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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @truthseeker

Hello everyone... I am not posting often, but I follow the forum in hope that everyone is on the road to recovery. I was debating if I should sent this link or not, but it throws light on something completely different and possibly could be of use to someone and they could show this to the un-informed doctors that dismisses any link to vaccine. This German lady doctor (Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger) did a study of a Pfizer vaccine. She will inspect Moderna vaccine too at the later date and she talked a lot about toxicity of cationic lipids that a part of the lipid envelope that surrounds mRNA. Cationic lipids have a half life of 20 to 30 days in human beings, and the elimination to 5%, so not really eliminated, takes 4 - 5 months. Her breaking down vaccine is very lengthy and detailed. At least it is possible to go to doctor with this and ask for further clarifications. She said there will be a lot of lawsuits coming, due this being so rushed and a lot of deficiencies that EMA (European Medicine Agency) committee found that wasn't really fixed. it is too much for me to describe everything she talked about, so I am leaving the link. Interestingly enough she did talk about oxidative stress and glutathione. That explains why some people here had such a great result with glutathione.

The link is :

Wish everyone speedy recovery.

Thank you for the info. Did she recommend anything for recovery?  Have you recovered?


Thank you,


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Posted by: @teresawarren40


My severe vertigo and dizziness started after the second Pfizer shot.  It's been 8 weeks and I've been at home, not driving.  I'm not sure I would do this again.


I'm sure I won't have more Covid vaccines. I've had enough ...well, really I've had more than enough...

twa, gingerj, Tabby and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @hallen4496

Has anyone gotten the second vaccine dose and improved? Yesterday, I spoke with a physician who said that he noticed patient symptoms improving after the second dose. I am starting to feel desperate. I got the first Moderna shot on March 29, 2021. Within an hour, I had heart palpitations, tingling on the left side of my body, numbness in my lips, and difficulty swallowing. Since then, I’ve experienced dizziness, lightheadedness, tinnitus, nausea, headache, vertigo, feeling faint, heart palpitations, blood pressure spikes, and tremors. Doctors don’t believe it’s the vaccine and can’t diagnose or treat me with anything. I am starting to wonder if the second shot might be worth trying. I dunno, this had been so awful and isolating.

Hi - what you've shared stimulates some thoughts for me... I have a hard time imagining a doctor advising someone to be vaccinated for anything when feeling as unwell as you describe! Especially a vaccine that many are attributing life-altering and sometimes long-lasting side effects to.

Maybe a good question to ask yourself is - do you believe this is reaction to the vaccine? If you do, you might also ask yourself if you're willing to risk another round of it. I wonder what the odds are of improvement vs. experiencing more or even worsening of the above?

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Posted by: @dizzyfromvaccine


Hi Natalie

This is what I took. I didnt have pins and needles. 

Trifortify flavored liposomal glutothione  2 tsp 3x per for only for a week (compared to the tube directions this dose i was pretty large) this is not liquid it’s like the consistency of hand cream.  

Thorne zinc picolinate 30 mg 1 capsule 2x per day

Vital nutrients quercetin 250 mg 1 capsule 2x per day (zinc and quercetin at same time)

i felt better after 2 days - so I reduced the glutathione to 1 tsp 3x a day after 3 days because it was a little harsh on my stomach. 

Im not a health professional  just relaying what I took. Glutathione i think is soy based if you have a soy allergy.  

Probably good to check with your dr before starting anything new and check contraindications.  



I just want to add that I probably would not take that much again. I would start slow and add if I needed to. It was a lot. And it hurt my stomach a bit and Im not sure how much is too much. I know it was only meant for a week and maybe it was specific to me. 

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i really want to caution everyone to be careful with supplements and check with a dr or pharmacist. 

LadyD, Tabby, Ali W and 5 people reacted
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How is everyone today ? 

Really hope some of you guys that have been struggling for months are turning the tide back towards normality ?

Just a brief update from me.

5.5 weeks out since 1st AZ jab.

Thankfully all of my smyptoms have now gone apart from the Tinnitus, which I am glad to say only bothers me at night, but not enough that it stops me sleeping.

I brought a really comfy pillow with a little speaker built inside it and I can't tell you how much difference it makes.

Ive also invested in the following suplements.

Zinc, tumeric, bromelain, quercetin, vit c, Vit B12, magnesium, ginko biloba.

And they seem to be helping, the Zinc for some reason seems to help with the Tinnitus more than the others.

Im awaiting a ENT referral from GP and they want to do bloods to check with a few cognitive issues i was experiencing (although no longer seem to).


I will say that I have become very sensitive to high frequency loud noises, such a kids screaming or like when im snapping the yoghurts off the multi packs and that can worsen  the Tinnitus.


Other than the Tinnitus (And now an achillies strain from running) I seem to be on the mend.


I think some of us may have to work around our problems with exercise and forcing ourself into stimulating the senses to reorder the vistibular system at least.


Have a great day all and I hope my slow tread back to normality can give some others hope.


KitKat, KitKat, gingerj and 7 people reacted
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Really sorry to hear about everyone's experiences. I have a long term inner ear imbalance so am often slightly unsteady but have also had episodes of severe vertigo in the past so know how scary it can be. Just thought I'd share my experiences after the Pfizer shot in case it's of any help to people.

Up until 9 weeks after my first shot, I only had mild symptoms such as joint pain. Around that point I then started getting short mild vertigo spells connected to head movements, things weren't spinning but more rocking up and down, if that makes sense! These weren't daily but enough to worry me having had a history of more severe vertigo. They only lasted less than 10 seconds and then I would feel okay again.

I pushed back my second vaccine so the GP could do blood tests, which all came out fine.

Then around the 12 week mark after the 1st shot I have had similar spells again, feeling giddy and strange for around 10 seconds. Apparently we are building immunity throughout the whole period after the first shot, so having read a bit online I found some connections between histamine (released as part of the immune response) and vertigo - I think this has been mentioned earlier on this board too.

I've now switched to a loosely anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine diet, cutting out sugar, gluten and dairy as well as nightshades and other high histamine foods. I'm taking vitamin C, vitamin D and Floradix, a natural supplement here in the UK containing B6, B12 and Iron. I also add turmeric to my food every day and eat blueberries regularly (both natural anti-histamines). I know people on here have also mentioned the benefits of things like Zinc too. I'm no medical expert but work in the health sector so feel I should stress **please contact your GP about any diet changes or new supplements** but it does seem to be having an impact.

I'm also trying to actively reduce stress through things like meditation and yoga, as stress hormones also increase histamine. I have contacted the audiologist I saw for my balance previously and am hoping they can re-issue me some vestibular rehabilitation exercises to help strenghten my inner ear. If you have long term balance problems and haven't been referred to one, I really recommend speaking to your doctor about this. 

I've had no further symptoms after eating this way and also find I feel generally better in myself, with my insomnia symptoms also easing a bit (insomnia can also be linked to histamine).

I believe I had Covid in early 2020 and months later I had a period of similar dizzy spells, which may have been long Covid symptoms. My GP thinks that my recent symptoms may be mimicking my original Covid symptoms, and are all part of the immune response being built. I also had hives at the time and temporarily switched to a low histamine diet, which also appeared to clear up symptoms within a few days. 

Having spoken to a number of friends - with and without previous vestibular problems - many have reported dizzy spells after the Pfizer jab, but all are saying that these resolved themselves in time. 

I have my second jab tomorrow so am happy to update people here on any symptoms after that and if the diet keeps on having any impact. But I do think there seem to be some really strong connections between diet, nutrition and these strong immune responses. 

Many people on here seem to have also had their second jab fairly soon after the first, which could be behind the immune system surge causing these intense symptoms. It might be worth also speaking to your doctor about the interval between your doses if you have had strong effects from your first. 

Hang in there everyone, hopefully these symptoms will eventually correct themselves for people and we will hopefully be protected from developing Long Covid, which can be devastating, or developing serious symptoms of the disease. 

Sending compassion to everyone, hopefully we can help each other through these unsettling times!

Take care

Ali x

Rachie, Tabby, Rachie and 1 people reacted
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@jasonedwarda thank you it is a much needed boost to hear of your recovery. So happy you have recovered x

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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Hi everyone;

these last three days have been really awful. My sensation is that, as time goes by, symptoms are getting worse. I feel my mouth is like under unaesthetic, the neck is super stiff, tingling all over the body, the head spinning like crazy, my ears feel like I'm under water and my sight blurred. I feel so anxious and can't reason straight. I'm taking supplements C, D, Magnesium, antiinflammatory pills, pills for vertigoes but without a ratio at any time urged by panic. I normally suffer from reumathoid artritis and hypothiroidism and have suffered from dizziness but once or twice a week and was manageable now I feel I have no control over these symptoms and feel it's unfair dealing with all this now. Yesterday I went to my doctor, who, as i expected, rejected the idea of the vaccine causing this.

Sorry for the vent but after a month I'm wondering if this will ever go away and how I will cope. I need to work. i'm a teacher and right now I can't even concentrate on a shopping list. 

Sassafras, DD, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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I've had two AstraZeneca vaccines, after the first one I had dizziness and equilibrium issues for the first ten weeks, they eased for the the next two weeks. I took the second vaccine at this time and all my symptoms disappeared for three days, they then returned just as they were after the first vaccine and are still with me now. I will not be taking any more vaccines. I miss driving my car. So happy for those who have recovered from this ordeal, it's very encouraging to hear and gives us all hope. Best wishes everyone.🙏😊

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@thenystagmus Hi Sassafras, I have noticed that this vaccine has affected my weakest spots, similar to if I catch a cold, so I can understand how it has possibly affected any underlying issues you may have. Who knows, I may have issues too that I was not aware of that the vaccines have reacted to. Hopefully it is an inflammatory response, as such is the case of vaccines in general, (organiclifestylemagazine) and will pass with time with careful diet, hydration and the control of any anxiety issues.🙏😊

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@helpimdizzy Thank you for the message. Sometimes, I get so angry, overwhelmed, sad, and feel all types of emotions because of my response - all of our responses - to the vaccines. It is especially frustrating that our experiences are not heard. I am grateful for this space where others understand! I also wanted to say that I've experienced the same thing as you - I got light headed, dizzy, short of breath, and actually blacked out while driving. It was very scary and I avoid driving, now - it is upsetting. I also wanted to say that I agree with you about the breathing exercise - they have really helped me with anxiety and managing the breathing trouble and light headedness. I do it in the morning, throughout the day, and before bed. I am going to start trying meditation. I 've tried it before and was not good at it, so if you have any tips, would definitely appreciate it!

LadyD and LadyD reacted
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it has been 6 weeks post onset of Moderna 2nd shot side effects including vertigo, vomiting, tinnitus, dizziness, inability to drive, lost appetite, migraines.  I am not health compromised.  I did not go to a physician/specialist. I took 600mg ibuprofen 3x a day for 2 weeks and stopped. I had a PT execute the Epley Maneuver which got rid of my vertigo. I executed eye exercises for 3 weeks and stopped. Slowly over 6 weeks my side effects began to diminish. I now drive and still have slight dizziness when I move sideways. Besides that I am back to my previous self. Give it time. Time was the key to my recovery

Ali W, Ali W, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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Some interesting stats on the site 're side effects reported by people who took the AstraZeneca jab in the UK. As of 3rd June '21, there were 195,641 reports in total and 717,250 reactions reported. How many haven't reported I wonder?  I've listed some that people here have had following their vaccines.

Headache 73,776

Migraine 6,433

Nausea 30,861

Dizziness 19,657

Paraesthesia 7,726

Tremor 9,074

Back pain 5,117

Fatigue 44,657

Tinnitus 3,050

Vertigo 1,657

Palpitations 4,367

Malaise 11,185

Chills 41,080

Pain 14,755

Anthralgia 20,385

Unfortunately, it doesn't take into account now long these symptoms lasted.

Times this by the other vaccines and other countries, wow!

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