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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@hippo33 hopefully they will as time goes on and more reports of side effects get reported. 

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@gingerjones yes it is good to find out things that us to understand what is happening to us. It's like the saying goes "knowledge is power". 

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Posted by: @hope123
Posted by: @rachie

@hope123  that's what I'm hoping, people are feeling too well after recovery to come back and tell us, though I wish they would! 

I asked a few of them and the responded confirming, yes


I noticed spending too much time on this forum can be very stressful, we have to keep our spirits up. Try to just give yourself time to recover. You will eventually but stress makes this worse 

I do not return here much because I have recovered completely after a  week and half  of dizziness.  

Natalie_CA, Jen, Tabby and 7 people reacted
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Posted by: @tabby
Posted by: @thenystagmus

I felt well enough to drive my son to a medical appointment yesterday, barely. It took every bit of resources I could muster and left me very depleted, continuing into today. This was 10 days after feeling like I'd lapsed to square one after 3+ months of these issues.

During that 10 days I did a second 6-day Medrol taper. Crazy highs and lows and I don't know what's next. It at least bought me some temporary recovery while I wait for MRI next week, which was my ENT's intentions.

But doing the steroid is a difficult ride for me with the pronounced effects it gives me, physically, mentally and emotionally, so I'm not sure I want to do that anymore in the future. Others have said they felt very little effect from steroids, intended therapeutics and/or side effects, but I have a long history of overreacting to influences on my body. In fact, that's why I arrived here! 🤨🙏

Good for you for making that journey, that's progress in my book.🙏😊

Hi Tabby, I'm glad to hear you've begun to feel better again! At this point I know that every little hill won can feel like a small mountain of victory! I hope you have more and more better days!

I'm continuing in recovery mode here. Waking up this morning I'm aware of episodes of nystagmus in bed overnight and this morning, but I'm thankful they didn't follow me out of bed a bit ago!

I realized I want to ask others a question associated with the course of my symptoms. At the beginning of all this in early March I had lots of vertigo, nystagmus and nausea. As that subsided into more dizziness and nausea, I heard others sharing about unilateral (one sided) symptoms. I couldn't localize where my vestibular system was wonky.

Only as time went on, did I begin to have facial numbness, then ear canal numbness, adding ear fullness and mild ear pain all unilateral to the right. So, l could then understand it to be likely that my right vestibular system was affected. Later, I added pressure in my right sinus - without congestion and mild tinnitus to my symptoms. As that has quite slowly grown in intensity, I realized that my left ear seemed to enjoy quiet, while it was my right ear that seemed to be sending this sound of static to my brain.These symptoms that grew slowly have lessened during each of the 2 Medrol paks I took, then rebounded afterwards.

So, I'm wondering if others have experienced a similar additional cluster of symptoms that came on belatedly, gradually, and increasingly on one side?

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Posted by: @hippo33


it’s funny you say that about the nurse. The only people that believe me about my symptoms being related to the vaccine are nurses and other hospital workers. Not one dr I’ve seen has said it could be related. Crazy that they won’t admit this and start finding treatments 

May be because they've got more reputation to uphold, more face to try to save...?


A little child pointed out that the Emperor wore no clothes!

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Posted by: @hippo33


it’s funny you say that about the nurse. The only people that believe me about my symptoms being related to the vaccine are nurses and other hospital workers. Not one dr I’ve seen has said it could be related. Crazy that they won’t admit this and start finding treatments 

May be because they've got more reputation to uphold, more face to try to save...?


A little child pointed out that the Emperor wore no clothes!


Not saying the vaccine makers set out to be swindlers ...just that as it becomes more and more obvious that the vaccines adverse reactions clash with "First Do NO Harm", the parade goes on.

Now that the US is vaccinating children, while the WHO has come out since recommending against this vaccine being administered to children, I wonder what will win out....

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😊 Posted by: @nasu
Posted by: @hope123
Posted by: @rachie

@hope123  that's what I'm hoping, people are feeling too well after recovery to come back and tell us, though I wish they would! 

I asked a few of them and the responded confirming, yes


I noticed spending too much time on this forum can be very stressful, we have to keep our spirits up. Try to just give yourself time to recover. You will eventually but stress makes this worse 

I do not return here much because I have recovered completely after a  week and half  of dizziness.  

Thank you for sharing, some people on here should see this because they only want to be pessimistic (one person in particular 😊 )

This post was modified 4 years ago by Hope123

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Posted by: @danb


Option A is do nothing and possibly catch covid, will most likely be mild for the majority of healthy people but there is also small chance that it could completely derail your life for a year like it has with my mother-in-law. It's not just older individuals, there are long haulers in the group in their 20's previously healthy and active. My mother-in-law and Father-in-law both got it at the same time and he never missed a beat just lost his smell for a few days. She had the same initial symptoms but then never got better.  

Option B is to follow the guidelines and get vaccinated. Same as option A the vast majority of people create an acute immune response and move on with their lives. But there is that chance and from what we are seeing a growing number of people with lingering inflammation issues throughout the body possibly due to the spike proteins like everyone on this forum.


That's what it all boils down to--two very bad choices.  Don't get the vaccine and risk getting deathly ill or dying.  Get the vaccine and risk getting deathly ill from horrific side effects or dying.

It should't be that way.  Even worse, they keep pushing the poison and don't give a rat's rear end  who suffers because of it.  They've lied to us all along and continue to lie to us.

KitKat, KitKat, Tabby and 5 people reacted
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@thenystagmus Sometimes triggers can be things we have no control over, like weather patterns (pressure changes), noise, lighting. Other triggers can be stress, food, neck issues, etc. It's not always possible to avoid triggers, but it helps to be aware of them and learn which ones are avoidable. Hang in there!! 

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Posted by: @krmizrachgmail-com

@thenystagmus Sometimes triggers can be things we have no control over, like weather patterns (pressure changes), noise, lighting. Other triggers can be stress, food, neck issues, etc. It's not always possible to avoid triggers, but it helps to be aware of them and learn which ones are avoidable. Hang in there!! 

Thanks again, Karen! I've been keeping a diary of sorts - well, compiling these little scattered notes of mine from time to time, at least. It would probably be a good idea to start making entries all in one place in pursuit of tracking down any triggers I may have.

Although, I would love it if this turned out to "only" be a temporary injury from my Covid vaccine. That would be like waking up from a bad dream that seemed to be going on without end. But I'm ready to accept the long view, also, if needed. So, my diary and I will travel this winding road together, at least for this stretch.

May your triggers be few, far between and fairly mildly experienced!

Blessings, Sassafras 🤗🙏

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@dizzyfromvaccine thank you for your email with info. Did your doctor specifically tell you, you should be on all 3 supplements? I feel the Quercetin is a bit strong and does weird things to my vision for about an hour after taking. 

I’m on day 3 of taking the supplements and I already feel a difference - no dizziness and my eyes are feeling better. I took myself off the Amitriptyline almost a week ago. Does anyone feel more tired in the mornings on the supplements? 

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@sectormore can you provide the exercises he recommended, I will do a separate post on what I have been dealing with but vestibular migraine does cover the tinnitus, ear thumping, lightheadedness, ect.

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@heybro (V1 1/27/21 V2 3/1/21) these are some of my exact symptoms, I have abdominal discomfort (generally in upper left and right just below my rib cage, but i get feelings everywhere) and lower back pain/muscle discomfort. Also the tingling and random numbness. I just had an endoscopy done and the dr. Said I had a little gastritis, but it feels like my gut has been beat up constantly. 

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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@gingerjones @onaboatfeeling @thenystagmus @onaboatforover30days Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences. This is the only way we have to navigate these trying times and make decisions on how to proceed to get better. Wish you all the best, this too shall pass.

The ENT doc this morning completely dismissed what is going on with my wife. 99% of doctors won't even admit that post vaccine inflammation is a thing. They have institutions and reputations to uphold and cannot go against status quo even if the smart ones know something is off... They are all hamstrung in the midst of this with guidelines that change daily from the organizations we are supposed to abide by.

I do believe that all of these reactions will resolve overtime with or without treatment but it's a damn shame that there cannot be a consensus of unbiased thought by smart doctors sharing what they are learning. It doesn’t even matter if they admit it’s from the vaccine or not. People in the throes of this do not have the time for science to catch up with objective data and hard science (I know that is the gold standard but real life is more nuanced). Every idea, every treatment should be run through simple logic combining both objective and subjective information to make an informed decision. It's not about the specific treatments or people’s opinions of them. It's about what works and what seems to be safe and effective.

Firstdo no harm” Will this treatment cause more harm than good? Are there any absolute or relative contraindications for this specific patient? Is this treatment effective? Where is the evidence to support this both objective and subjective? Then an educated decision is made…


Vitamin D3 for example strongly buffers against sever illness from COVID and other upper respiratory illnesses. Those in the northern hemisphere who are not in the sun a lot in the winter months tend to have lower serum levels of vitamin D. Those who are overweight also have lower levels due to it being fat soluble and stored in adipose tissue rather than circulating in the blood. A year supply of high quality VitD3 can be purchased on Amazon for 4¢ per day. My wife and I have been taking in the winter months for years after hearing about it from Dr. Rhonda Patrick. These are simple things that should be shared widely to the masses. Everyone should have yearly bloodwork to check levels of CBC, Comprehensive Metabolic Panels, Thyroid, and Vitamin levels. This is preventative medicine, cheap, effective but that is part of the problem. “Cheap & Effective” and no money to made if everyone is dialed in, healthy, and far less likely to be in a diseased state.

One doctor said it best. The body keeps the score and the body knows how to heal itself. It just needs a little help sometimes to turn off the triggers causing disease so that it can return to balance. Run the logic above and then treat with minimal effective dose. This applies to medicine, exercise, nutrition, lots of things in life. No more rants from me! I’m just in the midst of all of this with you all & frustrated like everyone else.


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@thenystagmus Hi Sassafras

I have more or less the same problems in the right part of the body! It all started with brain fog, stuffed ears and mild dizziness; after one week they began to “open” but my right ear aches sometimes and I feel like it isn’t working properly (obviously, dizziness - and brain fog sometimes - is still here and hits really bad some days). A week ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst headache I’ve ever had in my life, I haven’t slept for a week because every night was the same (I still have pain, especially at night, but seems a little less). In my right eye, a couple of days ago, came out a chalazion. 
But the pain in my nose and cheekbone, this is really strange, as if someone punched me in the face. It’s so annoying, I’m so tired and upset😔 (I’ve had my first shot of Pfizer on may 31th). 
Hope we all can get well asap. 

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