Anyone develop new almost immediate food or beverage allergic reactions or sensitivities that you did not have before?
Hi All,
I have been reading this forum since I found it a month ago. After my second Moderna shot on April 1, I had the usual flu-like symptoms. But as most in the post can attest, vertigo, dizziness, and feeling as if your head is "full" has been going on for a solid month. I am at my wit's end. My doctor gave me an antibiotic and prednisone...didn't help. I did the several maneuvers I saw online and that didn't help. I thought it was getting better yesterday but now it's back again. I would love any suggestion from others who are feeling better. I am so concerned that I will have to deal with this side affect long term. HELP! 😟
Hi, You might check out a physician's advice that's going through all this and possibly see what your doctor thinks of it? Posted on page 130 under the name of gatordoc. Hope you feel better soon!
Everything you say, I can relate to....100%. I haven't been the same since my one dose of Moderna, and just hope and pray I get me back. And, then I see people celebrating their shots. I am on a Vaccine Hunters page too (from before the vaccine) and me trying to say I had a bad reaction was a no go. I was shut down. Now they are saying 12-15 y.o.s are going to get this vaccine. That is insane!! I'm sorry, but they are fine without it! And I am pro-vaccine.
Yeah, when this first started I saw someone saying, I miss me. I can relate ...I want the pre-vaccine me back, too! I'm praying also and am convinced that we can come out on the other side of hard things better than we were before. I celebrated, until I had reason to pause...
Wow, it's too bad people care more about the cause of getting others vaccinated than they care about what's happened for you! That's really sad. I saw that about the kids down to 12 going to be eligible for the vaccine soon. Some will choose to homeschool their kids if it becomes required for public school.
This is an interesting interview with a senior UK nurse who has grave doubts about the vaccine “experiment.” As a whistleblower she has kept her identity secret. Once you get by the British accent her pain at doing something she thinks is wrong is clearly evident.
This forum is a nightmare for me to read. I got second phizer dose nearly 2 weeks ago and noticed ringing in my ears last week, about 1 week after 2nd dose. I have neurological issues, including atypical migraines, so though I got dizzy spells and foggy brained, i figured it was my usual. But the ringing is new to me. At first i thought I was hearing noise from electronics. But it's been getting louder and last night it really started bothering me. A friend said some of her family developed tinnitus after shot. One has had it over a month and it's not going away. Now I'm really worried. I didn't want vaccine in the first place. Now what?!
Sounds like you have a supportive husband. When I told mine about how I thought the vaccine was causing the vertigo, dizziness, head, neck and ear pain. He dismissed it like it was not possible. I think support is so needed when we are going through something difficult and unknown.
The majority of people are dismissing these side effects as not possible, not real, or coincidental--including many doctors according some who are posting here.
Hi everyone, I just signed up to illustrate you my story. I apologise in advance for my english but I write you from Italy. I am a 41 years-old teacher and I had my first shot of Pfizer on 8th April and the second one just on 29th of the same month, just a few days ago. During the first two weeks after the first dose I felt bad, very tired, with dizziness especially during the morning, weak legs and arms, paraesthesia in both hands and mouth. Sometimes it prevented me to work in my school. I went to a chiropratic to see if it was a symptom of cervical arthrosis; the third week after the first shot I began to stay better. Now it seems to me to be exactly as I was after the first shot. After two days with minor symptoms, the dizziness, tiredness and "instability" have returned. I do not know what to do because nearly noone think it could be a vaccine-related situation and the situation begin to worry me a lot. Thanks a lot for your contributions on this forum, it helps me to think I am not crazy! 😀
I just had a thought startling to me, but maybe it's something that's been obvious to others already. I've been doing a lot of reading and research (medical publications especially) since getting the Moderna vaccine 2 months ago and starting to have this vestibular reaction 2 days later.
So, we've been assured that it's impossible to get Covid-19 infection from the vaccines. But, it seems that Covid infection is not what the issue is for those badly affected by it - in fact, think about how the majority of people have mild infections, and we're told that some even have "asymptomatic infections". And that it's the minority whose bodies mount an (over)response to Covid infection that experience the big problems.
Well, if I understand correctly the Covid vaccine "tricks" our body into responding as though we have Covid infection, stimulating the production of antibodies and other such things.
So, could it be that for the minority of us that experience these "adverse reactions" to the Covid vaccine (to a "faked" infection) - that they're similar to the big problems/responses that some have with actual Covid infection? And that, like with Covid infection, the majority of people have mild, short-lived reactions to the vaccine (contributing to others believing that our problem is "not the vaccine") because it's actually our unique (over)responses to the vaccine that prove to be problematic for us? Could that be why so many of our less common vaccine side effects (especially our so-called "robust responses") look so much like the less common symptoms associated with Covid infection, and also with long Covid symptoms?
Really interesting article about autoimmunity and Covid-19:
@quinn That's what my primary care dr. told me when he recommended that I NOT get the second shot. He said, while we are not 100% sure all my symptoms are from the vaccine, it isn't worth the risk to get that extra 14% of protection. He said the 80% Pfizer protection should be enough to keep me out of the hospital if I do catch Covid later. He is hopeful there may be a new or better vetted vaccine by next year when and if there is a need for a booster.
That's good to hear and makes sense. I see my PCP on Friday. I think I'm going the same route. I live in the mountains in Colorado, not around people, I can wait. Thanks for posting. I'll post again Friday to tell people what my PCP says about a second dose of Moderna.
@gatordoc this is a great post! I’m 7wks post 1st Pfizer tomorrow and have lingering mild dizziness and headaches. At week 5 I had a Medrol pack and it helped bring them from a 10 to a 2/3. I also started Vestibular PT last week. Do you think I should ask for a prednisone pack? What are your thoughts on shot #2?