Last seen: April 12, 2024 7:52 am
@jwills1 Thanks so much for your responses. I just have a few more questions as I have a doctor appointment upcoming and then I’ll leave you i...
@jwills1 Wow, you’re really ahead of the curve on this stuff! My next question was going to be have you tried the South African protocol… I’ve plate...
@jwills1 Thanks so much for the feedback! How were you diagnosed for the microclots? I had major clotting and had to go on Lovenox (very expensive!) a...
@jwills1 Hi, I’m thinking about going for Inuspheresis and was wondering if you maintained the gains you experienced? Would you still recommend it?
@philroy Hi, still going through a variety of symptoms. The sunburn feeling is the most uncomfortable. The pins and needles come and go but aren’...
@kim-h Hi, Great and reassuring to hear you’re feeling better. I just finished with the neurologist and although the tests came back negative she...
@selene53 Yes, when I posted that I didn’t realize IVIG is such an involved procedure (I’m a lay person). Still, the presentation (at least in my c...
Had my 3rd dose of Pfizer on December 15 which turned out to be a terrible idea. No symptoms after the first two doses but now have pins and needles i...