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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @yoki

@thenystagmus I got you beat. Gone past 15 weeks now. Symptoms are subsiding but still there...

I would congratulate you ...but somehow that doesn't seem to be in order?! Well, I and a number of others are bunching up around you! And I hear from @teresawarren40 that there's some already waiting at the finish line!!

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Posted by: @yoki

@thenystagmus Please let us know how the Medrol and Flonase work for you. For me, the Medrol gave me some really decent headaches and upset stomach and unfortunately not much relief. I didn't have any problems with the Flonase and apparently you can continue to take it for up to 6 months.

Will do ...thanks for the coaching! I'll keep the ibuprofen handy...

Decades back my grandmother was put on long-term steroids for skin allergies. She was a schoolteacher, her personality changed to the point she was fired from her job, and one night we think she had a stroke, fell, hitting her head, and died. She was in her early 60s. But I trust they've come a long way in learning how to use them since then.

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I also wanted to echo everyone else in that I was very happy to find this forum, as I've been dealing with the on/off 'dizzyness' for almost 7 weeks now!  I'm a very healthy 40 year old male and have never had vestibular issues in the past.  I had my first Phizer shot on March 4th with virtually no side effects other than a sore arm.  Received my 2nd on March 26th and woke up feeling 'a little off', but not bad....but by noon I went downhill and got the full on fever, chills, headache, etc.  Woke up the next day feeling better.....but still a little cloudy in my head.  A few days later and that cloudiness turned into dizziness that I noticed the most when walking up stairs, looking down, and looking left/right.  I've never had anything like that before and kept waiting for it to go away on it's own.

Fast forward 2 weeks later and it's still there, but maybe slightly better.  I see a doc (not my normal one as he was out) and he prescribes flonase which helped, but it didn't completely go away so I went back a week later to see my normal doctor.  He is not big on pushing medicine (nor am I big on taking it) so he said to try Clariton along with the Flonase, and I will say that the combo has made a big difference (either that or it's a time heals all wounds kinda thing).  I'm now almost 7 weeks in and the dizziness is still there, but some days I'm about 95%, and others closer to 85% (so annoying that it comes and goes :(.  Mine isn't so bad that it's debilitating....but it certainly makes everything more difficult and I'm ready for it to be over!!

The doctor said the next step would be steroids which I'm trying to avoid, as hopefully I'll just continue to get better as others have reported.  I'm also going to try Acupuncture for the first time ever tomorrow based on recos from this forum, and will be sure to report back.

Here's to a quick recovery for all of us!!

Kitty72, Tabby, dragonlover and 5 people reacted
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It's been 2 weeks since the intense episode of dizziness and I can now say that all the dizziness, vax fog, and heaviness behind eyes are gone. I feel so relieved!! I did take a couple ibuprofens a few days back but I think quitting caffeine on empty stomach early in the morning was the game changer. I still go for tea later in the day only after I have eaten something. 


Wishing everyone here a speedy recovery!

Kitty72, Tabby, Kitty72 and 1 people reacted
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@mrspupo I had the exact response after my 1st vaccine. Due to get 2nd one on Friday. Very nervous about it.

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yes I had extreme anxiety related to feeling dizzy! Getting slowly better treating also for Lyme as a possible reoccurrence of a relapse.  Xanax isn’t good long term so get on something else if you are still anxious.  Try some adaptiv oil from DoTerra as a natural helper and diffuse at night or just put a couple drops on helped me a lot.  When you feel off you get anxious then panic which leads to more anxiety.  Google progressive muscle relaxation (on you tube yellow flower is the picture) helps a lot. 

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i too had my vestibular system attacked along with severe panic and anxiety that I had never had before. Getting slowly better with vestibular rehab, natural oils, calming audio tapes.  

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going for my second acupuncture! I hear it helps. Had my fist shot March 5 March 26 second, still off balance brain fog, some words are hard to get out. Dizziness had gone away, but today dizzy!!!

this is crazy, when will it stop. 
mri on brain, ct cat scan on head , prednisone for 6 days!!!

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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Posted by: @gtt500


Just hit 7 weeks since dizziness began 2 weeks after 1st Pfizer shot. I did get the 2nd shot. Dizziness was never severe but it's present. Getting real old!!



@gtt500 Yep, exact same here!  I'm just about at 7 weeks after the 2nd Phizer shot and still have diziness.  Not severe.....but worse some days than others.  I can still function but i'm getting REALLY tired of it.  Here's to hoping it resolves soon!


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Posted by: @carol


going for my second acupuncture! I hear it helps. Had my fist shot March 5 March 26 second, still off balance brain fog, some words are hard to get out. Dizziness had gone away, but today dizzy!!!

this is crazy, when will it stop. 
mri on brain, ct cat scan on head , prednisone for 6 days!!!

@carol Wow, we got our vaccines on literally the same day!  March 4th for my 1st and March 26th for my second, and I feel the exact same way.  The 'dizziness/brain fog' is so incredibly annoying!  And VERY frustrating that the dizziness goes away.....and then randomly comes back.  Just when you think you might be out of the're right back in the thick of it.  I can happily say that my symptoms are much less severe than they used to be which is encouraging.......but I'm ready for them to be gone completely.

Hopeful that acupuncture will help as others have mentioned and looking forward to starting it tomorrow!  Let us know how your treatments go!


Tabby and Tabby reacted
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Had the Pfizer vaccine. Slight occasional dizziness for two days after the first shot and none after the second. I have tinnitus and it went up slightly after the first shot but within a few days it was normal (generally pretty quiet). After the second shot, no dizziness and no increase in my tinnitus. You need to talk to your doctor as getting the virus could be a lot worse than these side effects of the vaccine.

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@teresawarren40 I hate to skew your data, an outlier perhaps. I had my first episode of vertigo on 02.04.21 & I experience dizziness on & off every day.  

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I have been following this forum for months now. Like many of you, I began experiencing dizziness (among the myriad of other symptoms described by many of you-fullness in ears, ringing, headaches, pressure in face, etc) which started two days after my second Moderna vaccine. My dizziness officially started on March 1st and has NOT yet completely gone away. Like many others I landed in the ER and all of my bloodwork and MRI scans came back normal. I also saw an ENT and had an ENG test that came back normal. I’ve tried an antibiotic, medrol pack and have been on propranolol (none of which I believe have helped). The ENT thinks I have vestibular migraine since I’ve had two other MILD dizzy episodes in the past. I’m a 30 year old otherwise healthy female. I know it was the vaccine that triggered me. It’s been over 10 weeks at this point and, although I am definitely improving, I’m not dizzy free and it’s very frustrating. It seems like I improve for a few days only to go backwards again and again. The dizziness also seems to get worse when I’m on my period. Not sure if anyone else has noticed that. I’m thankful for all of you and knowing that I am not crazy or alone. 

Priya, Priya, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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I started taking Allegra D yesterday morning. It’s sold behind the counter at pharmacy. It seems to help a lot with my dizziness. When it wears off, the dizzy comes back. It’s making life a lot easier at work although it’s only been two days. Going to keep taking it. Been over three weeks of dizziness for me so far. Just thought this info could help some of you. 

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This is probably not going to be the most popular post on this thread, but here we go. I have been totally supportive of getting our country vaccinated and got my shot as soon as I could. After what I've been going through the past six and a half weeks, I now have second thoughts. I developed severe vertigo and a host of other head, ear, vision, and balance issues beginning about 10 days after my first shot. I received my second vaccine before I ever had any thought of my symptoms being related to the shot.

I found this thread when googling "vertigo after covid vaccine" and was thrilled to learn I'm not alone in this struggle. Here's the thing, though. I've asked my nurse practitioner and physical therapist and have also casually spoken with a few people in the medical field about whether they've heard of patients who have reported vertigo after their injections. All around, the answer is "no." These are people I trust to be truthful, and I don't think any of them are hiding anything. I will finally see an ENT tomorrow, and we'll see what he has to say.

Another concern is that I can't seem to find much of anything outside of this forum pointing to a large number of reports of post-vaccine vertigo. Again, I don't think this is suppression of information as much as it may be a case where, while our symptoms are real and debilitating and frustrating, they may not exist in a statistically significant number. Literally millions have been immunized, and by comparison, the actual number of people posting here is quite small. I have reported my symptoms through v-safe and Pfizer and will probably file a VAERS report after my ENT visit.

WHAT IF we aren't hearing doctors admit that this is caused by the vaccine because they really haven't seen evidence of it?

WHAT IF some doctors who say this is related to the vaccine are health professionals who weren't keen on the vaccine in the first place and are maybe quick to make a connection that isn't really there?

I guess most importantly, WHAT IF all of us in this forum who are comparing notes with each other maybe would have developed vertigo anyway at the same exact time that we did and it was just our dumb luck that it happened to be in the days and weeks after we were vaccinated? I don't know the exact number, but a large number of people are newly diagnosed with vestibular problems each year. We just might be those people.

I want to know why I'm in this situation as much as anyone, and I REALLY want to know how to get rid of it. The fact that so many doctors don't seem to know how to make this go away definitely concerns me and leaves me with that niggling suspicion that this is a type of vertigo that they haven't seen before and therefore possibly from something new and different such as this vaccine.

Please, I don't want to start a fight over this. I just want us to take a deep breath and consider the possibilities, and most importantly, support each other through this challenge.


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