Found some more data on the same site:
Headache, 65,497, cluster headache 522, tension headache 1,083, migraine 5,522, dizziness 17,041, dizziness postural 1,708, paraesthesia 6,227, pain in extremity 16,119, back pain 4,500, muscle spasms 2,099, asthenia body weakness 3,638, neck pain 2,283.
Hi for info I had the AZ vaccine and 2 weeks after the jab the headaches and dizziness (vertigo like but relatively mild) kicked in. This lasted for 15 days and then just went, I did nothing.
Spoke to doc about second dose, they offered no advice at all and just said it's up to you, you know the risks !
So compared to others on here I guess I got lucky but hoping it gives some of you hope...I now have to decide whether to have the second dose ...
I experienced extreme vertigo (14 hours off-and-on), a migraine, and ear pressure 10 days after my second Pfizer vaccine. Daily dizziness/fogginess and ear pressure have now continued for over 3 weeks. I consulted with urgent care the day after the vertigo episode who confirmed that I did not have an ear infection or low blood sugar. She referred me to ENT. ENT diagnosed me with vestibular neuritis and prescribed a week of steroids and Flonase. After one week, my symptoms did not improve (continued experiencing daily dizziness/fogginess and ear pain/pressure) so she then proscribed a second week of steroids (and continued Flonase), which still did not offer much relief. After researching, I decided to treat with a chiropractor who specializes in vestibular disorders. He readjusted my jaw and neck to take pressure off of my vestibular nerve. I did notice improvement after one treatment and I am scheduled to see him again today. I plan to continue since this is the first treatment that has offered any significant relief. He also suggested a supplement (non-pharmacy) called Boswellia Complex which contains turmeric and ginger (among other things) to help treat the inflammation. I'm going to start that today.
Hi all,
I’ve been following this thread for over a month now and I think it’s time I share my journey and what I’ve discovered so far.
To try to sum things up - I got my first Moderna shot on April 3rd. It made my right foot tingle 5 min after I got the shot and my leg started pulsating above the ankle. I was pretty fatigued the whole day which I didn’t pay much attention to because it was an expected common side effect. 4 days later though I started getting dizzy and confused. First time I’m experiencing brain fog. It’s been going on for weeks now and I’ve been dizzy every day since and I feel very weak. After weeks of feeling terrible - dizzy, weak, nauseous, drowsy, confused, anxious, my best guess is that the vaccine caused reduced oxygen levels in my blood.
Yesterday (May 18) I noticed my feet’s soles looked purple so I looked up possible reasons and the main one is lack of oxygen in the blood. That’s when I pieced everything together. It all makes perfect sense together with the rest of the symptoms - lack of oxygenated blood would cause dizziness, drowsiness, and my feet and hands have been very numb/tingly since getting the vaccine.
During the last weeks I’ve been to the ER twice (I am a healthy 28yo. woman with no pre-existing conditions except general anxiety which hasn’t been clinically diagnosed and occasional IBS. I’ve also never been to the ER before and I’ve never been hospitalized). During both ER visits I had abnormally high heart rate but all blood tests and chest x-rays looked good. The only thing off in my blood work was the blood oxygen/co2 levels. Oxygen was a bit low and co2 was a bit high (66% venous/30 meq/l). The doctors did not pay much attention to this which given all other things looked good makes sense.
I’ve also had ANA test done to rule out possible autoimmune reaction and all looks good there. I tried meclezine which didn’t do anything. I’ve had a consultation with a neurologist who did not think an MRI was necessary and I decided not to take it as I’ve seen that nothing shows up for the people who have shared their experiences here.
Something I’ve been seeing often here is people saying vitamin C helps and I think it makes sense because it’s an antioxidant and helps supply oxygen to the blood especially peripheral areas like feet/hands and brain. I’ve also felt extremely drowsy a few times where I felt myself falling asleep without wanting to. It also makes sense that it seems like nerve issues because when I get worried, my blood oxygen levels probably drop even more from hyperventilation and make everything seem like a panic attack and nervous breakdown - which I’ve definitely had in the past few weeks for the first time in my life, all due to not feeling well and anxiety building up.
With all that being said, I am not a medical professional and I am not sure if this is what’s causing the dizziness for everyone. It is also very possible that we all were stressed out and had an over-exaggerated stress/nervous response to the shot that triggered all these symptoms because these all could also be symptoms of nervous system issues. My personal feeling though is that it’s a combination of multiple factors- the main one being a vaccine reaction.
For the past few days I’ve been working hard on eating smaller portions but more frequently, staying very hydrated, taking CBD 50mg daily to reduce anxiety, taking 1000mg emergen C daily, and working hard to stay positive. I am nowhere near recovery but I’ve definitely seen improvement since and I just hope we all can fully recover from this and hope everyone feels better soon!!! Stay strong, no matter how frustrating this experience is!
This is concerning but I'm glad I found this forum and know im not alone with these symptoms ! 45 year old male in UK never had vertigo or dizziness a few weeks after 1st Pfizer shot a weird feeling just came on when moving head the dizziness like walking on a ship. This went on and off for weeks had second jab within 2 days was feeling this again last night was worse though woke up and turned over and room was spinning like someone mentioned in an earlier post never experienced that before bit unsettling and feel rough and brain foggy today. Wtf did they give us ?! Im at the GP today and will mention it but I'm preparing to be dismissed. Are people getting over this ?
So sorry you are going through this also. This thread was started in January and it is continuing as more people become vaccinated. So far with my very unscientific data, the average recovery time is 4 weeks. I've only included people who have completely recovered from onset of symptoms. I myself have had 3 days in a row of no vertigo after being at home for 4 weeks. I think healing and recovery is not linear but more of a spiral. One of the posters has had side effects for several weeks and she has had significant improvement adding a few supplements. I have found walking, hydrating, Meclizine when needed, rest and vitamin C have helped.
Hope you feel better soon!
I got my second Pfizer shot this past Sunday - 8 weeks after the first shot. I have had no side effects at all this time, other than a sore arm. My side effects from the first shot were not nearly as bad as many people on this forum have reported. After the first shot, I woke up the next morning feeling woozy with a strange dizziness that I had never experienced before - not like vertigo - I have had that before and this was much milder - I could walk okay and wasn't nauseous. It would come in waves and was almost more like a feeling of dizziness or just a dizziness in my vision, not my whole body. I also had a feeling of fullness in my head and generally didn't feel horrible, but not great either. It took a week for the dizziness to subside and another week before I felt like myself again. Just wanted to share my experience - I was really worried about getting the second shot!
Hi Amy, I also have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and was on the fence about getting the vaccine and then I got Covid on April 4th. In bed the first week with body aches, fever, chills and the worst headache ever. By the third week I was still experiencing ringing in my ears and just felt off. Then one day I woke up and I felt fine. Tested negative, so I booked my first Pfizer shot on May 4th. It’s been two weeks and the first 3 days I had a fever, headache, body aches. That stop after 3 days but the vertigo and tinnitus has been debilitating. I just started driving again yesterday and I have an appointment with my ENT tomorrow. Am I getting a second shot? NO WAY!! As far as I’m concerned, the trials were on healthy individuals so they could get it approved for which I think is still emergency use. We (people with underlying health issues) are the trial. It’s also very disturbing to read that people who were otherwise healthy ended up with these inner ear/balance issues. I feel like making my health decisions have come down to playing Russian Roulette. If I get the shot, this could happen but if I get Covid that could happen. Well, I got Covid and survived. I’d rather take my chances with one shot, then erase what little progress I made with my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Best of luck to all who are experiencing side effects and those deciding should they or shouldn’t they get the vaccine.
It's bad when a health care choice comes down to either taking the risk of getting a nasty disease or taking the risk of a vaccine that might cause long term, disabling side effects. Six of one, half dozen of the other. When I saw my ENT a couple of weeks ago for an existing vestibular disorder, I asked him what he thought about my chances of getting the vestibular side effects if I took the vaccine. He said it was "likely"--and that whatever choice I made it would be a risk, that it was a matter of which risk was more acceptable to me. It shouldn't have to be that way. It seems pretty obvious to me that there are some individuals who should not take this vaccine, but since it is only EUA and not fully FDA approved, it wasn't tested for as long or as extensively or on enough different types of people. Those taking the vaccine have become the trial subjects. What's so disturbing is how these side effects continue to be dismissed and denied. But the agenda is to get as many people vaccinated as soon as possible and they are lying to us to get that done.
@anita1962Hi Anita, Thanks so much for your reply. I'm so sorry you had to experience Covid, and then the side effects of the vaccine as well. I admire you, and all here, for going forth. They say side effects are worse when you've already had the virus too, unfortunately. Sounds like you are getting somewhat better? Hopefully the ENT can help. You said you had fibro and CFS, which can both cause dizziness, I know, but did you also have a pre-existing vestibular issue? This would be helpful to know too. Please take care, and good luck for these exacerbated symptoms to improve.
@isismadecI could not have said this better. You've hit it right on the head. It sounds like we with pre-existing dizziness problems are already between a rock and a hard place (and look at all the folks here who have had problems even without the issues before). It is a very hard decision. I tend to be pretty much homebound already, so that is the reason I have even considered not getting it yet; otherwise, would probably have to take the chance on the shot. It is amazing how the infections are going down, so at least they are helping control the pandemic, but at a high price for the folks here and probably many others. Hopefully they will start to acknowledge these problems and maybe find what is causing these effects. Thank you for posting what your ENT said; this is exactly what I imagined they would say. Take care-
yes, I did have prior vestibular issues. My fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue started after Lyme disease. I ended up getting nephritis/ Minimal Change Disease. Lyme nephritis is found in animals, but they say not humans. After I recovered back in 2004, that’s when I was diagnosed with CF/FM. I just returned from my ENT. No additional hearing loss from 2012 testing. He said Covid will cause the vertigo and ringing in ears but no evidence of the vaccine doing the same. I had my vaccine one month after Covid, he said he is telling patients to wait 6 months. Fortunately I am able to drive again after two weeks, ears still ringing and intermittent brain fog and dizziness when I get into bed. According to the ENT I will get better, however, I have made the decision not to get the second shot. I found over the years that my tinnitus is aggravated by dairy products which I was tested to have allergies to. I have removed all dairy out of diet and that kept the tinnitus under control till now.
How are you feeling now?
I am experiencing inner ear issues as well...fullness and pain. Primary doc said ear infection- face me antibodics /Flonase- it did not work. didn’t work.
Went to ENT, they gave gave me steroids...on day one now.
Best of luck!