 or 4 hours than wake ) . I think that's it 

Symptoms so far a somewhat  mild still ..nothing is  debilitating  yet. Have been working  my full time job throughout  this ( cook , so manual  labor) . Not sure if this is calm before the storm  ? Hope not . 

Haven't really taken anything  or any special diet ...High dose vitamin c , turmeric and ginger in tea , lots of fresh  garlic , and multi vitamin. 

Was wanting  to start some supplements.  Any ideas as per symptoms  ? And any diet ..seems maybe anti inflammatory  ? 

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@itsjustme did the Flonase work?

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What the best magnesium  to take ? As well as other supplements  ? 

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@wendyj31 how are things do you still have symptoms did the steroids help and what kind did you take? Was your hearing affected? Like sensitive to hearing? To sound ?

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@atp223 did the Advil make your head feel spacey or weird?

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@margaret2022 it did not. It helped with my head pain, and possibly also with the dizziness.


I haven’t been on this for him in a while, but I am now 14 months out and I am basically fine. It took close to a year with the headaches, but I feel back to normal.

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@atp223 how long did it take for you to recover? Did the vaccine affect your hearing like made it more hypersensitive to sounds?

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