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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@lilu906 i'm not taking quercetin, only beta blockers! but could be a similar situation

Sarah and Sarah reacted
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@hope123 very true! i don't have ringing in my ears, just pressure. every day i'm waiting for a new symptom to manifest! never got the second dose, and never will unfortunately. the cost so far has been too high. my mental health is suffering big time. very grateful for this forum though, as my own doctors haven't been taking me seriously thus far

dragonlover, Sassafras, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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@jpdevoys I feel like I’m stuck at 60-70% improvement. I have good days when h think it’s gone, then the next day I’m back to some dizziness and lightheadedness. I’m at point where I’m functional and can deal, I just hope this goes away permanently with time. Sorry if my news isn’t as encouraging as you’d hope. 

Sassafras, Tabby, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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@mcross absolutely it is such a relief to find others in similar circumstances, because clearly there is a pattern that is forming. In spite of the doctors that shrug their shoulders,At least I know I am not alone and that is a huge relief.

And yes music does help with the tinnitus, or even some sort of sound therapy. I wonder how exhausting tinnitus is for the brain to have that constantly playing in the background.

Sassafras, Dizzyfromvaccine, Tabby and 3 people reacted
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@zabr00 I consider this article a confirmation that the PTB are well aware of allergic reactions to the NAV's (nucleic acid vaccines).

The incidence of serious adverse effects of these mRNA vaccines was reported low...

Interesting how that is read completely opposite by the layman, than the attorney. By the size of this thread one reads that there are a lot more incidents than are reported.


This post was modified 4 years ago by NAV Inventor

KitKat, KitKat, Sia and 1 people reacted
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@nodiagnosis I took quecertin for an extended period of time before and never had any issues. It can be safely taken for 12 weeks from what I've read but everyone is different... I find that some supplements recommended on here make me drowsy..and it makes my brain fog worse.

As for the ringing in the ear I also only have ear pressure similar to the on I get when the plane is landing...I really hope it won't get worse.

@Sassafras what symptoms do you have and when did they start?

@Yoanna welcome and please keep us updated, you and I have very similar symptoms

@Ellalen what symptoms do you have and when did they start? Are you taking the supplements? I am also stuck at 60-70% I can totally function but brain fog in particular makes me miserable



This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Hope123

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@thenystagmus Hi Sassafras, sounds like you've had a hectic day. It's no joke being put through all those tests when you feel ill before you start. It's a good idea to take a rest, screens may only make you feel worse. I spent too long watching my screen last night and today my dizziness has been worse. I think I too need to take a break. Hope you have a peaceful evening and a good night's rest.🙏😊

dragonlover, Sassafras, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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Hi all,

I have been reading this forum for a month but never posted. Now decided to share my experiences as well.

- 43 y/o male, mostly healthily (was), athletic 

- Had both Pfizer shots: March 16th and April 9th. 

- Identical reaction to both shots:

Day 1: tired, some muscle shaking, generally pleasant feeling, euphoria (not kidding!

Day 2: tired, mostly normal otherwise

Day 3: plenty of energy, working out feel 10 years younger

Day 4: normal

Day 5-6: pronounced vertigo when turning my head

Day 8+: vertigo has subsided but dizziness appeared,

Days 10+: sinus pressure, brain fog, dizziness, blurry vision, elevated heart rate (+10-30 BPM to resting level), high blood pressure

- 2 month after second shot, brain for is cleared, heart rate back to normal, blood pressure normal, however, dizziness still comes and goes

- stress, caffeine, computer and TV and alcohol make symptoms worse

- working out makes symptoms better.  I work out a lot since it is the only way to relive stress i have now. 

- no symptoms while running, riding bike, driving/riding motorcycle

- I had CT scan (clear), skipped MRI and EEG (will take later if symptoms stay much longer)

- doctors (UCLA Los Angeles) not helpful.  Very disappointed. 

   1. My PCP insisted that i take the second shot despite my symptoms and concerns, 

   2. Both PCP and Neurologist reject any idea that this can be related to vaccine

 - Generally I feel that my life has changed a lot after the vaccine.  I am not the same person and not sure if I will ever be able to live the same life. It affects my work, my ability drink and eat what I want, to stay up late etc. 

Thanks a lot to all sharing their experience!  Get better.




Rachie, Patty, Rachie and 11 people reacted
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Update-last posted June 3rd and was finally able to shower.  Here it is June 8th and feeling just okay.  Dizziness is improving, but constant with occasional headaches.  Holding the nausea at bay by eating selectively. Trying to take some supplements, the glutathione, quercitin, zinc, and a good multivitamin.  Not quite sure what dosages are best, need to look back in posts to find again. Also take omega's with Vit. D, figured it won't hurt!  Watermelon chunks are easy on the system while helping with hydration.  Found those premade sushi with crab, avocado, veggie based provides some substance for me.  The sliced ginger included certainly calms my stomach.  Sleep(?) propped up at night, laying down sends me into a tailspin.  Always afraid to go to sleep, that I will start all over again.  Wake up during the night with heart racing and sometimes pain and a sense of pure fear.  Weird.  Also read somewhere about pine needle tea being helpful.  Made some and drink some every day with a splash of lemon.  May we all find relief soon and best wishes to all.  We can get through this!

4/16/21 1st dose Pfizer,  sore arm, felt a little woozy and off

5/7/21 2nd dose Pfizer,  sore arm, felt woozy and off

5/21/21 Woke up 3am severely ill (see original post)

5/25/21 Doctor visit, prescribed meclazine, no diagnosis

gradually improved?

6/1/21 Bam, hit again with original symptoms, not as severe

6/8/21 Slowly improving, Dizziness constant still, unable to drive and maintain normalcy

Sassafras, Sassafras, Tabby and 5 people reacted
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Hi,I was reading this chat and it happened exactly to me after I took the first dose of Pfiser.I took vaccine on the 7th May and after a week I experienced my first black spot in my right eye which then I had got to know that they are called ‘floaters’.By two weeks time, another floater came out in the same eye.I didn’t go for the second dose cause am afraid that my floaters will increase. My opthamologist said they are not vaccine related, but I had them just after taking the vaccine. They are annoying and I was just told that my mind had to be trained to ignore them.

I just cannot accept having these monsters in my eyes.Am drinking alot of water and eating alot of pineapple.

I did a big mistake that I took the vaccine, I will not go for the other one.

Better getting sick with Covid than have to deal witj these monsters in my eyes!

Rachie and Rachie reacted
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Posted by: @hope123

Brain fog is my main symptom. I have been reading about people who recovered from covid and a lot of them had brain fog and slight dizziness for weeks after. Very interesting.

This was me for about 5-6 weeks. I didn't have vertigo, but the brain fog and slight dizziness still bothered me and sometimes made me a little nauseous. 

Sassafras, Hope123, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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@mcross SAME! My left eye sometimes would just move and it would cause brain fog and mild dizziness.  All my issues were mainly on the left side, for me, which is the side where I got the jab.  Very interesting.

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So have spoken to my gp who has prescribed gabapentin 100mg x3 daily to help with the anxiety and pain which is like having a toothache all over.   Have not been able to sleep unless sitting upright as if lie down the dizziness gets worse. Also having nightmares 3 to 4 each night, gp said should help with sleep too. Will let you know how it works. May be another thing we can add to our tool kit to help with the side effects of this horrible vaccine.

Stay strong friends x

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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@rombab I genuinely still don't understand how actual doctors can look at the onslaught of different symptoms that coincidentally started a few days after the vaccine and not even consider the vaccine is the cause.  Like, I understand being cautious and saying you don't know for sure.  But to say "ABSOLUTELY NOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VACCINE AT ALL", when everything is happening right after it, is completely insulting. 

devora, KitKat, devora and 15 people reacted
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