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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I also took CDL, about two months, it helped me, but I couldn't stand the smell.
DMSO used externally has been very helpful for joint damage. I even took it orally for a while, but it is quite excruciating for the stomach to take these substances, in addition to all the other supplements, medications.
That's why essential oils, which I initially took in liquid form, I could no longer tolerate, and then I only took them in the form of capsules or gels.

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@sunrise Hi Alia, thank you very much for listing all of your treatments for Lyme disease which really underlies the seriousness of the disease. I cannot imagine what the side effects were like with this cocktail, some of which I haven't heard of, it must have been horrendous for you. I imagine you are still treating yourself, I hope you are making good progress. I will look up some of the otc treatments you mention to see if I think they could alleviate some of my symptoms although I have tried some of the treatments you mention. The alkaline baths, neuro optimiser jarrow and bee venom all sound interesting to me. Inflammation seems to be the key and I shall continue to focus on this as the way ahead.

I hope you return to good health soon. Best wishes, Tabby.

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Treatment with bee venom has helped many people with Lyme, multiple sclerosis, even autism. On youtube you can find videos about people affected by Lyme, who apply the treatment themselves, basically you have to catch the bee with a tweezer and close to the skin.
4-5 bees every 2-3 days.

Care should be taken with the risk of allergy.
Also, due to MCAS, the swelling, at the site of the bee sting, may be larger. Antihistamines, from MCAS treatment, made treatment with bee venom very bearable for me.
However caution is required because of the risk of allergic reaction. Therefore, it is good to do the treatment with medical supervision.

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For alkaline baths, alkalizing bath salts are needed.
Baths can be done daily.
It should take at least 30-40 minutes.

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@sunrise All noted, thank you very much for your help👍

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Back on here for the first time in a while.  Taking the chance that some people still visit here from time to time. My question is: Has anyone that got tinnitus from the covid vaccines continued to get worse over time and also acquired what is known as “reactive” tinnitus (meaning it spikes in volume when certain normal external sounds are present, like a fan or air conditioner, etc.)?

I am 18 months into this and for the first several months it was pretty mild/manageable.  However, over the last several months it has definitely slowly gotten worse and has become reactive, which is a horrible situation. There isn’t a whole lot of information available on reactive tinnitus.  There is some theory/evidence that it is due to problems/damage to the nerves involved in the audio-vestibular system.

I know a lot of people on here also noted receiving positive non-specific auto-immune antibody blood test results after getting adverse side effects from the vaccines. There was also a theory (more like fact now) that our immune systems got “jacked-up” at the presence of the spike protein created by the vaccine and that those spike proteins went almost everywhere in the body, including the audio-vestibular system.  As a result, our immune system attacked parts of our A-V system, thus potentially damaging related nerves. 

I’m now wondering if that immune response has continued long-term to continue to cause damage.  I have no other rational explanations for the worsening tinnitus situation (no loud noise exposure, no discernable hearing loss per 2 audiology exams, no head trauma, etc.).  Curious to know if anyone else here has had the same experience.  Thanks in advance for any and all responses.

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@ladyd hi I am from bahrain and I have similar to your symptoms with proper diagnosis and all test are normal.  This happened two months after COVID vaccine .I have read the response you posted from Harley clinic for the holistic approach.  Please respond to me if the approach was successful and if you are feeling better .  If yes, hopefully please share with me what you have done to feel better because here in Bahrain we do not have headaches specialist to diagnosis vestibular margins.

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Hi I am from Bahrain. Two months after COVID vaccine I started feeling dizzy though it is lessened now by symptom still exist . I have seen many doctors in Bahrain but no one are able to identify the causes and all test are normal.  Symptoms improve while walking like @ladyd posted . At rest, I feeling no steady, head tremors , and feeling sensation of falling down all the time , eye sensitivity to mobile like quick spells of dizziness , giddy .  Anyone recovered from similar systems.  If so, what did u do to overcome this problem because it is almost 18 months . 

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leave all kinds of sugar, friends. no white sugar. no cake. no juice. no ice cream. no fruit. After 2 weeks you will notice the difference..

I don't know English. I apologize if there is an error in the translation.

I don't know English. I apologize if there is an error in the translation.

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@jwills1 Hi, I’m thinking about going for Inuspheresis and was wondering if you maintained the gains you experienced? Would you still recommend it?

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can anyone share successful treatment for chronic dizziness with no underlying issue only maybe side effect of COVID vaccine .  I would prefer holistic approach or alternative medicine.  Kindly share your experience with me as it has been 18 months with dizziness and strange head sensation though all tests are normal .

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@reem Hi, acupuncture or dry needling, and chiropractic care may be worth trying. I had a tremor caused by the vaccine and acupuncture resolved it. I have recently started chiropractic care with good short term results for my other vaccine injury symptoms (elevated blood pressure). The React19org YouTube channel is worth looking at, especially the dry needling and autonomic nervous system homeostasis webinar.

Best wishes.

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Hi! I finally got some zeolite powder and I was wondering how much to take per day. Thanks in advance

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I suppose I should share my story as well. Got a fourth booster 3 months ago, life has been hell ever since. What’s most painful is that I was trying to do the right thing, trying to be safe. And then I get slapped in the face with this horrific condition. The lack of information on the side effects of these vaccines is simply criminal. 

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Management of Long Covid, lessons from Lyme disease

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