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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Hello All...I am so relieved I found this organization & forum. After my 1st Moderna shot I had blurry red watering eyes along w a skin lesion that Drs identified as a benign lipoma. My sister and I had the shots together. 30 days after 2nd shot I ended up in ER after 3 hours of horror---acute vertigo, dizziness & nausea vomiting. This was all new to me. Thinking I was having a stroke I took aspirin. Following blood work & CT scan I was diagnosed with BPPV. Prescribed Meclizen & nausea meds. Next sister experienced extreme dizziness...thankfully hers only lasted a day. The fact we both had dizziness/ vertigo confirms Moderna. We even had Fire Dept come to ck for any environmental issues to rule out other factors.  I am currently in Vestibular Therapy at Cleve Clinic. Trying to live life, take extra care & caution not to aggravate condition. Of late I am feeling more aura & dizziness which therapist says is normal. They are seeing improvement in my eye movements & have identified left outer ear where crystal is or has moved.  I intend to document & verify all public private forums to share this nightmare. I wish you all well. 


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Posted by: @darroyo11

I received the J & J shot April 5th. Started feeling dizzy on the 16th. Ended up in the ER the next morning with rapid heart beat for over 6 hrs. straight, dizzy, numbness in hands and feet. Felt like I might have a heart attack. Had a panic attack due to all of it. ER did a bunch of tests and said all came back normal. Symptoms got better and then boom they came back again. I never know day to day how I will feel. The rapid heart rate comes on a lot. Especially at night. Some nights I can hardly sleep. Doctors don't really know anything. Prescribed anti depressants for anxiety which I don't want to take. I just want to feel like my old self again. This is going on way to long. Anyone else have the rapid heart rate too? Also palpitations now and then.

DA - for rapid heart rate, beta blockers like Toprol.  

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@lpycb42 thank you for your response!

You mean you were sick with covid and developed brain fog or you had brain fog for 5-6 weeks after getting vaccinated?

What helped you?



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  • @darroyo11 have you looked into post-covid/vaccination POTS? not a doctor, btw. 

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@southbay I had my shot three weeks ago Friday and have been very I'll since . I had cancer twice in the past and have fybromyalga . I was taken by ambulance because I was passing out over and over . My blood pressure was through the roof and I had the worst fybromyalga flare I have ever experienced. 12 dayss three er visits and nothing . My vision. Goes and as the day goes I loose my strength in my legs and feel like I can't hold myself up . I am very dizzy and my ears are driving me crazy . They throb and sparp pain way inside my ears . I have vision problems at times and feel and seem like I am drunk but didn't have anything . My husband and I are getting ready for a lawyer . I can't walk I am so confused I can't sleep . I wish I never took the needle and I will not be getting the second. I have not been able to do anything for 18 days now and it's getting worse not better . I really don't know what to do 

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@darroyo11 if you look back at my posts I have had much the same symptoms. Been to  numerous drs, emergency dept etc and most tests came back as normal. I have now been give a diagnosis of meniere's syndrome and prescribed behistine  and to be referred to vestibular therapy. Today been prescribed gabapentin for the pain, nightmares and anxiety I have now got from the side effects of the vaccine. I had covid Dec 20, first pfizer shot 29th Jan 21 was OK then had 2nd pfizer shot May 6th 21 and have had ongoing side effects since. I am taking the glutathione, quercetin and zinc recommended here by a member and think they have been helping.

I think it really is a case of managing the symptoms of the side effects until they subside, the time frame for recovery seems to be variable though. 

Wishing us all a speedy recovery x


Tabby and Tabby reacted
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SEE: Link between COVID-19 vaccination, tinnitus ‘worth looking into’

Within a few hours of receiving his second COVID-19 vaccine dose in February, Gregory A. Poland, MD, a vaccinologist and director of the vaccine research group at the Mayo Clinic, knew something was not right.

Within about 90 minutes after receiving his second dose of an mRNA vaccine, he experienced the sudden and severe onset of tinnitus. He soon discovered that he had tinnitus, becoming one of at least 2,250 people who reported developing the condition following COVID-19 vaccination. The actual number may be higher, and a critical question is whether it is coincidence or causal, according to Poland.

He said it is time for federal health agencies to examine the COVID-19 vaccine-tinnitus link, although he acknowledged that the FDA and CDC are “overwhelmed with the amount of data” they are receiving regarding vaccination.

Quote: Dr. Poland: My second hunch is that over time, these off-target inflammatory responses will either disappear completely or considerably diminish over time, which raises a really important question: Do I get a third COVID-19 vaccine dose if those become recommended?

LorraineB, LorraineB, KitKat and 11 people reacted
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Posted by: @tabby

@thenystagmus Hi Sassafras, sounds like you've had a hectic day. It's no joke being put through all those tests when you feel ill before you start. It's a good idea to take a rest, screens may only make you feel worse. I spent too long watching my screen last night and today my dizziness has been worse. I think I too need to take a break. Hope you have a peaceful evening and a good night's rest.🙏😊

I went to bed in the morning after my testing. After 4 hours, I decided that was not helping me feel any better, if anything worse. I feel horrible. I was not to eat, drink, and no caffeine before testing. I've eaten lightly before going to bed and am up drinking my regular coffee now although it's not morning. I'm hoping to have less headache and get to feeling like eating. 

Someone asked about my symptoms list is lengthy: dizziness/imbalance, brief swirls of vertigo/nystagmus, nausea, fatigue, joint pain. Only on right side: facial & ear canal paresthesia, mild ear pressure, occ. ear pain, decreased eye sensation, rare eye tic, sinus feels swollen but no congestion, mild tinnitus has started. Also, since a "viral infection" (?Covid) in March 2020, every 6-8 wks mild sore throat and sore/swollen lymph nodes under ears and jaw for 2-7+ days. 

Pooey, I'm tired of this! I've never quit drinking my morning coffee, and my headache today is starting to lesson in severity now that I'm drinking it. If I can just get back to my regular "bad" before bedtime tonight, I'll be relieved.

I know I've written a probably annoyingly large amount here over the past 3 months. I'm not used to feeling bad and being self-centered like this has resulted in me becoming. I feel teary with gratefulness for the support of everyone here! Thank you! 

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Posted by: @gingerjones

SEE: Link between COVID-19 vaccination, tinnitus ‘worth looking into’

Within a few hours of receiving his second COVID-19 vaccine dose in February, Gregory A. Poland, MD, a vaccinologist and director of the vaccine research group at the Mayo Clinic, knew something was not right.

Within about 90 minutes after receiving his second dose of an mRNA vaccine, he experienced the sudden and severe onset of tinnitus. He soon discovered that he had tinnitus, becoming one of at least 2,250 people who reported developing the condition following COVID-19 vaccination. The actual number may be higher, and a critical question is whether it is coincidence or causal, according to Poland.

He said it is time for federal health agencies to examine the COVID-19 vaccine-tinnitus link, although he acknowledged that the FDA and CDC are “overwhelmed with the amount of data” they are receiving regarding vaccination.

Quote: Dr. Poland: My second hunch is that over time, these off-target inflammatory responses will either disappear completely or considerably diminish over time, which raises a really important question: Do I get a third COVID-19 vaccine dose if those become recommended?

Ginger! I am about to shout!


If you've never followed a link yet, I highly recommend doing so with this one! I plan to print this and share it around.

Ginger - I dub you worthy of the very first Golden Ear award for sleuthing out this resource! Thank you immensely! 🤩

Plazervil2500, Plazervil2500, gingerj and 3 people reacted
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Vertigo and diziness is being mentioned, very interesting article.

Utkris, Dizzyfromvaccine, Tabby and 3 people reacted
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@darroyo11 You are not alone with heart rate/palpitations. I have had 3 panic attacks in the last two weeks. Went to ER and talked to cardiologist. Did EKG and it appears I'm fine. I'm able to do cycling at 90% max heart rate with no problem but it takes me longer for my HR to go below 100 afterwards. Cardiologist seems to think this will pass and it is an adverse affect of the vaccine. 

Sassafras, Tabby, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Has anyone had liver panels done? My ALT was elevated 3 days post vaccine (barely outside normal range) but for me that's high. It has barely come down in two months. Finally back into "normal" range but if it stays elevated I may need to do more tests. 

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Hi @hope123 - I'm replying to your post to alert you that a little earlier I wrote a separate post that will answer your question to me. Thanks for asking! 🤗

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@thenystagmus Hi Sassafras, it doesn't harm to vent your feelings now and again, sometimes it helps you feel better by doing so, especially with what you have endured over recent months. Your posts have never been annoying as far as I am concerned, your contribution has been invaluable, you have helped so many people, including me. It's been a horrible day for you today but you will get back to how you were and hopefully make good progress in the days ahead. I'm so grateful that you are here. Have a restful sleep tonight.🙏😊

Plazervil2500, Plazervil2500, gingerj and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @gingerjones


Quote: Dr. Poland: My second hunch is that over time, these off-target inflammatory responses will either disappear completely or considerably diminish over time, which raises a really important question: Do I get a third COVID-19 vaccine dose if those become recommended?

Oh I do hope and pray that he is correct in saying this, I take reassurance from this comment. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.😊

Rachie, gingerj, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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