Last seen: April 10, 2022 10:07 pm
@twitch no, I'm still not 100%. I haven't had a moment where I felt like I did pre-V. I have days where symptoms are definitely lower. My nausea, fat...
@cmarslip19 My symptoms got significantly worse after my 2nd dose. It's been over 8 months since my first dose, and I'm still having constant vestibu...
Hey, everyone. I haven't posted in a long time. It's been almost 6 months since my first dose. Unfortunately, I'm not any better. I'm functioning bett...
Update: Hey guys. Yesterday marked 4 months since my first dose. While I believe VRT has helped my nausea and fatigue, I'm still very much "on the ...
@vespinosa925 I'm with you. Been suffering since end of Feb. Some days better than others. I hope you get some relief soon.
@vespinosa925 nope, sorry.
@teresawarren40 I'm in Oklahoma. Lots of people here are anti vax, anti science.
Hi everyone. Just giving an update. After waiting 3 months for this to just go away, I finally saw a neuro. I tried steroids for a week, am currently ...
@isismadec I've tried meclizine, zofran, ginger, etc. The doctors are aware of it. I do not vomit, I just have no desire to eat because the nausea is ...
@korki777 it's awful! Hoping we feel better soon.
Does anyone else have terrible nausea? I have it all the time. I've dropped nearly 30 lbs, and i feel like I'm just wasting away. Zofran, ginger, etc....
@babs I've had symptoms since February 26th.
@dusl I have the exact same symptoms. Look into Mal de Debarquement Syndrome.
@michaelk 800mg, every 6 hrs. I did it for a week.
@gloriam You are so kind. Thank you.