@nawpan Hi. Just saw your post and thought it would be helpful for you to see my previous post on page 262 if you haven’t seen it yet.
Hi there, thank you so much, your post is definitely helpful. I do hope my spinal cord issue is just an inflammation and will be healed over time. I myself take Zyrtec and Steroid Nasal nose spray daily (been doing that for many years for my year-round allergy). I start taking a lot of supplements in hoping they will help with the inflammation. I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope we all here soon can go back to who we were before the vaccination. I don't plan to take a second shot. I wonder if I can travel abroad without being fully vaccinated? Can we say that we have severer allergic reaction and can't have the second shot?
Hi Jason, since my symptoms started, I have been eating crappy food and doing less exercise (due to mild depression I think because I was so worried about my symptoms). You're so right. We need to eat better food, having enough rest, and doing regular exercise. My symptoms are barely noticeable when I am out of the house or doing exercise. I should start doing that again more often.
Thanks for your kind words! I hope you feel better soon too and that your follow-up with the neurologist goes well.
As for travel, vaccination requirements will depend on the government orders in effect wherever you plan to visit. Some countries might require proof of vaccination, quarantines on arrival, etc. for the foreseeable future. I'd definitely check the specific rules in effect for any country you might want to visit.
I am not getting a second COVID vaccine. I simply can't risk another reaction of similar or greater severity. I personally don't plan on traveling internationally any time soon. I'm prioritizing what is best for my health right now and I'll deal with any consequences (travel restrictions, etc.) of getting only one vaccine dose if and when necessary. I do believe that this pandemic will eventually be behind us and things will get back to normal in time. I'm also hopeful that any travel restrictions will eventually loosen up when this pandemic is finally under control across the globe. We're not there quite yet, unfortunately. But hang in there! I do believe there is a light at the end of this long tunnel!
Just before I was diagnosed with covid I could smell dirty drains which was weird as nobody else could. I bought loads of drain cleaner for all my drains then realised I could smell it even when not at home or near drains! Then a week later tested positive for covid.
Well, the Covid infection test is free, so I went down to the park building this afternoon where the health department is doing them. They sure are careful to do their social distancing there! Looking at you with careful, veiled eyes... And careful masking also. And I didn't get invited to tonight's staff pizza party advertised on the chalkboard!?! 😂 Told I should get emailed results between 2 am tonight and 2 pm tomorrow. Might as well get that ruled out, or in...
ENT nurse called, said doctor's theory is the steroid has decreased whatever sinus process has been going on to where I have a true smell sense for a change. But who normally has issues with their heating & air units smelling like something between a chemical factory or a musky animal? I said, sure, order the recommended sinus CT. But why would you need a CT to show a newly improved sinus is beyond me ...as is most of the rest of this. I was more concerned that this could be another indicator of brain/nerve tumor or other deviant behavior on the part of my newly chaotic body. 😝 They did ask to be reminded how soon I expect to have my MRI, so I know they're still chewing that possibility over also, among a few other possibilities I won't elaborate on here & now.
So, ruling out/in this/that may/may.not prove helpful - time will tell... 😅
@thenystagmus I see Rachie has replied to you, yes poor old Henry is now at the tip replaced by meile. Just got back and feeling dizzy again.😊
Yes, Rachie has his younger brother about, I surmise 😉
Rats, well I hope you'll be able to sleep some of your migraine episode off tonight and feel better for it in the morning! 😊
@thenystagmus I see Rachie has replied to you, yes poor old Henry is now at the tip replaced by meile. Just got back and feeling dizzy again.😊
Ok, now I did have to look up a translation for "at the tip"
In the US, the "tip" is the "dump"
And I found a price tag for your new deaf & dumb "Meile" vacuum ...that was no small investment! ☺️
I had a discussion with my neighbor couple this afternoon when we got Subway hoagies after they inquired if I'd been eating. He claims Dr. Faucie has been on TV saying that if you have reaction to Covid vaccine, you shouldn't get another. He also said he's seen warnings on TV that there are side effects to be expected. They are very familiar with what I've been going through and he thinks what he's been hearing is in regards to my type of side effects, among others.
I find my news online, since I choose not to watch TV, so I'm wondering why he tells me these things. I'm not hearing from others here and reading that this type of information is being bandied about like he claims. Told him I'd like to see some of that in writing.
He also told me that his vaccine site handouts (that he threw away) warned about my type of issues being possible, but I know better than that, because I saved the CDC info I was given, which is what's handed out to everyone vaccinated in the US. I'll be giving him a copy of it to peruse... It worries me that an intelligent, knowledgeable man in the US that watches mainstream (not Republican party slanted) daily world, US, and local news would think this is what he's hearing? Or, not watching TV news, am I out of touch?
I had a discussion with my neighbor couple this afternoon when we got Subway hoagies after they inquired if I'd been eating. He claims Dr. Faucie has been on TV saying that if you have reaction to Covid vaccine, you shouldn't get another. He also said he's seen warnings on TV that there are side effects to be expected. They are very familiar with what I've been going through and he thinks what he's been hearing is in regards to my type of side effects, among others.
I find my news online, since I choose not to watch TV, so I'm wondering why he tells me these things. I'm not hearing from others here and reading that this type of information is being bandied about like he claims. Told him I'd like to see some of that in writing.
He also told me that his vaccine site handouts (that he threw away) warned about my type of issues being possible, but I know better than that, because I saved the CDC info I was given, which is what's handed out to everyone vaccinated in the US. I'll be giving him a copy of it to peruse... It worries me that an intelligent, knowledgeable man in the US that watches mainstream (not Republican party slanted) daily world, US, and local news would think this is what he's hearing? Or, not watching TV news, am I out of touch?
What news is he watching? I watch both the Southern California news and CNN. I'm sure not hearing any of what he says he's hearing. I'm not hearing anything like that on the Internet news, either.
The supplements really helped me and a few others. Some have had mixed results but it’s probably worth a try. Just make sure to get the oral glutathione- it’s more expensive but it’s absorbs better. Let me know if you want the pharmacy I got it from. The pharmacist can answer a lot of questions .
@dizzyfromvaccine thank you so much! I’m hoping this will work. Do you mind sending me the pharmacy’s name?
And are you still taking the supplements?
Hi dragonlover, I don't know what his news stations are. After we both get calmed down a little more maybe I can find out.
I wonder if he hears "side effects" and thinks, sure I know about those because my neighbor is wiped out from some, and assumes Fauci means something he doesn't mean. But he goes on from that to saying he sees on TV that people are being warned of side effects like mine and told to avoid future vaccination if they prove to be one of the few affected like me.
Then he goes on to ask me what I think they should do about these vaccines, since they are a pandemic stopping intervention "Just shut them down?" he postulates, like that would be asinine.
I gave him several different proposals: accurate warnings of possible side effects, fix the vaccines to where there's not such a preponderance of side effects, advise those that had reacted to them to stop getting the vaccines - make societal provisions for the accommodation of that, and financially provide for the diagnosis and treatment of those vaccine-injured. Again, he's under the impression that these things are in place, or in the case of asking for financial responsibility, it's legally available to be pursued and to matter of factly expect to be able to access it.
After a bit we were both relieved by him moving on to an explanation I found really interesting concerning the evolution of increasing strengths of electrical service available worldwide over the decades of his work as an electrical engineer. This is a man who is no dummy, a individual who obviously and thoroughly enjoys the acquisition of information and knowledge!
I'm glad to have already found out my Covid infection test from today came back as a negative result, with a reported >99% chance of accuracy. Good to have that ruled out ...one less possibility to be wrangling with. 👍
The testing site wasn't busy, with lots of staff sitting around idle. There were only myself and one other person there for a test, giving the appearance that few people are getting tested nowadays. Today I got my results in ~7 hours, whereas last July it took a week to get results.
Guys! There is a group of doctors treating "post vaccine inflammatory syndrome" with Ivermectin.
Super interesting. I had some of the side effects from it. It apparently can lower your blood pressure making your heart beat fast. Felt like my arm was numb. I thought I was having a heart attack but I am very sensitive to medications. And apparently this known possible side effect is not dangerous - just uncomfortable. Overall I understand Ivermectin is a safe medication widely used for other purposes.
I found it interesting as well. Apart from the Ivermectin and Prednisone protocols, I noticed the additional supplementation they were recommending for macrophage/monocyte re-polarization i.e. vitamin C, Omega-fatty acids, atorvastatin (lipitor), and melatonin. Also mentions taking vitamin D3. For mast cell activation, they're recommending as a front line treatment: low histamine diet, antihistamines and a mast cell stabilizer which includes good old quercetin.
Hello, all, I have not had the vaccine yet as I have PPPD and vestibular neuritis, following a car accident and inner ear surgery in 2015. I would like to request those who post very frequently to please pause the posts and replies so that those of us who are searching for a wide range of responses to this forum don't have to wade through pages of responses that are not a new or current posting. In trying to determine my path moving forward or not with the vaccine, it's very difficult to page through this forum only to see someone posting continually with no real new info. I can only get through a page or two of the forum without my symptoms being exacerbated, so please consider this before you post multiple times.
Thank you!
I feel dizzy all the time only difference is that sometimes more than others. My dizziness never goes away. My spinning comes and goes when I look up or down and turn quickly. I have nearly fallen so many times I cannot count and I walk like a drunk from my dizziness. This has been going on over three months and my patience is weaning. When will I feel normal again? I’ve been out of town and will be in touch my ENT when I return. Also with VAERS. This better not be long-haulers. Or...