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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Why do people have to have these side effects? The majority have dizziness, numbness (leg, face). They go away but then they come back.

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@sean29 I developed tinnitus after getting the vaccine. It has taken 3 months for it to lessen. It isn’t gone, but tolerable. 

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Figured I would pop in and give an update, since I haven't given one in a couple days.

The last I posted was two nights ago, I had tried the "half somersault maneuver for vertigo", and while I felt better immediately afterwards, unfortunately, the relief has not lasted.

It's now been 9 days since onset of symptoms.  It's hard to tell if symptoms are getting less severe, or I am simply getting more used to it.  I like how a poster above put it, it feels like being "on a boat" more or less the whole day.  I do think that computer/TV/phone/video screens are exacerbating it; I spent the first few hours today, screenless, and felt perhaps only 5-10% dizzy, but again as I am writing this post on my laptop, I feel again closer to 30% dizzy.  That being said, in our modern world, it's almost impossible to live your life without looking at any screen.

I think I will attempt to seek medical attention this week, hopefully just an appointment with family doc (who I haven't seen in about 10 years).

I will continue to post any notable updates.

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@kris Was it after first or second dose? If first, did you take the second one?

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@jeekrn Hi Jee, the symptoms you describe have all been reported as side/adverse effects for the AstraZeneca vaccine so they would most likely apply to the other vaccines too. We all here share similar symptoms even though we have had different vaccines. With all of those symptoms you are having it wouldn't surprise me if you are suffering with some anxiety too, that would be understandable. I know I have, for sure. You have had lots of tests in hospital so you can take reassurance from that. When I went through a scare several years ago I had shortness of breath after I was incorrectly told I had a heart murmer. I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours and had shortness of breath whilst wearing it but the results turned out to be fine. It was followed up with an echocardiogram and that was fine too, even though I still had shortness of breath. I eventually controlled mine with breathing exercises and relaxation, These I found on the internet. Since having both vaccines I have experienced some chest pain, back pain and had moments of shortness of breath. I quickly take my mind of it by doing something or watching something funny on tv and forgetting about it makes it goes away. I hope you start feeling better soon😊

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Update day! I'm 8 1/2 weeks into this vertigo/dizziness/tinnitus/etc. journey, and it's not over yet. I have noticed that over the course of time, my predominant complaints have morphed a little bit. I think that I have a little less true vertigo than I did a month ago and more lightheadedness. Everything else is about the same, and I'm still not well enough to drive except for extremely short trips if I'm having a relatively good day.

I had my appointment at the balance disorders clinic today, and it was interesting. I had a VNG and several other similar tests. That rotating chair test was WAY less fun than the Superman ride at Six Flags, not that I'll be doing THAT anytime soon. In any case, I had been told several weeks ago by a physical therapist that this is BPPV. I was given Epley maneuvers to do, but it didn't help very much, if at all. A couple of weeks ago I saw an ENT who thought the BPPV was incorrect and sent me for the balance study today.

After analyzing everything and studying my notes, the audiology doctor ruled out BPPV and Meniere's and concluded that I'm experiencing vestibular migraine. I was pleased to see that the information sheet she gave me about VM was from here on the VEDA site. 🙂 We talked about whether there was a relationship between the vaccine and this dizziness experience, and she said that it's possible. There has apparently been a certain amount of talk in the medical community questioning what they're seeing.

Anyway, I'm going to be exploring some dietary changes and some vitamin/supplement options and see what my PCP wants to do from here. There may be a trip to the neurologist and some medication in my future, but at least I have a jumping off point to try heading in the right direction.

Good luck to everyone here. Every report of a recovery gives the rest of us some hope!

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@asimpsHi, what do you mean about the south?  I also live in the south (SW) and was curious.  Hope you're feeling better!


Teresa 🙂 


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Hi~  this is my first experience with vertigo or dizziness. I read about another member who experienced dizziness while driving.  How/when did you start back driving again?  I've been at home for 5 weeks. Thank you and I hope you all are steadily improving!

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@teresawarren40 I'm in Oklahoma. Lots of people here are anti vax, anti science. 

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Posted by: @asimps

Hi everyone. Just giving an update. After waiting 3 months for this to just go away, I finally saw a neuro. I tried steroids for a week, am currently trying amitriptyline for vestibular migraine. Had a ct, eye exam, eeg. Nothing is changing. I'm still "on the boat" or extremely lightheaded. Im still struggling with awful nausea. I began VRT today. They seem confident that they can help..... I feel like this may be a chronic thing, like PPPD or VM or MdDS. Maybe the vaccine just triggered something that was already there. Anyway, I'm quickly running out of ideas. I hope you all find relief and heal sooner rather than later. I'll check back in after a couple weeks of VRT. One good thing- I live in the south, so every health professional I've seen has just accepted that this is vaccine related without hesitation lol. 

Thanks for your information and experiences. It is so hard to read these lines. After 3 months nothing really changed... 

Has any of the treatments help with your issue to lighten up a little bit?

I am trying an antihistamine but nothing really happened since I tried it.

If no medication helps why should we take meds just for trying them, maybe they help? I will tell my doctor that if this will not help I won't take any new med, because actually nothing helped here for no one...

Get better soon! 

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Hi all, just come back to give some updates on my situation. I have had my first Moderna shot on 1 April and I had no side effects other than pain at injection site. I then developed covid arms after a week and it lasted for almost 10 days. On day 14, i woke up with vertigo and dizziness. It never happened in my whole life. I was scared and nervous about it. However, I only had vertigo when I slept on my right side and tilt my head to the right. If I sleep flat, it is not a problem. In the following few days, vertigo is not coming back but dizziness lingered and i had brain fog from time to time. This lasted for around a week and I felt I was better day by day. I felt almost returning normal after 10 days. Then I had my 2nd shot on 6 May, same sore arm and I developed low grade fever which lasted only 1 night. Since then, i have no other side effects and vertigo is not coming back after the second shot.  

I would say I even feel better after having the second shot. I was experiencing brain fog from time to time before having my second shot. But i feel totally normal now and it is now day 19 after my second shot. 

i hope my experience can give an idea to some of you who is struggling to have the second shot or not. 

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@nataliemccrory Hi Nannymac, it's good that they've ruled out BPPV and Menieres and although vestibular migraine is unpleasant to say the least, you have a diagnosis that you can now work with and stop worrying about the other things. I hope that your new treatment plan gets sorted soon and hopefully 🙏, things will return to normal after this vaccine response takes its course. I do hope it is only temporary for you. Good to hear too that the medical field are beginning to take notice of these vaccine adverse effects. Best wishes.😊

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Been dizzy since April 19. I have posted several times already. Been to a lot of doctors. Trying steroids now. Just took the first dose this morning. I have read that others have done steroids with no relief so I am not very hopeful. We will see. Still waiting for my brain MRI to be scheduled.

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i have still been off balance since 3/26. What is vrt? I am doing acupuncture going on number 3 no difference but a tiny bit!

at the end of my wits. One day u feel little better, think oh boy that’s it, next day back to off balance brain fog! At night my legs feel like lead, they feel very heavy. Has anyone had this.

had brain scan, ct scan, blood work. My ent said yes from shot!!!!! 

Sassafras, dragonlover, twa and 3 people reacted
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i have been sick since 3/26 off balance brain fog u name it.

can you tell me what VRT is??? I am doing now acupuncture. Tried everything and nothing. I just pray this is not permanent.

brain scan, ct scan blood work

my ent says from vaccine or shot if u want to call it! 
he feels after 3 months it should get better? Well I don’t think so.


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