i just found this site and I too wholeheartedly believe the vaccine has caused my dizziness. I finished the Moderna 2nd shot 4 weeks ago and my symptoms began about 10 days after. Thought I had an ear infection, my primary put me on prednisone and antibiotic. Didn’t help so I went to an ENT. He cleaned out my ears gave me a cat scan, but seems more interested in my deviated septum which I have had all my life. I am going to an audiologist for tests but I had lost some hearing in my right ear 5 years ago due to a virus so I doubt she can tell me anything I already don’t know. I want to know why I can’t shake the feeling of the worst hangover everyday. I don’t want to live like this and was hoping it was a temporary side effect, but I don’t know who else to see as it’s obvious that this is uncharted territory.
I too found this site searching for long term side effects from Moderna vaccine. I have seasonal allergies, gluten intolerance, and occasional migraines but no history of dizziness or vertigo. I received my 1st vaccine last Thursday and did fine the first day, just a sore arm as the day progressed. Friday I woke up to a headache and nauseous that progressed to dizziness especially when looking at the computer. I slept for 3 hours and felt a little better only to get back on the computer and have my symptoms get worse again. I slept for another 3 hours and woke up much better. On and off though I get dizzy, at first I thought it was just from looking at the computer too much and my glasses but today has been more prevalent so was curious to see if others experienced something similar. Was wondering if allergy meds or seasonal/food allergies might play a part as well? Just trying to research before getting 2nd dose because Sounds like some people are really having bad long lasting issues with this or at least suffering weeks instead of just a day or two.
To anyone suffering from Vertigo.
I have had Vertigo on and off for about 15 years. Had the first pfizer shot and it has returned. I dont know if this will work for you but it has really worked for me over the years. Watch this video by Dr Foster in Denver and do exactly as she says. I KNOW it will help many of you and you may have to do it a few times. You will likely get dizzy doing it through some of the stages but its been a godsend for me.
@isismadec I think that this will be “buried”, as many are already afraid to get vaccinated. It’s not right or fair.
Someone mentioned the medical bills that we have incurred due to this. The most expensive “free shot” ever. This has cost me time, my health, and money. Besides this forum, I haven’t seen these side effects listed. I doubt that any research will be published about this for quite a while.
thank you so much! Last time I fainted was Monday 15th.
yesterday I felt like I was but my body just felt weak and limb so I laid down. I’m back at work this week I seem to do fine if I’m sitting down. I go to a neurologist this Friday 26. See if they find something out.
I’m a teacher in first grade so it’s been kind of hard sitting down to teach because they are still young and need help or get distracted easily.
We shall see if the dizziness goes away it’s not super bad though.
Thank you for thinking of me.
Someone mentioned the medical bills that we have incurred due to this. The most expensive “free shot” ever. This has cost me time, my health, and money. Besides this forum, I haven’t seen these side effects listed. I doubt that any research will be published about this for quite a while.
Worse than the monetary cost is the cost in human suffering.
Do you all drink any coffee/caffeine?
I felt very dizzy, after my first Moderna shot. For about 8 days afterwards. Not sure if I will get the second. Most likely not. it seemed to get a little better after I stopped drinking all caffeine completely. Caffeine seems to have made it worse. It let up a little once I stopped.
@dawnant43 I also had a lot of tingling in my head during the first 3-4 weeks of the vertigo. Such a strange feeling.
Hi. I've been feeling dizzy beith vertigo as well. I thought it was just inner ear stuff. How long has it lasted for you? Has it gone away? Is there a number we can call? I've already emailed my doctor.
yes... if you can see my post here from the 8th, which is my only post yet, I had debilitating vertigo for days.
Went to ENT who dx w Vestibular neuritis, he said it’s not vaccine relate. He followed up w he wants me to get the second vaccine. His reasoning that it’s not vaccine related is it began on morning of March 8th and I had vaccine evening of March 4th.
Boyfriend is a neurologist, he thought it’s my BPV, did Eply maneuver, made it worse and thought I needed to do verstibular exercises. He was wrong ANY movement made it worse and I became even more exhausted.
GOOD NEWS: Today is first day w zero dizziness! The longest two weeks of my life... no hyperbole, I run a company and felt like I was losing my mind and body, couldn’t cook, barely able to walk, no driving for a week, had boyfriend drive to my house while I laid in back seat on my back, eyes closed.
yes if you can see my post here from the 8th, which is my only list yet, I had debilitating vertigo for days. Went to ENT who dx w Vestibular neuritis, he said it’s not vaccine relate. He followed up w he wants me to get the second vaccine. His reasoning that it’s not vaccine related is it began on morning of March 8th and I had vaccine evening of March 4th. Boyfriend is a neurologist, he thought it’s my BPV, did Eply maneuver, made it worse and thought I needed to do verstibular exercises. He was wrong ANY movement made it worse and I became even more exhausted.
I received the Moderna vaccine almost 3 weeks ago on 3/3. That night my upper arm was quite painful, but it started getting better the next day. I had headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain for a few days. On 3/5 I suddenly developed severe vertigo and nystagmus. Even while laying down with my eyes shut my eyes were flipping back and forth and I was very nauseated from my sensation of violently spinning in the dark. I had one episode of this 6 months prior to this and tried the Epley maneuver. That made me vomit, I went to sleep and was better the next morning. This time I tried the Epley maneuver again, but I have continued to have dizziness and nausea and have had bouts of vertigo and nystagmus for 3 weeks now. I thought I was improving after a week, but then had another severe episode. After that I went to my clinic and they had me talk to someone from the "Covid team". First she chided me for not paying attention to the vaccine handout they'd given me listing dizziness as a side effect, but when I read it again the only place it said that was in the section about an immediate severe allergic reaction. Then she asked about the timeline of my symptoms again and said that after 12 days my problem was not now from the vaccine. I was seen in the clinic and was diagnosed with "Adverse Effect of other Viral Vaccines". Blood and urine tests showed very low Vitamin D (have started a weekly prescription supplement) and high Cholesterol results. Hard to believe I have ongoing high cholesterol because I usually eat a quite low fat diet to keep my gall bladder from attacks, but I did eat higher fat the day before and had an attack the night before my tests. Also, the lymph nodes in my neck were enlarged and have become tender over the last few days, so an ultrasound to check them is to be scheduled. The last few days I had some mild sensory changes around my ear and eye - feelings of something touching them and aching and thought I had a cold sore on my lower eyelid that itches and burns and ached, but today my optometrist thought it was a plugged oil gland. Also, I found out today I've had possible recent exposure to Covid, so I'll go to a group testing in the morning. I've gotten to where I'm not having as much vertigo and nystagmus, and I can manage my dizziness by limiting how much and how quickly I move, but I feel like it takes all my concentration to do that, so I try to celebrate anything I can accomplish beyond that. I was advised to cancel my appointment for the second Moderna vaccine and I don't plan to get any more any time. I am seeing new articles today correlating vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss with Covid infection. It seems that many of the admitted side effects of the Covid vaccine are some of the same symptoms of Covid infection, so maybe there will eventually be admissions of correlation of many of the symptoms we've been sharing here. In the meantime I so appreciate the information and support we're able to offer each other here!
@thenystagmus I also have nystagmus, vertigo and developed double vision post vaccine. I have hope that vertigo and nystagmus may improve with vestibular PT. Still trying to solve why double vision happened 5 weeks post vaccine. Prayers!
Oh wow, double vision on top of everything else... prayers, for sure! That must be really difficult! I'm being seen in a reduced cost clinic by an APRN, so I'd be surprised if I get referred for vestibular PT. I'm just glad to have gotten validation for my symptoms being related to my vaccination. Since I was sick a year ago and this is my fifth round of swollen neck glands since then, I'll be interested in the results of the ultrasound of my lymph nodes, although I expect it to be deemed related to the vaccine also. When I was sick in March last year with an URI I tested negative for strep and flu types A & B. They weren't doing Covid tests yet, but I wonder if I had it then, especially after having such a strong reaction to the Moderna vaccine. It's being reported that those that have had Covid infection are likely to experience increased side effects when receiving the vaccine. Although in the US it's become recommended to get vaccinated after having Covid infection, there's controversy over whether they need to get the second dose, or even the first one.