not too badly- still not feeling great and not sure if it makes a difference but going to carry on with it
Sorry was trying to answer LPV. This site is tough to figure out how to answer the right person.
Yes! I have had eye floaters too in my left eye! Not always but I’ve noticed them the last week and a half along with eye fatigue. Are you having similar?
@lukenick i'm the same, the last week or so i've been experiencing them in both eyes - worse in bright settings. so strange, can't seem to find a remedy for them online - hope they spontaneously disappear?
I believe it was 13 mg once a day. But i didnt really take it because it gave me heart palpitations.
given the fact that COVID causes long hauler symptoms that do improve over time it makes sense that we are experiencing inflammation. We are all going to get better it is just going to take time.
@nodiagnosis ok I’ve never heard of them used for dizziness before they are normally given for anxiety or for people with heart problems. I have Propranolol which I can take 3 times a day or just as and when needed. I don’t regularly take these because I’m not anxious all the time. It’s the dizziness that makes me anxious not the other way around and it took some convincing to explain that to my doctor!
yes it feels like a sensitivity to light. Feels like eyes are crossed eyed but they are not. It’s such a weird feeling.
Its been 3 weeks and it feels like what was my main side effects of feeling dizzy (or just like I was going to fall) and brain fog and heart palpitations have started to wane. I was taking mostly Vitamin Cs, as well as a Claritin during this time.
Now I'm left with this daily fatigue, tinnitus, and slight nausea (???). Is anybody having these symptoms?
I wish I could offer some hope. I feel like I’m getting better some days but then it hits again pretty hard. I had almost ten days of normalcy but three days ago it came back. This is very frustrating, I just want to get my life back. I’m trying not to read some links people are posting as they are pretty scary and I’m just hoping for the best
The Greater Good
...and then there's:
The Lesser Evil
but there are hard questions that should be asked, and the powers that be should be required to answer.
A calculation was made. Save X amount of lives at the risk of Y amount of lives (even if the Y groups was never at risk). This calculation should be made extremely clear and all the risks involved should be communicated exactly. None of this is happening.
Yeah, well I've come up negative on my Covid-19 IgG antibody test, apparently the variety that tests for past infection it seems I may have dodged the virus so far.
But then I got caught in the (wh)Y 😳 group. You're right ...not even knowing there was/is a subgroup of vaccine risks to put my foot in! If I'd known, at least They could say, Told you so!
But one of the most distressing parts of it all is that They don't seem to be developing treatment protocols for us wounded. The most definitive diagnosis I can squeeze out of my ENT - Visual-Ocular Reflex Dysfunction? Accounts for holding on to the walls in his office today, I guess?