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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @279janka

@thenystagmus my husband had MRI because of the tinitus (not caused by vaccination, it was before he got vaccine) and also mentioned the strange feeling in his head while he was having MRI done and tinitus worsened for a couple of days. Then it went back to normal. 

Thank you so much for sharing that with me! It's reassuring to hear I'm not the only one. Seemed like pressure in my sinus, head & ear ramped up some also, but that didn't surprise me.

I'm forging ahead into more activity and feeling better for it. For some reason my headache seems to be mysteriously abating at this time, for which I'm grateful! Hey, I'll take every bit of better I can get! ☺️🙏

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Thank you so much to everyone posting links to your findings…I feel like there’s finally a light at the end of our very dark tunnels! Please keep posting links. 

I also suggest we create blog posts of our experiences, what’s worked, what hasn’t, helpful links, etc. Hopefully someone else experiencing the same symptoms will see our posts and won’t feel so alone. I’m currently writing mine. This forum had been a huge help, but it took me awhile to find it. I’ve had 3 people reach out to me since posting to Facebook that they have symptoms as well.

Update on me: I’m 9 weeks on this rollercoaster and I want off! I took myself off Amitriptyline June 19 after being on it for a month at 5 mg. It took care of my eye sensitivity and dizziness and allowed me to watch TV and work for the first time in 6 weeks. But, I couldn’t stand the severe tiredness. At a lower dose, 3 mg, it caused all my light sensitivity, eye pain and dizziness to come back.

I’ve been on “The Big 3” supplement regimen (Liposomal Glutathione, Quercetin And Zinc) for a week now and it’s been helping a lot. It’s not perfect and I still have varying degrees of symptoms, but the dizziness is mostly gone. Thank you to @dizzyfromvaccine for posting and messaging. I feel like you and your doctor have changed many lives here.

New symptom: Not being able to tolerate the heat (above 85 F). I’ve also started to sweat while sitting, I guess like a hot flash. 

I’m hoping my neurologist will put me on Ivermectin or something similar to break this cycle for good.  

Anyone have experience with Ivermectin yet?

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Posted by: @stargazer57

So glad I found this forum! My experience: Moderna 1st shot only had a sore arm. 30 minutes after 2nd shot I had a terrible dizzy spell. 3 weeks to the day after second shot, I had a dizzy spell again. Since then I have lighted-headedness 24 hours a day and waves of dizziness that happen every few minutes. I have constant pressure in my right ear, pressure behind my eyes that intesifies with the waves, brain fog and developed tinnitus last week. I have not had any nausea or pain. I have seen my NP, an ER doctor and an ENT specialist. All agree I do not have vertigo or any other inner ear problem. I have had a CT scan, an MRI and full blood work-ups twice. Everything is normal. I have taken otc drugs, a 5 day step-down of Prednisone (steroid) and meclizine with absolutely no change. I am scheduled for a balance test in 3 weeks but feel like it is a waste of time and money. I struggle at work and don't feel well enough to drive. I'm hoping this goes away with time or the doctors find a treatment that works.

I can relate to a lot of what you're going through! Although some haven't had abnormal test results, I did balance testing and found it surprisingly and incredibly revealing of issues I'm now beginning to work on in vestibular rehabilitation therapy that was prescribed as a result of my testing.

There is information on this VEDA site relating to that you can search for if you wish to. I think if you click on the VEDA at the very top of the page, you'll be able to find it. There is a separate search function there.

Best wishes for sorting all this through and for regaining your health! 😏🙏

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Posted by: @thenystagmus

I am so appreciative for this forum! I have found accounts here of what others are going through, some very similar to myself, others not as much. Some posts sharing of improvement, others of varying courses, relapses included. Some in a "positive" mood, others out of a time of a sense of deep despair. I'm glad for all of them. We share real life; real life is sometimes extremely hard. We're here for ourselves, and also for each other.

I've also found a lot of information here relating to this foreign land we're traveling in. Some of it I absorb and file away in my mind as not aiding me at the time, but later find that information applicable and eagerly reread it. I'm actively seeking to know all I can, for knowledge is power!

This vaccine and information about it and the Covid disease it was designed for, and especially about reactions to it such as ours, is so new and pertinent information is not easy to come by. Some of what I learn here isn't to be found, except in the experiences of others here. I've learned things here to take to my medical caregivers that have guided parts of my treatment plan. For this I am very grateful!

That said, I understand the constraints of time and limitations of emotional and mental reserves, especially of those raising children and/or working while going through this. My heart goes out to you. I'm retired, but having raised four children, two of them with special needs, while working also, I've been there myself.

So, I respect those that have recently been encouraging each other to limit exposure to information and concentrate on recovering. The fact that participants of this forum provide links to written information and videos makes it easy to avoid information not desired by some.

All that said, respecting those that do not wish exposure to some or any information topics, these links are life-links for some of us in our quest for healing. Not all posts shared will be encouraging, but we do seek to encourage each other. We even have misunderstandings at times, and hopefully work toward understanding and reconciliation. The sometimes scary warnings we find in information or accounts of others may be invaluably helpful for some that can be warned and turn aside from a danger!

I know there are many that may never register or share here that closely follow this forum and I believe that many of us all benefit from both from the support and information shared here.

I do hope that we participants here continue to feel free to and do share our experiences, information, links to information, and support for one another!

And, as always, wishes of wellness for us all! 👍😏🙏

Very well said. I for one appreciate the links.  The reality is, there is plenty of negative surrounding the vaccine, and the word needs to  get out.  Denying or ignoring an unpleasant reality doesn't change that reality or make it go away.

Because the links are posted doesn't mean anyone is being forced to read them.  Read them or don't read them-each person's choice.  

Jen, lvit01, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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@nawpan I happen to agree with much of what has been said. I'm sorry all that it has been a while since I have posted but just a quick update. As of today it has been 4 months since I recieved the full Moderna Vaccine. I had some trials and tribulations w/most of the side effects that people have described in this forum. However as of now, most of all of the things I spoke of in previous posts have burned out. I have feeling better little by slowly for the past month or so(like myself again). As some have said, the dizziness and ringing in the ears waxes and wanes but not even close to how bad it was before. I too believe that this will go away over times as well. As times has gone on, I've also learned that mindfulness and positive thinking has played a huge role in my recovery. This vaccine seems to affect the sympathetic system quite a bit and if you can get some balance in that area the rest I believe will get better. As it stands, the world seems to be getting a little worse with these new variants. That said, I will get the booster shot and the others that may come after it now that I know for the most part what to expect. But all and all everyone there is hope and this does get better! I just hope that the world gets better around us as well. I believe in hope and human kind and this will be over or we learn to deal with COVID ongoing. Hopefully this all makes sense and please everyone, stay strong!

Natalie_CA, Jen, Deborah and 7 people reacted
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@west1979 thanks for the words of hope! You're brave for being willing to take the shot again. I really don't think i could do it. But maybe I'll feel different if this goes away. 

I'm on day 3 of ivermectin. I should say day 2 since day 1 should really be day 0 but I digress.

I can't say I'm better yet but I'm not worse. Today is an OK day. Anxiety a bit up there but the wooziness is about idk, 10 to 20 percent better? But I could just be having a good day. I want to wait another day or 2 and see how I feel. Will keep everyone posted.

West1979, Sassafras, West1979 and 1 people reacted
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@west1979  Hi! I've thought of you from time to time and wondered how you were faring. Thank you so much for coming back and posting your update. I got my Moderna 2 days after you gets to be a long road for some of us, it seems. I'm glad to hear that over the last month you've gotten to a better place and feel you will eventually recover. Staying strong, I agree ...hopeful perseverance needed! Well wishes! 😏🙏

West1979 and West1979 reacted
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@west1979 I too believe that this will go away over times as well. As times has gone on, I've also learned that mindfulness and positive thinking has played a huge role in my recovery. This vaccine seems to affect the sympathetic system quite a bit and if you can get some balance in that area the rest I believe will get better. 

Thank you so much for updating us with your recovery!!  This is what we need...I too have learned to focus on the things that matter and to stay positive!!

 “Stay positive. Better days are on their way.”

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An number of professionals familiar with my issues, 5 last I counted, have recommended that I have an MRI done to rule out some particularly nasty beasties. This prospect has weighed increasingly heavy on me and I've come to terms with the various possibilities that could have come to light. After convincing my PA at my PCP office to order this, I waited my turn for the last 4 weeks. The test results for the MRI I finally had done on Tuesday read as follows -

Sent: 7/1/2021
Notify patient that MRI is negative for any evidence of a vestibular schwannoma or any other abnormality of the ICA. No other abnormalities in the brain.

So, I'm relieved to be able to move from under the dark clouds that have been hanging over me for so long due to that!

I still have issues yet to be addressed with my PCP next week. One being why have I had flare-ups of mild sore throat and lymph nodes every 2-8 weeks for the last 1 1/2 years following a mysterious "Viral Infection" that may have been Covid. So, I may be dealing with both Long Haul Covid and Long Haul Covid Vaccine syndromes. Seems I present as a non-simple dilemma. I dunno, and none of my doctors or the tests they've ordered has shed light on this yet.

I do wish to keep seeking answers and appropriate treatment, if any are to be found. And, I do wish to keep accepting the hard possibilities, but also turning my face to the light of hope.

Thanks to all who have walked, and continue to walk, these miles in my company. 😏🙏

gingerj, lvit01, West1979 and 7 people reacted
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Hey everyone! I’m still here. I’m about 5 and a half months from my first moderna shot😩 I’m still feeling the effects, dizziness, headaches, heart fluttering, tinnitus, floaters. The past couple weeks seem to be a bit better though. Hopefully I won’t relapse again. I’ve been tested for everything, most recently a tilt table test for pots. It came back normal. My most recent blood test shows low cortisol so going tomorrow for some test for that. I’m hopeful for the few that started ivermectin, please continue to keep us posted. Hopefully we’ll all get through this soon:)

gingerj, Sassafras, gingerj and 1 people reacted
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@dizzyfromvaccine Had a quick question for you. I saw in a couple of your posts that you experienced Tinnitus and it went away after the supplements?! This would be the biggest relief for me to get rid of the tinnitus! The dizziness is starting to slow down, the tinnitus is still bothering me. Also, one more question, how did you get a prescription for Ivermectin? I'm seriously considering trying it. Thank you for continuing to respond to everyone on here, you're a saint!!

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Hello everyone,

I'm new here. I've had tinnitus since February of 2021, apparently triggered by a dose of antibiotics for an ear infection, followed by vertigo and a diagnosis of BPPV. I've had many vestibular physical therapy sessions (11 so far, I think) trying to get my symptoms in check. It's like playing whack-a-mole and between that and the tinnitus it has been very difficult. Still feel "off" more often than not.

I have been delaying getting the Covid vaccine because I did not want to pile up side effects on top of the malaise I already feel. However, with the presence of the new Delta variant here in NYC I was planning to schedule my appointment for the Pfizer vaccine for next week until I saw these posts. I was familiar with the website (recommended by my PT), but I had not read the forums.

I did not read all entries, but it seems most people got these side effects from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Does the Johnson and Johnson vaccine also has the same side effects?

I'm very scared to get the vaccine and increase my symptoms, I truly don't know if I could deal with this getting worse. But I'm also scared not to take the vaccine. Any feedback is much appreciated.

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Hi I wanted to share my experience. I got my first Moderna shot on 4/8 with hardly any side effects and my 2nd shot on 5/6. The first 2 weeks after my 2nd shot I did not notice any side effects but one morning I woke up and felt off balanced along with head pressure inside my ears around my eyes and towards the back of my head. I have dizziness when I turn my head up down or side to side. Also muscle aches along with a left ear popping sound which is also the side that my shot was on. All of this has been going on for 5 weeks. I have been to an ENT a GP Orthopedist and Neurologist but no one finds anything. My GP even wanted me on anxiety meds. I am so glad I found this website so I know I’m not alone. Does anyone have any suggestions about what to do for this?

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New study - information for those interested in vaccines/blood clots

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