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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @thenystagmus

A number of side effects of vaccine, including dizziness, spinning

And again, being dismissed as "Stress".  🙄 

LadyD, Sassafras, LadyD and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @tabby
Posted by: @tauniarae

We are all going to be ok! I found this video this morning. Will be contacting my doctor to start treatment asap!

Watch "Spike Proteins In Immune Cells - Dr. Bruce Patterson Discusses COVID Long Haul" on YouTube

Thanks for this, it's fascinating. So covid is an immune disease we are apparently dealing with and should be treated as such. It seems there is a connection with covid long haulers and vaccination long haulers. Dr Bruce Patterson explains the reason long haulers have flare ups is because it is caused by vascular inflammation which happens all over the body causing many symptoms. The S1 protein that is carried in the non classical monocytes is mobilised by exercise and activity, so the more people with long covid exercise, the worse they become. Dilation of the blood vessels (vasodilation) is causing people all sorts of problems, headaches, migraines, tinnitus, brain fog, head fullness, weird eye sensations and sensitivities. Well, I can identify with all of the above. The treatments for covid long haulers he recommends is, CCR5 antagonists (clears the tinnitus), statins, ivermectin, steroids, (ivermerctin and steroids with careful monitoring as ivermectin wasn't studied 're long haul although doctors are using this with success) and he even aspirin is mentioned. He believes these treatments with further research could also treat other autoimmune diseases such as fibromyalgia, lymes, chronic fatigue. People who had side effects from the vaccines but had never had covid, some had inflammatory profiles that looked like covid but wasn't covid. They resembled covid long haulers side effects. He seemed to suggests that these side effects will disappear over time. The treatment, from what I understood, is what I have mentioned. It was mentioned that following vaccination, we could be harbouring fragments of covid protein 3-4 months after vaccination. Will listen to this again later.

Thanks for summing it up.  As long as these side effects are gone (in couple or few months), I am happy.  My symptoms are very random right now.  Old symptoms subside and new symptoms kick in.  I am symptom outside the house (doing stuff) and notice all symptoms relaxing at home LOL.  Still taking supplements and hoping for the best!

KitKat, KitKat, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @tabby
Posted by: @tauniarae

We are all going to be ok! I found this video this morning. Will be contacting my doctor to start treatment asap!

Watch "Spike Proteins In Immune Cells - Dr. Bruce Patterson Discusses COVID Long Haul" on YouTube

Thanks for this, it's fascinating. So covid is an immune disease we are apparently dealing with and should be treated as such. It seems there is a connection with covid long haulers and vaccination long haulers. Dr Bruce Patterson explains the reason long haulers have flare ups is because it is caused by vascular inflammation which happens all over the body causing many symptoms. The S1 protein that is carried in the non classical monocytes is mobilised by exercise and activity, so the more people with long covid exercise, the worse they become. Dilation of the blood vessels (vasodilation) is causing people all sorts of problems, headaches, migraines, tinnitus, brain fog, head fullness, weird eye sensations and sensitivities. Well, I can identify with all of the above. The treatments for covid long haulers he recommends is, CCR5 antagonists (clears the tinnitus), statins, ivermectin, steroids, (ivermerctin and steroids with careful monitoring as ivermectin wasn't studied 're long haul although doctors are using this with success) and he even aspirin is mentioned. He believes these treatments with further research could also treat other autoimmune diseases such as fibromyalgia, lymes, chronic fatigue. People who had side effects from the vaccines but had never had covid, some had inflammatory profiles that looked like covid but wasn't covid. They resembled covid long haulers side effects. He seemed to suggests that these side effects will disappear over time. The treatment, from what I understood, is what I have mentioned. It was mentioned that following vaccination, we could be harbouring fragments of covid protein 3-4 months after vaccination. Will listen to this again later.

Thanks for summing it up.  As long as these side effects are gone (in couple or few months), I am happy.  My symptoms are very random right now.  Old symptoms subside and new symptoms kick in.  I am symptom free outside the house (doing stuff) and notice all symptoms relaxing at home LOL.  Still taking supplements and hoping for the best!

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Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @thenystagmus

A number of side effects of vaccine, including dizziness, spinning

And again, being dismissed as "Stress".  🙄 

Yeah, I know, but y'know I've heard that discounting business so much I think don't even pay attention to it anymore, I guess.

I did see they had over 1,000 reports of side effects ...and we here know what that means!

The other thing, doesn't it seem that they usually don't say a word about the cases in which these events go on for more than a usual length of time to be just stress-limited issues? Like the guy doing the discounting apparently assumed all the dizzy cases were momentary, like his own experience. And we definitely know better than that here!

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@ivank sorry you’re having such a rough ride. It’s scary not knowing what is happening and anxiety can be so overpowering. You’re getting seen by the neurologist, which should bring you reassurance and hopefully answers. Perhaps try not to read too much - it made me spiral into panic. You don’t need more anxiety right now. Lots of deep breathing and try calming things like music, baths, massage etc. Your system is overloaded so do what you can to pacify it.

My anxiety and symptoms have settled over the last 3 weeks. I still have some brain fog, fatigue, tingling in feet and some blurred focus at times. I’ve cut all alcohol, caffeine, sugar, dairy, gluten. I’m just eating meat and veg. Supplements like vit D, C, Zinc, magnesium have been added and I think they’re helping.

Wishing you wellness and I hope your symptoms ease in time. X 

LadyD, Sassafras, Ivan K and 3 people reacted
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@markm90 I have floaters too, as well as headache and eye pain,  after getting the first dose of Pfizer and I'm worried if I get the second dose and they get worse. I don't know what to do! 🙁

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So glad I found this forum! My experience: Moderna 1st shot only had a sore arm. 30 minutes after 2nd shot I had a terrible dizzy spell. 3 weeks to the day after second shot, I had a dizzy spell again. Since then I have lighted-headedness 24 hours a day and waves of dizziness that happen every few minutes. I have constant pressure in my right ear, pressure behind my eyes that intesifies with the waves, brain fog and developed tinnitus last week. I have not had any nausea or pain. I have seen my NP, an ER doctor and an ENT specialist. All agree I do not have vertigo or any other inner ear problem. I have had a CT scan, an MRI and full blood work-ups twice. Everything is normal. I have taken otc drugs, a 5 day step-down of Prednisone (steroid) and meclizine with absolutely no change. I am scheduled for a balance test in 3 weeks but feel like it is a waste of time and money. I struggle at work and don't feel well enough to drive. I'm hoping this goes away with time or the doctors find a treatment that works.

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@turnbacktime Thanks for your post, my symptoms seem similar to you. The brain fog/disconnected feeling and tiredness being the main thing now after 2 weeks (with a weird lingering headache that's just 'there' not doing much). Dizziness has subsided but the pressure in my head is still there which make me feel off. Not great with 2 kids 🙁

I'm taking ALL of the supplements, and just started taking antihistamines yesterday to see if that helps at all. All a bit depressing, isn't it? Like you my anxiety has calmed a lot, sleep is getting better again and I am trying to stay positive that time will be our greatest healer here. 

Links to horror stories/ news articles about the dangers of vaccines do not help at all. I am protecting myself from those and focusing on those people who have gotten better, and there are so, so many.

Come on bodies!!!!

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@kirstymiller I’ve got a lingering sort-of-headache, not quite bad enough to take pain relief but enough that I keep stretching my neck and rubbing my shoulders etc. 
Yep, it is depressing and I work hard to keep my mental health in check! I don’t read any links (terror scrolling!), nor am I searching for more info on what could happen… I’m just dealing with what is actually going on for me right now.
Focusing on the kids can be a good distraction too.  
Staying positive and focusing on good news stories!! We’ll get through this. 🙏👍

LadyD, Sassafras, gingerj and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @a1oner

So end of day 2. I'll say today was better than yesterday. I did have a good week before. So let's see how I feel tomorrow. 

No adverse effects from the ivermectin from what I can see. Also taking pepcid after I eat dinner. I didn't get as woozy as yesterday.

I'll let you guys know how I'm feeling tomorrow afternoon! (I'm in the US on the east coast)



Good, POSITIVE information...thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us!!  Full speed ahead 😊  

LadyD, Sassafras, Kirsty UK and 3 people reacted
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Yes, focus on the POSITIVE!!!  We will get through this...

LadyD, Jen, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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@yi03 Yes. I have always experienced a sense of sensory overload in stores, but it has become MUCH more prevalent since the vaccine. I have found that wearing dark glasses help to some degree and have started wearing a baseball hat. Ideally, I’d wear earbuds and play music, but it isn’t very practical. 😇

Sassafras, gingerj, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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I am so appreciative for this forum! I have found accounts here of what others are going through, some very similar to myself, others not as much. Some posts sharing of improvement, others of varying courses, relapses included. Some in a "positive" mood, others out of a time of a sense of deep despair. I'm glad for all of them. We share real life; real life is sometimes extremely hard. We're here for ourselves, and also for each other.

I've also found a lot of information here relating to this foreign land we're traveling in. Some of it I absorb and file away in my mind as not aiding me at the time, but later find that information applicable and eagerly reread it. I'm actively seeking to know all I can, for knowledge is power!

This vaccine and information about it and the Covid disease it was designed for, and especially about reactions to it such as ours, is so new and pertinent information is not easy to come by. Some of what I learn here isn't to be found, except in the experiences of others here. I've learned things here to take to my medical caregivers that have guided parts of my treatment plan. For this I am very grateful!

That said, I understand the constraints of time and limitations of emotional and mental reserves, especially of those raising children and/or working while going through this. My heart goes out to you. I'm retired, but having raised four children, two of them with special needs, while working also, I've been there myself.

So, I respect those that have recently been encouraging each other to limit exposure to information and concentrate on recovering. The fact that participants of this forum provide links to written information and videos makes it easy to avoid information not desired by some.

All that said, respecting those that do not wish exposure to some or any information topics, these links are life-links for some of us in our quest for healing. Not all posts shared will be encouraging, but we do seek to encourage each other. We even have misunderstandings at times, and hopefully work toward understanding and reconciliation. The sometimes scary warnings we find in information or accounts of others may be invaluably helpful for some that can be warned and turn aside from a danger!

I know there are many that may never register or share here that closely follow this forum and I believe that many of us all benefit from both from the support and information shared here.

I do hope that we participants here continue to feel free to and do share our experiences, information, links to information, and support for one another!

And, as always, wishes of wellness for us all! 👍😏🙏

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A voice admitting possible sufficient coverage with one vaccine only

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Posted by: @sobayvaxpain


It’s a 10 day prednisone cycle with 60mg the first 5 days.  Actually started last night so have done 120mg in a 15 hr period.  Not changes to my ear pressure and headache is worse.  Although dizziness not as bad today.  Also taking a temporary leave of absence from work to rest and hoping memory loss / brain fog gets better also.

Thank you for sharing this! I hope you get some relief from the Prednisone dosing, and soon!

Higher dosage steroid intervention than my Medrol paks was recommended by a doctor that showed up here briefly after having this type of vaccine reaction himself. He also recommended decreasing meds for vertigo symptoms as soon as practical, in order for compensation for injury to occur and he also advised vestibular rehabilitation therapy. There is correlating information here on the information source side of VEDA, separate from the forum. I've been plodding very slowly through applying his advice. He started getting questions regarding treatment and bowed out of the forum shortly after, explaining he needed to be careful not to be making prescribing advice in this mode.

I know Prednisone dosing is different than Medrol, so I can't tell how your dosing compares to mine, but I do see that you've been prescribed a longer course and mine was tapered every day from the first day, so I would guess you're getting a higher intervention than I've been offered. I did have some side effects that I kept in touch with my pharmacist and doctor about, during and after taking the steroid.

I'm glad you're able to take some time off work to rest and recuperate. Best wishes for you, and for us all!😏🙏

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