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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Hi all,
My wife was mandated to have the vaccine for work here in Australia and has suffered a myriad of symptoms (numbness/tingling, fatigue, nausea, derealisation, insomnia, panic etc) since. I am currently in communication with a lawyer regarding a possible action against her employers, to at least pay for medical bills. I'm wondering if anyone has any similar cases they can refer me to please (anywhere in the world is fine).

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@watis very depressing the read the part which said the longer this goes untreated the harder it would be to recover from. 

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@sunrise thank you for your response. I had my THS checked a while back and they were fine. I get them and antibodies retested again May 2. We’ll see what Rheumatologist says then. He gave me an anti inflammatory ( Celebrex) but I only took it a couple times. I wonder if that would help? I don’t know what to do. 

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@markm90 I also have same problem.

Have you got any progress?

Thanks in advance

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Has anyone here been diagnosed with Sjogren's following their vaccine?

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@lucrezia861 hi! Unfortunately I still have the static. I wish I had better news to share. I also have other visual and neurological issues. How long have you had the static? 

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@sunrise thank you for your response. I had my THS checked a while back and they were fine. I get them and antibodies retested again May 2. We’ll see what Rheumatologist says then. He gave me an anti inflammatory ( Celebrex) but I only took it a couple times. I wonder if that would help? I don’t know what to do. 

It is good that TSH is normal. So insomnia has another cause. Maybe MCAS is a cause of insomnia. It was expected that Benadryl would help.

About nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), how it is also Celebrex, is known that they are given, for example, in myocarditis, thyroiditis and other diagnosed inflammations, as side effects, because inflammation is a basic problem.

I think it's worth trying.

The NSAIDs can relieve, for example, joint pains and other pains, also have a mild blood thinning effect, which is useful, given that in some cases the tendency to coagulation has been increased.

But if you still have gingival bleeding, they could be accentuated. And it can accentuate stomach pains, so the association with antacids, such as H2 antihistamines, is useful.

A important observation is that the symptoms always have a variability, depending on known or unknown factors, therefore, any treatment, naturopathic or with medications, should be tested for several days, before concluding whether it helps or not.

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The Patterson Group uses pravastatin because it does not interact with Maraviroc.

Strange that you had the first time bader blood results with Ivermectin, pravastatin, and prednisone from Oct through Jan?

Did you ask them why?

They believe I contracted Covid between Oct and Jan.  If I did, I had absolutely ZERO symptoms...I had a covid antibody test to confirm and the results were IgG Positve and IgM Negative..

  1. IgM negative, IgG positive
    1. There is recovery from the disease and the patient is not infectious
    2. There may be some immunity to Covid-19, although it is not known yet to what extent and how long that immunity may last. Precautions should still be taken.


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@sunrise thank you so much for your reply. Yes I still have the bleeding gums. I try so hard to stay positive but I haven’t seen any improvement in awhile and I’m loosing hope. I pray we all recover soon. 

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Posted by: @sahmed
Posted by: @sahmed
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @sahmed

@saba I have developed the head jerks as well and I am exactly around 3 months since my second dose. I’m so glad they went away for you, I  really hope it goes away for me too. It’s so scary and freaks me out. 
btw my name is also sabah 🙂

Sabby, did the jerks go away for you? 

I still get it ans can't sleep due to this. My neck/head, hands and legs shake badly when I'm asleep.

This is my 6th month. It happens on and off. Somedays I am okay and then all of this come back strong.

Please do reply how you feeling now.

@medee the jerks did go away. I got them in December when I was 3 months post vaccine. they lasted for 7-10 days and were by far my worst kind of symptom. I’m not sure what had triggered it, I had caught a cold and had cold medicine. In order to get rid of them, I had stopped having cold medicines and really made an effort to get my anxiety down. 
Currently I don’t get jerks but I have throbbing pulsation all over my body which are not as uncomfortable as the jerks. I’ve also recently been having really bad vertigo when I close my eyes and it’s not letting me sleep. Sorry to hear how you’re feeling. Try to reduce anxiety and stress it’ll definitely help. Hope you feel better

@medee The jerks and vibration came back ( I got a sore throat and allergies which disappeared overnight) and I feel like this triggered it. They lasted for one whole week and made my life miserable 🙁

Hi, the jerks have gone away or still there?

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Hi was wondering if anybody has had a symptom of a crunchy  or sandy sound in neck when turning or going ear to ear ? Any recovery from this does it go away with time ? 

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Anybody have neuropathy  like symptoms , tingling,  burning sensations  in various  parts, also anyone have really sensitive  hands to temperature,  also red and tingling? Hav any of these resolved with time and supplements for anyone . 

Is there any way this could be an inflammatory response to vax? Like many other things .

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @andyl89

Are there any long haul headache sufferers on here? I’m 6 months in and all I have left are these awful pressure/tension headaches along with neck stiffness.

I’ve had a couple of 2 weeks breaks from them, but they’re pretty much constant. Some days it’s like there’s a baseline headache that gets worse then eases off again. Other days I feel very little. I’m currently on amitriptyline, but it only seems to work some days. CT booked for end of March as all avenues have been exhausted trying to find the root of the problem. Dr was reluctant as I don’t have any other worrying symptoms.

It would reassure me to hear from other long term headache suffers?

I've been having lots of headaches and neck aches. I did have a headache that lasted two months. Since then I have headaches several times a week and on and off during the day but often not bad enough to require pain relief. 

Have you tried taking a low dose of aspirin?

Hi Kit, i remember u have eye issues. Arw they resolved now?

Do u have double vision, and vision that become dim and clear again on and off?

My eye issues are not resolved. Some eye issues went away such as the pain, after image, blind spots but I'm left with occasional bright purple/blue orbs of light and vision snow. I get double vision sometimes but not always.

Hi Kit, can we keep in touch on Whatsapps?

I am in Singapore cointry code 65

My mobile 96872461

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @tone

Anybody have neuropathy  like symptoms , tingling,  burning sensations  in various  parts, also anyone have really sensitive  hands to temperature,  also red and tingling? Hav any of these resolved with time and supplements for anyone . 

Is there any way this could be an inflammatory response to vax? Like many other things .

I do have all these symptoms and everything is getting worse with me. Burning sensation is now together with pain. At first it was only burning but now I have intense pain. This pain is hard to describe nothing like normal pain. Its like something is cutting or eating me from inside. Like acid flowing in my veins and tissues. Strange but it is now nearly constant. I sleep with thermo ice packs covering all my body to soothe pain.

Also at first burning was local to knees, hips and some other places. But now once burning starts its all my body including my eyes.

Now I am feeling like there is no end to this. Even if ends somedays I will have a lot of problems. Probably I wont be able to walk, even now I have difficulty with walking because there is constant burning and pain and cracking sounds in my legs and feet.

In addition to bleeding in my gums and my mouth, now I feel bleeding in my throat and lungs. 

I too am starting to lose all my hope because now I think it started to spread to internal organs.  

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