I had my first Pfizer Covid vaccine in March 31. I saw a neurologist last week and he diagnosed me with chronic migraines. I am a 60 year old healthy male. In early April of this year, I started to experience mild dizziness with mild nausea. Since that time, my dizziness and nausea has increasingly become moderate to moderate+ at times, no vomiting. Associated headaches have been mild to moderate, nothing too extreme. I have had symptom free days, but they have become few and far between.
I also have some facial tingling with weakness especially in the arms during episodes. I have been tracking with Migraine Buddy. In any given day, I can have up to 2 or 3 episodes with relatively normal periods in between. Sometimes no headache like a silent migraine. To me this doesn’t seem like migraine activity. What are your thoughts? Does anyone have a similar experience to what I am experiencing? Thanks!
I forgot to mention that my mom has had severe migraines as well as my daughter. Prior to April, I’ve never experienced symptoms like this. I did have my first Phizer vaccination on March 31, about 5 days before the dizziness started.
My neurologist started me on a regimen of magnesium, Vit B2, and Coenzyme Q10. I also was diagnosed, by a vestibular Physiotherapist, with unilateral vestibular hypofunction. I am doing daily gaze stabilization and other rehab exercises.
I refused to have the vaccine altogether after what I read here. I already have a long-standing vestibular disorder and wasn't willing to take the chance. I have literally had abuse heaped on me because of it. I've been lectured, berated and namecalled. I've had guilt trips laid on me. At this point I'm feeling like a social pariah. I left a forum where I had posted for about 20 years because of one poster's continuing disparaging comments about unvaccinated people. Anyone who knows me, knows that moving the rock of Gibralter would be easier than making me succumb to doing something I've decided I will not do.
In addition to that, I think that many see those of us that have potential vaccine injuries from our first dose, and have resolved to not seek additional vaccine are also seen as being demoted into being a now disparaged social class, a sortof half-breed class that they're not really sure what to do with.
Makes me think of a scene in the movie about Gandhi, in which his wife sighs heavily, then boils her predicament down with the statement,
"And I, I must go and clean the latrines..."
I have felt like myself for 5 straight days! I took my kids swimming and jumped in a bouncy house at a party today! My hell lasted 17 days.
While I believe the quercetin/zinc combo got me over the hump, I only took it for three days because I read that side effects of quercetin include headache and "tingling in arms and legs" - sound familiar. I wanted to be really clear on what my vaccine symptoms were and to separate them from possible supplement side effects and anxiety symptoms. I had a woozy day in the beginning I and took another dose and laid down.
For those of you stating your lightheaded/woozy journey, try not to panic (hahahaha....no seriously), get a lot of rest, drink a lot of tea, there is hope.
For those of you playing the long game, you are in my thoughts. I truly believe there is a light at the end of your long tunnel.
Thanks Deborah - Well, I've read about the tears of others here... But I have been hopeful and brave. That kinda went down the drain in the night last night.
Now, a new symptom ...a tearful day...
Gotta get my house kidproofed today for my daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandkids that I haven't seen in some time coming, bringing lunch to celebrate my birth month. I warned her I'd probably leak some tears today, if hugged.
I'm still brave, for my Source of strength is eternal, never-changing - but I've entered a surprising, new facet of this season of grief. So glad I've got the company of others here for this time...
So sad to hear about that😔 this nightmare must end, we don’t deserve this, it has been done to protect us, not to harm us.. 😔 We have to be rocks.
Today is not a good day even for me, dizziness is hitting hard after 2 days of mild quietness, I’m 27 and I’m here in my room crying and dealing with pain again while all my friends are outside enjoying their lives; my family thinks I’m overreacting and they can’t understand how hard is this situation.. Such frustrating and sad.
So glad to have found this group, you are all really helpful and kind. Bless and hope 🤞🏼
It must? Que sera, sera?
I am so sorry today has been so challenging for you. I've found the relapsing to be one of the hardest things of all about this.
But having your family have lack of understanding may be harder yet, for it could be unrelenting. I'm ~4 decades further on from you, but last night and today found me also crying and dealing with the emotional influences of all this junk. I don't have a lot to do with my family, but I think I'm largely regarded to have tried to live my life without guile and without hypochondriacism, so they don't have a lot of wiggle room to discount anything I do share with them these days. Today, seeing my daughter and her young family for the first time in months, I was amazed at the understanding, compassion and support offered me by them. I pray you may come to enjoy the same.
The helpfulness and kindness we enjoy here, in the midst of this craziness, is invaluable to me also, offering blessing and inspiring hope.
Samwise Gamgee wondered as the tide of the battle turned in Lord of the Rings, and likewise I wonder for us... "Is everything sad going to come untrue?"
Sure would be great if at least this dizzy deal would, and soooon! In the meantime, I wish comfort and peace for you and for us all 🤗🙏
A gift, for each who have risked, in order to gift all here with their sharing!
Thank you!
@yoki had seen doctor yesterday. luckily, there's no flash. but like u mentioned it is permanent. no treatment at this moment. I am concerned, whether the eye floater arises due to vaccine? My 2nd dose of priifzer vaccine on 12th May 2021, 1st experiencing eye floater while working in office on around 11th June 2021 - exactly 1 month after 2nd dose of vaccine. Now, I recall back all these detail.
I'm glad you saw the doctor. There were a few other mentions on this forum of folks getting floaters after getting vaccinated. Is it related? I wouldn't rule it out. Don't despair. You will learn to ignore them given time.
Hi everyone. Got my first Pfizer vaccine 11 days ago; got hit with massive heart palpitations (which come and go) and a 24/7 shortness of breath on the following day.
I've had dizzy spells come and go, seemingly out of nowhere. I've had an instance where I stood up and my heart starts pounding and i'll feel incredibly faint for no real reason, but other times I'll be totally fine for days (minus the persistent breathing issues).
I've been to A&E twice and even called 999 when my breathing became incredibly difficult but my heart, lungs all seem fine, and I've had every blood test under the sun come back clear.
The issue is is that I do have a history with anxiety so everyone keeps putting it down to that. I've had anxiety my whole life - I know what it feels like, and this isn't it. I've never had heart palpitations, breathing issues, or dizziness/lightheadedness, and I find the fact that all of these symptoms have come out of the blue post-vaccine to be incredibly suspicious to say the least. It's incredibly invalidating to have my family and the doctors - despite their best efforts - put it all down to my mental health. This has been an absolutely horrifying experience.
Part of me is wondering whether the vaccine has just elevated my anxiety, which is what's leading to the dizziness and breathing issues.
No real contribution, just wanted to vent if nothing else. Best of luck to everyone here on your recovery - we'll get through this.
Hello, I'm in the US and I'd guess you're in the UK, with the pic of London on your page.
I also have dizziness, it being the common denominator for almost all of us here. I don't have some of your other symptoms, but I have read accounts of others here that have had them.
I also wonder if you researched POTS if you would find a reflection of what you're experiencing? I believe I've read about this maybe in relationship to post-Covid and I think also to post-Covid vaccine. It does sound like it could be mistaken for an anxiety issue, but from what others here have shared, it seems different, more intense, etc. although of course, does result in anxiety. Also, anxiety seems to be like an actual symptom associated with some of this.
I know when my kids have had true allergic reactions, there is a strong anxiety that definitely is an associated symptom, even being labeled "An Impending Sense of Doom". And how all this may be akin to allergies, I don't know, but I keep hearing things that seem to draw some correlation or at least similarity.
Anyway, yes we know our bodies, we know our usual quirks and we know when something is unique and unprecedented for our experience.
Please don't discount yourself; you have contributed and if you have the desire and time to read through some of the accounts here, you'll probably find further validation of your suspicions of possible correlation of your symptoms with your vaccination.
And, you can use the search function near the top of any page to look for posts with information specific to your interests.
But just venting is fine too, I've heard it can possibly contribute to mental health, if not done at another's expense, which you've not come close to.
Welcome! And I enjoyed reading the answers upon Googling, Does London have a Ferris Wheel?. If I ever get over the pond, and I've gotten over my spins, I'll sure want to ride the London Eye! Well wishes! 🤗🙏
@anotherone92 hello there, I too have been very unwell since my 2nd vaccine and have seen many Dr's, been to A&E and told it is anxiety, which I know it isn't ALL anxiety, yes my anxiety is ramped up because I feel ill and am scared. My experience has been that as a lot of the symptoms I have are also symptoms of anxiety it is an easy diagnosis to say that's what it is.
I and many others here understand how you are feeling, so please don't feel alone, we are all going through this together so, please keep posting, ask questions etc. We are all in this together x
@thenystagmus tears can be cleansing sometimes so a few tears isn't always a bad thing. Always here for you x
I've just found this forum. I developed acute severe labyrinthitis on march 30th approximately 2 weeks after second Pfizer vaccine.
Severe vertigo and nystagmus worse on looking right. Hearing loss and tinnitus came on day 3 and lasted only a couple of weeks.
I've seen ENT and have no vestibular function in the 3 right semicircular canals. Had MRI a week ago awaiting results.
I was getting more used to symptoms and back driving.
I've tried to get back into cycling. Very difficult but can manage as long as I don't move my head, so rely on my family to look behind and both ways if crossing a path. Only using cycle trails. No way I'd go on the road
Few days ago I foolishly and reflexively looked back over my shoulder just as we were leaving the parked car to check I'd locked the car. Bad mistake immediately fell off bike to left side. Minor injuries only. Don't think I really hit my head, but interestingly my vertigo which has been very stable for months got suddenly worse, and this has persisted since. I feel so much more disabled now.
So depressing. I'm in my 40s previously fit with no health problems. Very keen cyclist and now I feel so disabled. People don't see it, but everything I do need so much concentration.
I thought I'd been just unlucky and had viral labyrinthitis (although didn't have any viral symptoms at the time), but very interesting to see so many people developing this after covid vaccine and makes me wonder if this might have been the trigger. Presumably the only real way to know would be to find out if the incidence of labyrinthitis has gone up this last 6 months compared with previous years. The problem is always with association. That is, people have always been getting labyrinthitis and will therefore be continuing to get it this year, as we all receive the vaccine.
Anyway, I'm just hoping my MRI is fine and nothing more sinister, then I guess I just have to learn to live with these symptoms and adjust my life accordingly. My ENT consultant was not confident of any recovery in vestibular function now as I've had symptoms for so long now.
Best wishes to all those who have been affected, and hopefully we will see or hear of more data to find out if there is a true association with the vaccine
Hello, You pose a question that I have wrestled much with. I really hope that my symptoms (that bear strong similarities to yours) are attributable to Covid vaccine reaction, for I could then more reasonably hope that they are possibly temporary in nature. But I've been slogging through this for some time now and am only just scheduled for an MRI next week to rule out, as you say, the more sinister possibilities. After having 3+ months to anticipate them, I also am anxious to receive those results.
Other than, Adverse Reaction to Other Vaccines, I've not been offered a diagnosis. I have managed to have one abnormal test result at the Balance Lab. My VNG was within normal limits, but the Rotary Chair testing showed I have VOR (vestibular ocular reflex) dysfunction / hypofunction. I've been wanting to be given a diagnosis, in order to understand what process has taken place to cause this, but again I'd wish to take that with a grain of salt and hope for eventual recovery due to the onset of these symptoms soon after my vaccination on March 3rd.
I've gotten so sedentary with this that I've been wanting to ride my bike for exercise, but I've remained hesitant to do so. Hearing your experience as an experienced cyclist, I'm taking warning. I am looking forward to starting Vestibular Rehab Therapy mid-July.
I can surely relate to you saying it's not seen, but everything you do takes so much concentration. So true for me also, and I've adjusted by deliberately choosing to be patient with myself. I have lots of trouble walking when anything gets in the way of my new greatly increased reliance on my vision - the lower the lighting level, the more I stagger, and even taking off my glasses that give me astigmatism correction seriously diminishes my ability to maintain my balance and stand, sit, or walk.
So, I too want to know how I got here ...something that was destined to happen anyway, or vaccine injury. Whichever, I hope for all the recovery we can find! Thank you for sharing. I'd like to hear how your MRI results come out, if you care to share. Well wishes! 🤗🙏
@thenystagmus tears can be cleansing sometimes so a few tears isn't always a bad thing. Always here for you x
So true, my trusted friend, so very true. It was time for the dam(n)😲 to break!
I know you are, and I'm very grateful! And I'm here for you, also. I've been glad to know you ever since I discovered you (in tears!) over on a splinter thread. I'm so glad you decided to come over to this one! Well wishes! 🤗🙏
Oh, hi ho, did the Pony Express show up at your place with a delivery yet? If not, mebbe later today? 🐎
@thenystagmus. Ha well pony express delivered the vitamin D + vitamin K yesterday.
The ivermectin is arriving today as needs to be signed for. I'm kinda hoping it gets delivered by a magical, sparkling unicorn who has healing powers!
Hello all!
I am so glad I found this forum. I've been under pressure to get my shots and after reading your posts I couldn't be more happy not to take any. None of all the people around me who have been vaccinated has had any health issues related to the vaccine so I was really about to start thinking it was safe. Hope they don't make it compulsory. Do you think they will make a safer vaccine against covid in the future?
Anyway, hope you all recover as fast as possible. Will be thinking of you 🙂
Hi all, after a couple of days when I thought I was improving, today I am dizzy and my anxiety has been notched up a few paces because of it. I've read a couple of posts where people have mentioned anxiety and I totally empathise with you, this is no joke. I've also read posts where it seems that family members do not understand your issues, I too can identify with that. This 'thing' that we are experiencing can make you feel totally isolated but this forum is helping us get through it. I wish just one member of my family understood just as everyone here does. Sorry for the vent, just having a low moment. When I see others around me enjoying their life it makes me feel so useless and makes me wonder why. Hope you all have a better day today. Best wishes.🙏😊