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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @nawpan
Posted by: @dizzyfromvaccine


That’s such a big part of this. Not knowing if you completely injured yourself for good and will never feel back to normal. Im still kind of wondering because we altered our DNA to some degree - I’m afraid down the road Im going to find out something terrible has been brewing. 
Yes, two days into the supplements, the dizzy, rocking, disconnected, unable to think, heavy, rocking on a boat feeling was gone. All the hoopla going on in my head had calmed down. But I was still very tired and occasionally my heart would thump in my chest in the middle of the night but when I checked my heart rate it wasnt high. The man who mans my building front door had same thing. Of course Dr told him, “youre just anxious.” It’s like gaslighting from doctors. 

At this point I feel pretty back to normal. 

I saw that one person posted that the VAERs agency contacted him. I wish they would contact me. I want to give them an earful and maybe some tinnitus for extra measure. 

It just makes me so annoyed that everyone is being told it’s not the vaccine or it’s anxiety. I mean we just injected ourselves with a totally unknown vaccine that we only have less than year’s worth of data on and has never been thoroughly tested or approved, yet, the symptoms couldn’t possibly be from the vaccine. I mean, what? Huh?

I saw someone posted that a dr got tinnitus and he was trying to convince people it’s a side effect. What the rest of us “morons” just have anxiety and can’t be trusted to know something terrible happened to us even though we lived in these bodies our whole life?

Ugh, sorry for the rant. 

What supplement are you taking that make you feel better?  Thanks.

Hi Natalie

If you can read back. I took glutathione, zinc and querecitin. It worked really well for me. Some people here have different symptoms and tried it - which you know I cant say either way if that’s good. Some started with the same symptoms as me but some didnt. A few people messaged me on the site about being better. One person was better but then had another bout of dizziness. Some say they got other diagnoses which I didnt have.  So I may have been the lucky one. 

devora, devora, gailbpositive and 3 people reacted
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I for one am glad you stayed on...helps the morale

Rachie, Dizzyfromvaccine, Rachie and 1 people reacted
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I get tingling in my right arm once in a while in the middle of the night...left arm is where I got the shot

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What a relief on my anxiety it has been to find this forum and find others in a similar position to myself after receiving the vaccination. I received the 1st vaccination (AZ) 19 days ago and have felt awful since. Everyone else I know including older parents who've had it felt fine after a day or two.

It started with headaches, eye pain and teeth pain, which weren't particularly strong but constant for a few days. This passed and has since been replaced with dizzy spells, light headedness and worst of all this constant brain fog which just won't go away. The only time I get any relief from it is when I am asleep, which is all I want to do this past 2 weeks.

In particular using the computer at work has been really difficult, I find I am needing to take breaks away from the screen far more regularly and just shut my eyes for a minute or so.

I'm really unsure and nervous now about getting the 2nd vaccination.

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I completely understand what you have said, I have a nurse friend who has seen colleagues with side effects from the covid vaccine ranging from swollen finers, tingling numbness, migraines, she thinks it is wrong that Dr's refuse to admit that these could be side effects from the vaccine. She said the truth is nobody knows much about the side effects of the vaccine or how to treat them. She feels that once they collate all the data from the reporting of side effects they may well have a different approach.

It is gaslighting by Dr's to say our symptoms are anxiety. Yes anxiety can be present but it will be when all these strange, painful and disorientating things, are happening to us causing us distress and fear. It's even worse that most of us took the vaccine to protect others from covid and we now feel so unwell.

We need to keep reporting our side effects, keep up the pressure so they cannot ignore us. We may be a minority compared to the millions who have had no ill effects from the vaccine but we matter too.

Stay strong x

KitKat, KitKat, Gloria M and 3 people reacted
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Hi everyone,

I'm writing from Italy. I took my first dose of Pfizer on 9th May and I'm in a nightmare now. I suffer daily from severe dizziness and nausea. My neck has become really stiff. I also experience tremors and tingling in my arms and hands. Will this get any better with time? Positive experiences? I feel really I'm in my bed crying because I can't even work. Is there anything that helps with the dizziness? Thank you for your replies.


KitKat, KitKat, gailbpositive and 3 people reacted
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Still feel brain foggy today, especially in the morning...I wonder why in the morning? Also after the naps... I noticed someone else wrote about it. It almost feels like sleep makes it worse?? And active lifestyle makes it better? I still have some weird sensation in the ears...

I will be probably getting the second dose (but I will wait months before this happens) because I am a traveller, and I really want to continue travelling, I am not going to let this vaccine destroy my life. But I think in the future we won't have to get vaccines unless there is an outbreak so if you are not a traveller like me then I don't see why you would do it yourself. I ONLY did it because of that. Travelling is quite literally my life and I have already been quite depressed because of covid. If you go online you can see some countries easing the restrictions if you are fully vaccinated. But you can still be pretty free within your own country.

I've been browsing this forum for a bit and I can tell many people left this forum after posting 2-3 times. I think it takes 3 months (not 4 weeks like some lady on here said) to go back to normal. I think it's a very long time. I am grateful I can work from home most of the time, otherwise it would have been impossible.


May 16 - got vaccinated (Pfizer)

May 17 - sore arm

May 18 - May 21 - feeling great

May 21 - May 22 - headache

May 23 - chills, felt feverish with no temperature

May 24 - May 26 - brain fog and dizziness

May 27 - May 28 - brain fog and clogged ears

May 29 - May 30 - brain fog, headache

May 31 - severe brain fog, fatigue

June 1 - June 9 - brain fog, head and ears feel weird

This post was modified 4 years ago by Hope123

Deborah, Deborah, Rachie and 1 people reacted
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@giants101214 Have you improved?

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@audb Have you improved?

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@martin Please keep us updated about your second shot as I am also planning to get the second shot

Martin and Martin reacted
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@rbhubbard Are you feeling better?

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Hi, how long did it take for your brain fog to get resolved? Did you get the second shot?

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@xtine Are you feeling better?

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@elicim Are you feeling better?

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@sally Are you feeling better now?

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