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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I was finally able to get an appointment with an ENT for next Monday. I’ll report back with what they say. I do feel like I am improving but there are times when I get setbacks. Headaches were bad past two days but they seem better today. 

Tabby, Sassafras, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @arthur


i agree the NHS nurse was a bit over the top.  I also did a search on the Kansas woman and there is no follow up.  At some point our adverse side effects will hit the media.  At that point the dam will burst with all kinds of reports.

I believe that eventually it will all come out, but for now the media will continue to do everything possible to suppress it.  Especially now, with this new push to get 70% of adults vaccinated by July 4.  But once it does come out, it will be a deluge.  We've only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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You are right on Dragonlover. I too see all the work on the vaccine that should have been done and still needs to be done. Unfortunately today May 05, is one of the worst days I have had. Extreme dizziness getting out of bed, stiff neck and in left shoulder and back too, plus brain fog. Today is week seven since my last Pfizer jab and I have serious thoughts, in says that let me rephrase, I will not get a booster if offered. I don’t want to go through this again...Every day I hope and keep positive about all of these side effects disappearing, but not. Very depressed today and hope all on this forum get symptom free soon. ❤️😔❤️ 

LadyD, LadyD, Amber and 11 people reacted
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Thank you Tabby. So glad I found this forum as today is a down day and I needed to known others are in the same boat and making it through. I have a list of a gazzion  things I need or want to do with no momentum or desire whatsoever to do today. My body says sleep and it’s hard to argue when you don’t feel like yourself battling a headache from hell. 

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Sassafras  Very interesting article! Daughter had Covid in Feb., was very sick for 2 weeks. First Phizer shot 3 weeks ago, had same symptoms as Covid for three days after shot, fever, aches/pain, headache, in bed for 2 days.  She is getting her 2nd Phizer shot Friday and expects to be sick again. She has not had the dizziness( vertigo) from the shot/Covid that hit me, nor the tinnitus. Both of us have autoimmune problems. I'm finally, after 3 months hearing somewhat better, dizziness let up for 2 weeks but is back w/ me, I had stopped meds, going back on them. Thanks for the link to the article. We're gonna get there!!!

This post was modified 4 years ago by vibirdlady

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Posted by: @gloriam


You are right on Dragonlover. I too see all the work on the vaccine that should have been done and still needs to be done. Unfortunately today May 05, is one of the worst days I have had. Extreme dizziness getting out of bed, stiff neck and in left shoulder and back too, plus brain fog. Today is week seven since my last Pfizer jab and I have serious thoughts, in says that let me rephrase, I will not get a booster if offered. I don’t want to go through this again...Every day I hope and keep positive about all of these side effects disappearing, but not. Very depressed today and hope all on this forum get symptom free soon. ❤️😔❤️ 

Although I did not get the vaccine, I have been dealing with similar for the last 6 weeks due to a terrible Meniere's flare.   The side effects from the vaccine sound so much like Meniere's Disease.  Not suggesting that anyone has Meniere's but similarities between the two are both scary and unsettling.  Even the way it's being treated is similar to treatment for Meniere's.  Saw the ENT yesterday and am now on a steroid taper.  Hoping it helps.  Hoping we all feel better soon and get our lives back.

Sassafras, Tabby, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Gian know you are not alone as you can now see what everyone on this forum is unexpectedly experiencing. I think each and everyone of us must stay positive and not fall into the trap of depression especially me. Indeed there should have been more research done, and it would be terrible to get full blown COVID and yes we should have the truth now or better yet before so we could make informed decisions, but that is/was not the case. I’m not an antivacer and don’t do flu or other types of shots but did this one to protect my family and others. Had I known the reactions that I and we have had, would I have, yes I would have however if these reactions are going to become permanent no way!!! I would have taken my chances. So now I have to stay positive that the side effects  (no matter how bad) in time will pass. 

Sassafras, Tabby, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Maybe a dumb question but any of you who have been by ENT. How did he/she checked your inner ear?

I am total sure that this is an ear problem because I feel the pressure there. But my doc said that nothing were there for which I should worry about. 😃

Inner ear could be checked by eye or should be use MRI or CT?

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Oh wow. My immediate thought is because your symptoms can’t be due to vaccine reactions, possibly you have or have had a mild case of COVID. Have you been tested for the virus or an antibody test? I know of several unrelated people who found out after the fact they had gotten COVID. 

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Hello everyone I have done my 2nd dose of Covaxin on the 22nd April. I was ok. But after 6 days, I started to get vertigo, heavy head and fatigue and nausea. And today, the 5th May, I feel worse each day. Will go for a medical appointment in the coming days.  

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I am doing better, no dizziness any more of fogginess, but tinnitus does not go away. I had prednizon for 6 days prescribed by the ENT, did three times accupancture, hyropractor, take all kind of supplements. I think tinnitus is not really treatable and it is very sad. Yes, my teaching ends in a months. Actually it does help to go through my frustration. From no pills healthy woman I became permanently sick.

How are you doing?

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@thenystagmus Good for you Sassafras, the more we can spread the word the better.

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update — couple nights ago my BP suddenly shot up to 200/100.  ER time. All tests normal.  No reason for sudden spike.  Lot of vertigo and it’s increasing since the two week mark from 2nd Pfizer shot.  To be fair, this is exactly how I was with shingles in my ear and on my scalp in February-March.  I had recovered from that vertigo and double vision.  Now it’s back.  I wonder if the vaccine goes to something already weakened and aggravates it?   I’ll see my GP again tomorrow, and am waiting for a June appt with an ENT.  My ears hurt a bit.  I’ve had no exposure to anyone so it can’t be from outside.  Could the vaccine reactivate the shingles virus?   I don’t have a new rash.  I am fine as long as I don’t move my head.  If I do the room spins and I get so nauseous.  Am now on BP meds because of the incident.  Since my GP said she is seeing lots of this post vaccine, and everyone recovers, I am hopeful.  The ER physician said the same.  “A lot of atypical reactions following vaccine”.  Very unpleasant.  May all of us get over this and not get Covid as well!   Hopefully the vaccines work after all this.  

LadyD, LadyD, Thelma and 1 people reacted
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Those who get steroids for treatment, have your doctors find the evidence of the symptoms? Or it is a test treatment on you?

I asked it because my ear are full of pressure, but the ENT doctor and my blood test didn't show any evidence for inflammation... And as I know it correctly steroids are used for allergic reactions, and strong inflammations.

Dizzymah and Dizzymah reacted
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still waiting to hear from public health.  I will make an appt with my doc in about a month to begin conversation on second dose (as of now I am thinking NO)

the CDC reporting data seems could yield a lot of info. Patience and time needed though. Investigative reporter needed.

dragonlover, Sassafras, Tabby and 3 people reacted
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