October 2024: my blood pressure and intraocular pressure have now been elevated for three years due to taking two doses of the pfizer vaccine. I have never tested positive for COVID (neither has my son, who has type 1 diabetes I believe triggered by the pfizer vaccine). In June 2024 I experienced two new symptoms: pins and needles in my hands, arms, and feet, and twitching in my hands, back, and arms. Acupuncture has resolved the pins and needles and twitching and they have not returned. I also had blood tests at that time which did not show indicators for an autoimmune disease. I have not had a second seizure. Since my seizure in January 2024 I have been taking activated charcoal and bentonite in case the vaccine has triggered chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) and thereby a reaction to mold. My doctor has never heard of CIRS or nattokinase.
I have been taking nattokinase (Spike Support), bromelain & turmeric since March 2024. As described in my previous post this resolved my brain fog within two days and the brain fog has not returned. For the first six weeks of starting this protocol I had a stinging feeling in the heart but this faded away. I have started DNRS to address my vaccine injury.
Published in April 2024, researchers found a statistical signal for seizures in children after COVID vaccination: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2818033
@jwills1 Hi Jwills, thank you for you your very detailed and informative review of the Alpstein Clinic. Like you, I was damaged from the Covid vaccine. I am very interested in going to Alpstein and was wondering if you would be open to connecting with me so I might ask you a few questions?
@margaret2022 How did the natto work for you? What was your outcome on Vedicinals 9?
@jtranger I didn’t try it I’m the same 3 years later
and I am not separated as of Dec 2023 my husband walked out on me. Probably a divorce too haven’t been together since
@margaret2022 I am sorry. Me too. I thought you had some results from vendicinals
Anyone try Vendicals 9
@cingy hi Cynthia. Yes of course. What I will say about the treatment is that it isn’t a cure, symptoms will likely confirmed after that. And you may need more than 1 o 2. You’re welcome to message me on WhatsApp on 00260976192157
Morning all,
My name is Emma and I live in Australia. I was severely injured by 1P in Dec 2021- multiple reactions and a full body immune dysfunction. Bed bound for 8 months, mostly house bound for 2 years...slowly recovering. Now diagnosed with MCAS and POTS...I have created a website with what has helped me and may help others with long covid (PACS) or long vaccine (PACVS): Long Covid Recovery Kitchen
I was also featured in this magazine article: Surviving the unknown – Alive Magazine Wide Bay and quoted in this Australian ABC news article: The inconvenient patients Australia's COVID-19 response left behind - ABC News
My contact details are on my website. Please share my website and please post in other parts of this forum as I am not a regular contributor but wish to help. It is free. https://emmahansen81.wixsite.com/the-long-covid