Last seen: January 9, 2025 6:29 pm
Anyone try Vendicals 9
@margaret2022 I am sorry. Me too. I thought you had some results from vendicinals
@margaret2022 How did the natto work for you? What was your outcome on Vedicinals 9?
@heybro Can you list or link the brand names of your products?
@plandistry Did these supplements cure you?
@jwills1 Where did you find the Cromolyn?
@margaret2022 Did Prednisone help? I couldn't tolerate it.
@chesca17 What is your diet protocol?
@debaili Whos your naturopath?
@margaret2022 What steriods helped you?
@crizchin Thanks for the info. What supplements are you taking from the protocol? I just got colloidal silver. Haw has it helped you?
@asanders Is IVM helping?
@kennyp What helped you?
@marieski858 Who was your Functional medicine Doctor. Is the Gupta program mindfulness training or does it have any supplements?
@margaret2022 Yes the one you shared. Is fasting helping. I lost too much weight to fast.