It's now predicted that Covid vaccine supply will exceed demand in the US by the middle of this month, at least partially due to those remaining unvaccinated or partially vaccinated experiencing hesitation to be vaccinated or further vaccinated. There seems to be numerous reports of second doses not being received, or even sought, on the recommended schedules. Already some US states are starting to order only a small fraction of their weekly allotted amount due to their state's stockpile increasing. As this occurs in some nations, others may begin to have more of the world's vaccines production diverted or even donated to become available to them. Possibly in the nations experiencing a slowing of vaccination a resulting pause will give opportunity for increasing acknowledgment of and response to vaccination adverse effects, benefiting those of us seeking care for them? I keep hoping for possible scenerios for that to happen.
So, I wanted to tell my experience to see if others may have received similar bloodwork. I got my first Pfizer shot beginning of March. I had just a sore arm, but two weeks later began to experience periodic dizziness, diarrhea and mild chest pain. This may be TMI but My weekly cycle was super heavy to the point I thought I was going to bleed to death. I have never had that happen in my entire life. I got bloodwork done and was told my white blood cell count and iron stores were low and we should recheck in a month.
I got my second shot end of March and had a horrific time- fever of 104, horrible body aches and debilitating chills. I recovered from that in 36 hours but continued to have the dizziness, chest pain and diarrhea. It got so bad at one point I ended up in urgent care because I almost passed out from the dizziness. I had a normal EKG and stool culture there
I went in to retest my bloodwork about 4 weeks after my second dose while all these symptoms were still occurring. My white blood cells were even lower, my iron stores were almost gone and I received a positive ANA test that looks to see if I have antibodies that would indicate an autoimmune response. Prior to this I did not have an autoimmune condition.
It has been 10 weeks since my first dose. My diarrhea is finally subsiding and with it the chest pain. The dizziness is probably 75% better. I am very concerned that the things we are experiencing are not due to inflamed vestibular nerves but more of an autoimmune reaction. It has been said that Covid is an “autoimmune disease” and that long Covid May actually be an autoimmune response as up to 50% of those hospitalized with Covid had a positive ANA according to research articles I have read.
I wonder how many of us with these symptoms after vaccination may test positive for ANA on bloodwork. I am now being referred to hematology and rheumatology. If it is autoimmune related this could have long term consequences that concern me.
@hollydI am so happy for you, Holly, that you are getting back to normal. You mentioned that you are on the Facebook groups; I used to be on the chronic dizziness forum, but no longer have a Facebook account. I am wondering what reactions and to what extent you are seeing on the forum? Is the dizziness/vertigo reaction fairly common in those with underlying issues already? I can't remember from your posts, did you have pre-existing vestibular issues? Thank you.
It's now predicted that Covid vaccine supply will exceed demand in the US by the middle of this month, at least partially due to those remaining unvaccinated or partially vaccinated experiencing hesitation to be vaccinated or further vaccinated. There seems to be numerous reports of second doses not being received, or even sought, on the recommended schedules. Already some US states are starting to order only a small fraction of their weekly allotted amount due to their state's stockpile increasing. As this occurs in some nations, others may begin to have more of the world's vaccines production diverted or even donated to become available to them. Possibly in the nations experiencing a slowing of vaccination a resulting pause will give opportunity for increasing acknowledgment of and response to vaccination adverse effects, benefiting those of us seeking care for them? I keep hoping for possible scenerios for that to happen.
That is already happening here. The vaccines are now available on a walk-in basis so I'm guessing that many appointments were going unfilled. Also have heard that there have been quite a few people who had the first dose but never went back for the second. It would be interesting to know WHY they didn't go back. They should follow up with those people. The responses might provide some important feedback. I'm in Southern California.
So for people who delayed their second shot what type of reaction did you have? I had to delay mine since my second shot was scheduled for Friday May 7th and I was not feeling good enough to get it. According to guidelines I have up till May 21st to get second shot. Funny enough yesterday and today have been really good days with hardly any symptoms. So now I’m debating what to do. Curious to hear about others who delayed second shot and had reaction to first. What was your reaction to second shot?
Hi dragonlover, I believe walk-in clinics are happening widely and walk-in and pop-up clinics about to become the norm in most of the US. Hours of clinic operations are being reduced also.
And they are following up with those that aren't getting second shots. I've seen a lot of articles seeking to be persuasive, interviewing those "hesitant" and offering opinions that there are (almost without fail) no viable reasons not to (continue to) vaccinate - giving examples of all the reasons motivating refusal and why they're not valid. But they prefer to call it hesitancy instead of refusal, implying a foregone conclusion that people will eventually drop their objections and decide to seek vaccination.
Although I've always passed on getting flu (and some other) vaccines for myself after learning of bad reactions, I haven't refused vaccinations for my children and I haven't tried to discourage those that wish to get vaccinated. But considering my reaction to it, I'm firmly decided that my body is most likely not suited to be introduced to subsequent exposures to it. I don't want to be considered hesitant - I'm done with it. Along with the adverse effects I've experienced, I do hope I've gotten some protection to further exposure to Covid infection, but if the "price tag" had been visible, I doubt I would have "bought" it.
Now that the vaccine companies are starting to seek full authorization, I'm seeing articles predicting when that's obtained, more venues will require vaccinations for their participants. For those of us for whom it's determined to be medically contraindicated, we're going to need medical exceptions for those requirements.
The average length of time of vertigo/dizziness symptoms post vaccine is 6 weeks today. I'll update as I receive more recovery timelines from forum members.
It seems that I always shoot for "above average." 😆 I passed the six week mark today, and my dizziness has gotten worse instead of better recently, so I have no end date to report yet. My ENT couldn't even see me until June, but I finally have a referral to another this coming week. This should be interesting.
I'm hoping and praying for all of you to recover from these issues you are having. Your stories are heartbreaking. My side effects to the vaccine were very mild compared to everyone here. After reading through the posts here on the message board, I was wondering how many more people are experiencing milder side effects like mine, but they are not connecting it to the vaccine. I'm sure people having milder side effects is maybe 5x or 10x as many having serious ones. I wonder how many other side effects on different parts of the body are being affected besides the head, brain, ears. Many here have brought up various issues besides the ones most are having. It seems any part of the body could be involved. I even heard on TV that some women were having affects on their menstrual cycles. On the same show they said 1/3 of all complaints about the vaccine is tinnitus.
I'm kind of hoping/waiting for some famous person to come out and say they have been affected by the vaccine, the same way as all of you. Anyone that has asked me about the vaccine, I now tell them I wouldn't get it. Especially the second shot. My co-worker just told me today she was out the last week because of extreme flu like symptoms, especially extreme weakness. She said she thought she might die because she was so weak. She took the second shot maybe a week and half ago. She hasn't been sick in over ten years prior.
In my opinion the vaccine is too new to know all the issues related to it. How can they know long term affects, 1-10 years in the future? Vaccines take 5 years to come out. They put out this vaccine in 6 months under an emergency declaration. My worry is what is going to happen one year from now? Hopefully nothing. But what if there is an increase in some kind of medical issue, for example heart or lung problems, then what? This is the biggest catch-22 in history.
Hi dragonlover, I believe walk-in clinics are happening widely and walk-in and pop-up clinics about to become the norm in most of the US. Hours of clinic operations are being reduced also.
And they are following up with those that aren't getting second shots. I've seen a lot of articles seeking to be persuasive, interviewing those "hesitant" and offering opinions that there are (almost without fail) no viable reasons not to (continue to) vaccinate - giving examples of all the reasons motivating refusal and why they're not valid. But they prefer to call it hesitancy instead of refusal, implying a foregone conclusion that people will eventually drop their objections and decide to seek vaccination.
Although I've always passed on getting flu (and some other) vaccines for myself after learning of bad reactions, I haven't refused vaccinations for my children and I haven't tried to discourage those that wish to get vaccinated. But considering my reaction to it, I'm firmly decided that my body is most likely not suited to be introduced to subsequent exposures to it. I don't want to be considered hesitant - I'm done with it. Along with the adverse effects I've experienced, I do hope I've gotten some protection to further exposure to Covid infection, but if the "price tag" had been visible, I doubt I would have "bought" it.
Now that the vaccine companies are starting to seek full authorization, I'm seeing articles predicting when that's obtained, more venues will require vaccinations for their participants. For those of us for whom it's determined to be medically contraindicated, we're going to need medical exceptions for those requirements.
What I've heard is that some are being called "hesitant" and others are being called full out refusers. I fall into the full out refuser category, especially since my doctor told me that it is likely I would suffer the terrible effects given my history. The way he put it to me is that either choice is a risk; that's it's a matter of me deciding which risks are more acceptable. I have generally received other recommended vaccinations. I get a flu shot every year. But I'm not getting this one. I've seen here what the price is. I'm not buying.
I have not read the book "1984" but those who have read it are saying life now is turning into "1984". I feel sorry for the young people who have years and years of life left. I'm glad I'm not one of them. This horrible virus is destroying life as we've known it. 🙁
Well, I read "1984" in high school and I remember it to be a novel having to do with intense scrutiny by invasion of privacy and regulation and enforcement of imposed societal norms. In the name of need for increased security we've progressed along that road. I know most in the US haven't lived in a pandemic - a very few of us were around for the last one over 100 years ago. We have known public health mandates though, including vaccinations required - for instance for school kids and for international travel. But I think in most locales there's been allowances made for medical and belief-based exceptions. I would hope that would continue to apply to this vaccine.
I've been somewhat lightly touched by Covid virus with quite a few of my relatives having mild cases of it, but only one having longer lasting symptoms. And I don't personally know anyone else going through an adverse reaction to Covid vaccine. But opportunities to be exposed to others over a wider sphere, like this forum, causes me to be concerned about whatever percentage of us are going through severe Covid infections, death, long Covid, and long term reactions to Covid vaccines. And, to want good diagnosis, treatments, and recovery efforts to be made on our behalf.
I don’t drive yet because I’m not fully confident in myself at this juncture.
I haven't driven in 17 days. I have a young child and do not want to risk it. How long have you had dizziness/vertigo?
@mikes I got the 2nd pfizer shot today and while I was sitting for the 15 min I all of a sudden got terrible hot flashes and was sweating and feeling dizzy. I don't know if it was from the vaccine or just a panic response. But I didn't feel nervous before I got the shot. Now waiting to see what comes next ugh